Friday, December 26, 2008

Fast Forward

I am really bad. I haven't written in two months. Everything is going well. I got two B+, and two B's for my grades this semester. I wanted higher, but it is only my first semester. Maybe my next one will be better. Horses have been a lot of fun. I have been able to ride my Snake for a whole month. That is really rare. Usually we switch from the green horses to the experts. Christmas was good and I got money, movies, jewelry, and a really cool samurai shirt. I am going to a new year's eve party and it is five days away. I have an outfit for it. I am going to a friends house that day before and I get to sleepover. I also am seeing quite a few friends now that I am on break. I don't have to go to school until the 26 of Jan. My last final was on the 10th of this month. Cool huh. Well for me it is. All of those guys who have to go back to school it isn't. I hope I like all of my classes. I'm planning on looking for my books earlier this year too. One of my teachers all ready has a book list out. I should have looked for the books earlier, but it was during finals week and I was concentrating on that. I'm going to groove to my music. Hopefully I will talk sooner than I was.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Blog Deprived

I have been neglecting my blog readers, if there are any left. Most are so concentrated on facebook that my blog will go obsolete. Anyway. I get to have midsemester break which means that I have five days to not go to school, friday, saturday, sunday, monday, and tuesday. I think that tomorrow when I get to go home, I will stop off at school and see if I can find my friends. I want to surprise them. I told them that I would show up on monday or tuesday. Maybe I can even see my spanish teacher. That would be cool, except that I can not remember much spanish. I haven't heard any of it in about a year. Well I will leave you all for I have some reading that I have to so for my Tai Chi class.

Adios amigo hasta luego.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rainy fall, colorful umbrella

It is raining all week and I am going to be wet at school. Or more to the fact that my my backpack will be wet. I need to get a bigger umbrella so that it will cover my computer. Maybe I will find one that is really funky with lots of colors. I saw one at waly world that was rainbow colors. I think that when I go back to school I will get it.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Dilly Dallians Strike Again (dilly dallying meet starswars)

Today is a glorious day in the land of dilly dally, where all the dilly dallians(just me) are facebooking and blogging pointless things when I should be doing school work. The weather is pleasant outside for the few hours in which I have walked out to go to my next class. Soon I will have to leave again so that I can meet my advisor for school. Maybe he will be a cool guy. I think that I will start to read some homework now before I get off my beautiful derrire.

Monday, September 15, 2008

New Friend

I have made a new friend today in my 357 history class. Her name is Christine. Now I know three people with a variation of the name. We are both laptop geeks. Right now we are sitting in the library "so called" working on them if that is what you call it.

Finally I have become toasty with my body temp. I go from freezing cold outside to boiling hot on the inside. My last class was the worst. Tomorrow will be even more worse than the last one because it is in Hartwell. That building, I swear, has the windows nailed shut. So it is pure torture to be sitting in there for and hour and a half. They could have air conditioning on in there with the temperature that it is at right now. What is it going to be like in the winter?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sometimes I wish that I had a printer that hooked up to my computer so that I would not have to wait for a computer that was open. I have to print out homework for my class on friday. I might just have to go downstairs and wait for one in the line so that I can have a turn.

Today I put all of my syllabi together so that I could see when everything was due on a month to month basis. It worked out really well because now I can plan on when I am going to start working on papers and other project type things. I gave myself enough time so that I would not have too many running into each other. I think that for three of my classes the essays won't be that bad, but it will be the other one with the evil teacher that I am worried about. I think that they will be harder. At least all I have to do with hers is to send it through email. That means that I will not have to worry about the printing problem.

I have been watching the guys working in the library. They are doing something with a snake. They put it into the walls and fanagle with it. There are coils of different colored wire. But I think that they are done now because I don't hear anything except my music. That is one thing that I notice. Everyone had ear buds on with their ipods. What I find the most annoying is that friends will be talking to each other while listening to their music. The socialization skills are bumped down. How do they manage to comprehend and act on what the other is saying. I know when I try to do that I have trouble listening to both at once. Maybe that is why everyone here seems to be standoffish.

Well I am going to go. A computer with a printer opened up and I want to get it before someone else does.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Blog Loneliness

I think that I am the only one who writes on a blog anymore. I don't get any comments like I used too. But of course I haven't done much of myself for writing comments. I think that facebook took over that.

School is the same as it was the first week, though I have met a new friend. Her name is Delisia. I am not sure about the spelling of it, but I just have to add a d sound to katie's friend's name up the street and I have it. Well I should get back to my schoolwork.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Archie Comics

Go to
Everyone in school will get a kick out of it.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

If My Nose Was Running Money

I heard this when I was out in Wapak this summer. His play on words are great. Hope you enjoy just as much as the audience did.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Third Day Of Classes

Okay, now I am feeling somewhat depressed because I haven't been able to see my best friends in the whole world for about several weeks. But hopefully that will change. Sara is suppose to come tomorrow to see me. We are going on the town for her birthday, but I think that it is going to rain on us. That won't be fun. Well then this friday I get to go home and ride horses. Plus see some friends there who haven't started school yet. I am bummed out about that. But any who, I have to get going. I want to stay ahead in my reading for my classes because I have so many pages to read. Talk to you all later.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well I think that I am going to have a few awful teachers this semester. I could tell from the first moment that I laid eyes on them. I am going to be knee deep in work all the time from the reading load. A memo to all those who take history classes, never take three in one semester. If I balance myself out I could be okay. I hope! Well at least I finally figured out how to get online in the library. It was being a pain earlier when I was here. I am going to leave everyone with a horror shock about how school is with all the work that they show you the first time and driving around. That part is not so bad. MCC students are worse then here. Got to go. Talk to everyone some other time.


Friday, August 22, 2008

School Starts

I don't want to go to school next week. I want to be able to have another week of summer like the rest of my friends. But sadly that is not to be. At least I know where all of my classes are. That is a relief. I just need to remember where to part. I have a resident parking pass, even though I am I commuter. They didn't look to see if I was staying at the dorms. I'm not for this semester, thankfully. I might have to find some other place to stay eventually, but I don't have to worry about that until later. Well I am going to go and get something else to eat.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Rollback,Broken Jumps,Skin Chunks,Snogging

I did the best jumps in the entire universe today at horses. Snake was so happy after the harder jumps. I did a rollback and a broken jump. I liked it a lot. I wasn't actually sure if I would be able to do those jumps, but I did. It was really fun. I am getting to be really good on him now that I have been riding him all the time.

Yesterday when I was helping dad scrape the paint off the house, I jabbed the scraper into my finger. So now it is a pain in the finger to type and I have to be light when I hit the 's' button. I think that It will scar because it is a v-shaped cut. Oh, well. I will live. Now my left hand will be the scar hand.

But the biggest news would be that I have been snogged yesterday. And I will leave it at that.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Horses 3 Times

I get to ride horses three times this week. I am so thrilled. I went today and had a good ride. Snake was a bit pokey, but I didn't care that much, because I will have to work hard on Friday when I have my lesson. Then I get to go tomorrow as well. The most fun part is cantering, but then afterwards when I take off his bridle, he rubs his head against my back. He does that too when I take his halter off. He also loves to eat the huge carrots that I give him. I also helped out with the Penfield Rec program that was going on after I rode. Then on Sunday it is heave ho to Allegheny State Park for camping. We will be there for a whole week and I won't have internet. I won't be able to tell everyone about my really neat trip until I come home. I suppose that is for the best because then I can get in a lot of reading and outdoor activities.I plan on swimming, hiking ad maybe biking. My biggest fun is that a possible cute guy will be there. (Corners of mouth curl into a small smile while eyes light up.)

So we sifted the last amount of stones this morning and are adding stones to the garden now. But we are going to have to thin out some of the stones because there is not enough, and we cannot get less than two cubic yards of stones. That will be too much stones to deal with, not to mention that we won't have enough space to put them. So onward we will move stone until it is done. It means that this week before we go away it will be done. Then I get to paint the north side of the house with dad. I don't think I have worked this much in any of the summers that I have lived through. At least while I am scrapping, which is my favorite part, I can listen to music on my ipod. That will keep me occupied . The other good thing is that that side of the house in the shade. I won't die of the sun pounding down on all parts of me until the sweat drips down in buckets. Trust me, it is not a pretty sight. So basically I have no summer left because school starts the twenty fifth of August. That means I still need to get my books. Crap! Just another thing I have to deal with. Maybe if I get out of horses early tomorrow I can see if the used text book place near me has the books. That way I won't have to go all the way to Brockport to get them. Yuck! I hate the fact that it is about forty minutes from the house. I would really like to just live at home instead of at school. I am a home body, can't you tell.

The really good thing about it getting closer to school, is that I will be able to see my friend Clara. We are going to the Reniassance Festival, and she is also going to the same school that I am going to. I will not be the only one the id freaking out at the first day of school. I have to make new friends. I am terrible at that. Everyone who knows me must be saying "What! You terrible at making friends. You are so bubbly and outgoing," Well that may be true, but not at making friends. I work better if someone else does the talking, and I jump in. My favorite way of doing this is in class. I bring a book where ever I go because I am a nerd and love to read. Then while everyone thinks that I am reading and being antisocial, I eavesdrop on the conversations around me. That seems to work the best for me. It will be really hard, because I haven't had to make new friends like this for ten years. I knew a whole bunch of people at MCC, so it was no biggy. I know just Clara. I saw a few other people that I know there, but all of us are going for different degrees. So if I see them, it will be a miracle. At least I have a few of their emails. I will have the computer down there and I can send them things.

Well, I am going to go eat dinner because I am starving. I haven't had anything since 12:30. Everyone knows that I eat every two to three hours. So adios, and good tidings to all.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Where the Hell is Matt?

I know I have put up a lot of vids for my past post, but this one was really cool. I was looking for something else on youtube, when I saw this pic of native guy. I saw the title of Where the Hell... and I just had to find out what it was. The best parts of this vid, are of the children laughing and smiling. It made me feel connected to all the people in the world. Check it out.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

Secret Lovers

I thought that this was really funny, so much that I was tearing. I watch Naruto way too much.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

VBS Week

This week is VBS week and so far it is going okay. On Thursday we are going to go swimming in Mimi's pool after VBS is done in the morning. The snacks are good, though not as yummy as the snacks that mom made. We get healthy snacks. I am surprised that the kids actually eat it because I know that when I was that age, I never wanted to eat that stuff. But now I don't care what the food is. When I am hungry, I eat it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Deep Fried Shrimp

Tonight we are going out to eat at some fish place. I heard the word shrimp and that hooked me. Shrimp is my all time favorite food to eat. I just love it. I wonder how they will cook it? Maybe it will be deep fried. I think that if I lived near an ocean, that I would be eating shrimp a lot more than I do now. It is just too expensive to eat it all the time. I think that it is up to about $10 a pound. That's all because of the shipping that has to be done to sent it across the state. I bet though that all food is going up because of the cost of gas. I think that the only too good times that I had shrimp was in Boston and at the Daisy Flour Mill. In Boston we had them fresh right off the sea that day. We even ate them on the beach. The Daisy Flour Mill shrimp was drenched in butter, garlic, cheese, and whatever else. It was the best thing in the whole world. I wish that it wasn't just for big groups of people. Anyway why am I still talking about shrimp, oh duh, I am going to hopefully eat some tonight.

On a different note, there are pictures of the rock garden that I just put on. I suppose that I could put more one, but I think that three is enough for now. Maybe later I will add more. That place is so cool. He has celebrities that come there. He is going to have Johnny Depp, and Jenifer Love Hewit there. It is so cool. I can't say it enough. It is like a giant rock climbing park. It would be a great place to play hide and seek or a scavenger hunt. I could even see it in an eye spy book or game.

Well tootles and Hobey Ho,

from the traveling wizard


Rock Garden

Remember when I said that I would put pictures of the rock garden. Well here is a few that I took. Have fun climbing.

Hobey Ho

Thursday, July 10, 2008

M Cubed, Currents, Linzer Tarts, Flowers, and Gnats

The weather is finally cool. Today I pick currents with KT and Aunt Helen. Hopefully we will be going to the library where we can get a movie to watch tonight and for tomorrow. Then I think we will be going to the card shop. I found out that their library has a system on the net just like the one at home. It looks like it would be east to use, unlike the one in monroe county. That is for the birds. Sometimes it works, and other times it doesn't. I just lost my train of thought. I really hate that because then I start on a tangent until I can remember what I was going to say. Duh, now I remember. I finished my manga Kare Kano, and I started up again with The Golden Cord. But it started to get interesting, and the main character finds out that his cousin, or some relative of his was murdered. That made me think of the murder mysteries. M cubed; murder, mystery, and mayhem. That always makes a good story to read. But those stories are also hard to write, in my opinion. One would almost have to write out a rode map to find out how everything would connect in the end.

Yesterday dad and I were singing on the front porch until the gnats started to go nuts on us. They kept getting in my ears and eyes. I have never figured out why they do that. What is the point? Their brains are to small to say 'I am going to fly in that person's eye just to annoy them'. I am surprised they have enough brian to know when to mate. The only thing that I can think of is that they do that because they are looking for a moist place to be.

Let's see, I took Sarah to the flower shop after lunch. She had made and arrangement today of roses and hydrangeas. The roses were a bunch of different colors. They looked like the sunset, and the hydrangeas were blue. That is because they were in acid for awhile. With those types of plants, the more acidic the soil is, the blues and purples come out. If there isn't acid in the soil, they stay pink. She also has done some arrangements with silk flowers. I am assuming that she will put them on her myspace, facebook, and blog when we got home.

Dad is making a linzer tart, and it is going to have apricots and a hint of lemon in it. I think that it tastes pretty good, but some could say otherwise. I think that it will be ready for us to eat tonight for dessert.

I also think that I am a bit darker than I was when I left. Or maybe it is just my imagination. I do know that my henna is slowly disappearing from my arm. I wish that I brought some with me so that I could add more here. It would keep my occupied for a bit, but then I would have to find a cool place to leave it or it will get gross.

Now dad is putting the crust in the spring pan for the tart. It tastes the best when it is still soft and not baked. Well I am going to bore everyone to death with saying things as 'dad has done such and such with the tart' so I am going to leave everyone until I write again.

Hobey Ho


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hot, Thundry, Day

Yesterday, KT and I went swimming at the water park. But we were only in for a bit because there were so many people. I went down the cork screw water slide, and I went under the fish that spray water. Our second cousin Rachel went with us too. We all got something to eat there. We decided to come back around 3. KT and I hung up the towels on the line outside because they were still a bit wet. Inside we played pounce for about a hour because then there was a hung thunder storm. Dad even played, though it seemed that he was a party pooper about it. That would be because I won almost every time. Dinner was turkey tetrazini. Yummy, yummy. After dinner Rachel came back and we went with her dad to the Rock Garden. This rock garden is the so cool. If the weather is okay we might go back today to get pics. If we get any, I hope to put them on here. This guy has bought up property and made this garden so people can look at the stuff. There is a temple in the center and I climbed up and down that temple. Rachel showed Sarah and I the other part that was surrounded in vines. It reminded me of a faerie garden. There were all types of stones. I saw ones that glaciers had gouged out, I saw magma, and stones that came from buildings that no longer exist, some were from head stones that fell over. Then finally, we watched The Bucket List. I really liked this movie. Then I went to bed. Of course, throughout the day I am reading Kare Kano. I am on book 13. While I do the reading, KT is watching the food network. That is mostly all she wants to watch. I don't understand her or Sarah. Instead of watching something with action, then choose to watch that. Ugg. I get so tired of hearing about food. You can't eat any of it. What is the point. If I watch it, I get hungry, and then I want food. Preferably the stuff that they are making, but unless they come up with a way to get food out of the tv, I am not going to be able to eat this stuff, unless I make it myself.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Wapakoneta, Ohio


Writing from Wapakoneta, Ohio. For all who don't know, that is where I am for my vaca. So far everything is okay. The temp is just right, and the dinner I had tonight was so good. Hamburgers, corn, salad, dill pickles, peaches, pears, and oreos. By the way, the corn, fruit and pickles are all home grown and the best in the entire world. Well you are probably like 'okay, so why is she down there,' well, we are down here because Sarah wants to work in our cousin's florist shop. It is so cool. It has our name in it. So while she works for the week, KT and I get to do whatever. I will probably watch tv, read, and do stuff on my mac. If it gets hot enough, there is also a pool within walking distance to swim at. It cools you off, but sometimes it is boring with just the two of us. At least there is good food for us to eat.

Well for a rehash of what I did for that last past few days is commencing. On Thursday I was at Clara's house creating my Renaissance Festival dress. The two of us plan to go together but we just have to set up the time for that. I finished mine, but I still have to see what Clara's dress will look like. I know what the colors will be, but I will be surprised about the whole thing. I can't wait.

Friday, the beautiful fourth, was awesome. We spent the time with the Jutsums. First there was the parade at two, and then swimming, followed by food and games, which was finished with fireworks. I sat next to Ian while he took pics of them. I also gave him some cool pics by twirling my glow sticks around. They looked like a nova was bursting out of the dark.

Saturday, we left and slowly managed to get to today and where we are now. So that is what has been happening. I'll update some more when tomorrow comes, or maybe later in the week.

P.S. I have a new story that I am writing and I am thinking about putting it on the blog when it is done, but I have a way to go before I actually feel that it is ready for the world to see.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Garden Stones

Okay, so for the past two days, we have been digging up the stones in the vegie garden, and sifting the dirt out of them. Then once it is all done, we will do that to the other herb garden. All the herb garden's stones will go in the vegie garden and the stone pile in the driveway will go in the herb garden. All I know, is that it is a pain to do it. It is hot, muddy, sore work, and I think that it will take ten years for it all to be done. On the good side, we only have one more row to go in the vegie garden. We get up in the morning to do all this work, although, so far we haven't been able to get up early enough to not get to exhausted by the heat. Maybe tomorrow we will be up even earlier than before. Well, I am going to go watch some more Naruto Shippuuden now.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Superman Website

Yesterday, while at the library, I found this website about Superman. Is shows all the news and updates. It even has a part about Smallville. So this post is going to be dedicated to Superman.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Cool Facts

The average time it takes for a complete human blink is about 300 to
400 milliseconds or 3/10ths to 4/10ths of a second.

Pictures appear upside down on the back of the eye and the brain turns in upright to what we see.

55 percent of people will yawn within five minutes of seeing someone else yawn.

Cheetahs can run up to 70mph!!

The blue whale is the largest mammal on earth at 110 feet in comparison to the smallest mammal on earth the Kitli's Hog-nosed Bat at 1.14-1.3 inches long.

There are 4260 mammals known on the planet.

Washington DC was designed by Pierre L'Enfant.

The largest dinosaur is the Diplodocus at 60 tons and 60 feet tall. It is named Sauroposeidon, which means "earthquake god lizard"

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Graduation Day

Today I will graduate from MCC with my Associates Degree. I am thrilled. I would say that that is the most exciting thing that will happen today. I mostly read all day long and I finished my vampire story that I was working on. I also went outside today because it was so nice out. Last night I watched Down With Love. It is absolutely hilarious. Since this is the second time that I am watching it, I got more of the sex jokes that they put in there. One of my favorite parts is when Catcher and his boss are in his office. Catcher has gotten new socks that don't need garters to hold them up. So he and his boss are talking about the socks in general terms. The ditz of a secretary finds the intercom button into the office and overhears the conversation. But she thinks that they are talking about Catcher's Saint Rocco. When they come out of the office, she has fainted. I died with laughter at this part. The movie unto itself is corny, but it is really good to see if you are down.

Monday, May 26, 2008

warm and sunny

Today is such a nice day. I helped with gardening this morning. We planted the Dalias and edged the bricks around the vegie garden. I also replanted some of the Cosmos plants as well. Dad said that it is going to be in the eighties today. It is close to that with the sun up and out. Let's see, tomorrow Katie is leaving for washington dc and I won't have to see her for four days. Horrah for me; one less person to cook for, or clean laundry, and more time for me to get on the computer. For all the sci-fi readers out there, John Christopher writes the Tripod series and they are really good. I read them once a long time ago and I picked them up again. I highly recommend them.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Really Long Time

I haven't written anything on here for a very long time. Now that I have done some homework I have decided to update as a treat to myself.
Let's see, I am officially going to SUNY Brockport in the fall and Dad has paid so that I can get a dorm. I really don't want to stay in the dorms. I would actually rather stay in a house or my own apartment down there. I don't know why living by myself down there doesn't scare me, but living in a dorm does more. Maybe it won't be so bad, but I am still dreading it.
This sunday I will be in my first horse competition. I hope that it will be very fun. It is just a barn show, which means that it won't be as big as some of the other competitions that go on, and it is not as expensive. I am going to pay for most of it and then work the rest off.
While I am writing this I am also eating pot stickers. They taste really good at the moment because I am hungry. I ate dinner tonight, but I wasn't enough I guess.
Dad and I went to church tonight and there was a lot of things going on at the church. I counted four big things. The church was filled with some sort of rally I think, a conference maybe. Then the Gospel choir was practicing in the chapel. The church had its own group going on and then we were up in celebration hall for our mass. Thursday night mass is usually a small number of people so we easily fit in there.
Well I am tired so goodnight.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jarabe de Palo

This means cough syrup stick. It is a song that we were singing in Spanish class. Well the song is by those guys. The song is Bonito. It is the first song on my music at the bottom of my blog. My friends find it annoying because it gets stuck in their heads. Here is a random thought, reading the Japanese manga from left to right is much better than reading normally. I really like it because it is challenging.

Adios PTC

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Walter for Pres

This is for all those who knows how Walter acts. I saw vote for Walter for president or something like that an my sides hurt now, like they normally do when I watch those type of things. And I have completely lost my thought. Walter is so bad. Tonight I hope Smallville and Supernatural will be on. I have only seen reruns for the last past weeks which I have taped. It is such a bummer to find out that you have taped a rerun. It just ruins the whole day.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Scissor Sisters

I was at Clara's house last saturday and she showed me this really cool group called the scissor sisters. The music video was really weird, but at the same time it was cool. They remind me of the Beegee's. They sing really high in their falseto tones.

Well I have homework that I have to do. Adios.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tubthumping, What is Love,I feel good

It's a Tiffani

Yesterday I sent out my essay for NYSTAA scholarship program. It would be really cool if I won it, but I am sure that there are better writers out there than me. I am so out of practice that I had to take all the time to write it. But now it is out of the way and I don't have to stress about it anymore. While I was doing the final touches on it I at a half moon cookie and after as well. I was so stressed that I didn't notice the chocolate frosting on the cookie, which I don't particularly care for. I should have had Tiffani with me to keep me going. At least I saw her before I left. I get a high with her around. I think it is a symbiotic relationship twix the two of us. So instead of getting high on drugs, I get high on Tiffani's personality because she is bubbly.

I get to sing on Sunday. It will also be the last time before Kathy's surgery. I have candles for her which I am going to give to her after she is at home for awhile when I go to visit.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Snow Storming on Tuesday night is unorthodox

Apparently I can't spell Rochester from my previous blog. I forgot the "h". But I changed it. Now no one will know.

It has not stopped snowing since this morning. The car is going to be covered in snow by the time that I get out when I leave at four o'clock. That gives me a half and hour. Let's see teaching spanish class wasn't that bad because I didn't do much talking but we have to teach the first thing for the next chapter. It is a list of a bunch of words for touring places I think so we are going to get pictures of the different things and put them next to the words and see who can get them. This will be interesting. Hopefully it works.

Now in the complaint corner: Every time there is a snow storm it is always on a day when I go to the library. This will be the third time. The only good thing about that is there should be enough snow to go snowshoeing. Yea!!! I have only gone three times this winter and that is just unacceptable. This is Rochester, we are suppose to have a bunch of snow. At least that is what I remember from when I was little. Speaking of snow, when I was a grandma's this weekend, they had a least a foot of it. We even saw a picture of me when I must have been about three years old. I was playing in the snow with grandpa and we made a snow man with rocks for eyes and buttons. His arms were made out of sticks. I was so cute.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm tired of Rochester Grey!

We are back from grandma's house yesterday afternoon. I drove for half way or so before my eyeballs felt like they were going to explode out of my head. Then dad took over. Today I went back to school and I sort of dragged through it all. It usually takes me a few days to get back into the swing of things after not being there for awhile. For me it is better if I get two days off. One day I would use to do all the homework and the other would be for the break. Then it is not such a burden going back. Right now I am still a bit tired, probably from reading for too long, and also I was reading a book where a friend died and that just made me depressed which also doesn't help my tiredness. Actually I think that it makes me even more tired.

Today's weather was awesome. It was warmer than it has been in awhile. But I heard that a storm is coming tomorrow, or something like that. Well we do have about a month and a half before Rochester feels like spring. I think in general March is the hardest month for me to go through because by then I am so tired of seeing snow that I just want to strangle it if the snow was a person. I mean it snows, then melts the next day. The snow turns to brown slush and everything is just horrible. Not to mention that the temperature fluctuation makes me more susceptible to sickness. I have the same problem when fall is turning into winter. On a happier note, The Sarah Chronicles are on tonight. That will be a stimulant for my adrenaline.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Icy Yard and Wonder Woman

Today Annie and Lucy came over, well actually last night and they stayed for a sleep over. We played pounce, james bond, and some other games. They also did garage band with Sarah and Katie. I even did the voice of Snape in one. Now I have just finished putting songs on my blog, except they didn't get in the order that I wanted, so I think that it needs some time to fix it into the right way. I will look tomorrow and if not I will go and see why.

I looked out in the yard and it is all icy where the standing water was. It is very slippery on those spots because I slipped on some in a neighbors yard so I assumed that it would be just as slippery in ours. It is clear black yuck.

Well I read more of my manga and I am almost done reading the last wonder woman comic that I got from fairpot library. I find it interesting that compared to the other comic heroes, she isn't liked as much. The women are always jealous of her, either because they feel that there lives were harder and that surviving makes them eligible, or it is because they want to have a gorgeous body like hers. But she also seems to pick up a lot of people with grudges on her. Then of course they try to take her out and she gets them instead. People are always trying to toy with the people she loves more often then other superhereos. She also has a tie to the island where she is from and the real world. If she does something for the one, the other gets bent out of shape and throws a fit.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Snoopy's Cousin Spike

Depressing Day

Today the sun didn't come out. I was depressed. But I did get to feed the cats at our friend's house because they are away in Allegany State Park. I also went shopping with dad to the grocery stores. Then I played games and finally I am waiting patiently for dinner. I am hungry and Katie needs to figure out how to do it. If she doesn't do it soon I am going to get heart burn. Got to go for now. Homework to do.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Hola! Como estas? Hoy mire los incedibles en el club de espanol a colegio. Entonces escribe un essay para mi beca esta yo quiero. Manana tengo que ir a clase de salud en la manana y entonces a clase de espanol donde tres de nosotros tenemos que ensenar parte de la clase. Pienso que je estoy esta tambien. Hoy mi amigas y yo miramos Achmed el muerto terrorista despues clases. Lo era diversion.

Monday, February 11, 2008

No school for normally people, heaven forbid if mcc closes!

So I get to school right, and I open the car door. A torrent of bitter cold wind blows in my face. Which makes me scramble to the other side of the car so I could grab my bag. That was the worst five minute walk into school. I had my hat pulled way down, my scarf up over my nose, and my collar pulled up as I hunched up my shoulders to keep some of that wind out of my neck. My ears still froze, my face felt like it was going to fall off, and my nose hairs froze and felt crinkly when I breathed in. I even wore wind breakers over my pants and long johns. It was not pleasant. Naturally when I left for home, it wasn't as bad. Sometimes I wish that I could apparate wherever I wanted because then I would never get cold going to school. Actually apparating anywhere would be nice. We wouldn't have to have cars and used gas or oil. But first we would have to figure out how to do that. Even though everyone else didn't have to go to school I did. Freezing my butt off.

Let's see on a happier note the Sarah Chronicles are on tonight in about a bit more than a half of an hour. I am excited, and the other good thing is that I got to read some more of my book called eclipse. I want to finish it so that I can take it to the library tomorrow when I go. Speaking of tomorrow, I and two more in my group have to teach unconditional occurances, or accidents that you are trying to blame on someone else or the object. And it just so happens that in spanish you can do that. Cool huh?

Yesterday I was excited because I found music from my three favorite animes; naruto, bleach, and samurai champloo. I added the music onto my blog and I have been listening to them a much as possible during the day, which was after classes and now while I am writing this. Now I just lost my train of thought. Oh now I remember, I watched MASH tonight on the halmark channel and got a good laugh. I didn't do too much laughing outwardly because I think I picked something up. I got a sore throat on friday and I still have it. I'm not sure what it is so I am trying to drink a bunch of fluids and such on coughdrops. What hurts the most is when I swallow. That's why I think that it might be more than just a normal sore throat, plus I am draining with a slight stuffed nose or flip flop depending on if I am moving or not. I just hope that whatever I have is not going to keep me from going to school. I cannot miss any day because of all the work I have to do. This semester I have to do my best to get my GPA up to a 3.7. I went down to a 3.6 and I want to keep my grade high for my transfer to Brockport. I have been just rambling on and on. This sounds like my journal. I do that there too.

Well signing off for now. I hope that everyone is doing okay and enjoying themselves in this cold month of february.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Freezing Cold

Today Dad and I went out to BJ's to get things for the house and it was freezing cold. The wind is like walking through a freezer with bitter icicles thrown at you. Anyway, now I am home where the room temperature is more hospitable. I finish my homework for monday and printed that out so now I can do whatever on the computer. Which will probably be just this and maybe editing some things on the other part of my blog.

Adios and all stay warm.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Getting to School

Today was a pain in the prat to get to school. The roads were icky and there was too many cars for the road. Of course because of this, it makes it ten times harder to get through the can of worms. It is a pain in general to get through there when the weather is good. But school was okay. I have all of my school work that needs to be done for tomorrow. I have to leave early tomorrow too after school so I can get all ten stalls cleaned. Dragging the bags of shavings is going to be hard too by myself. Ick. But that is what I get for not going to horses last week because of the weather. I plan to get there early and I shouldn't have too much problems because I will be able to move faster because the horses are outside. Well got to go for now.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

wizard swears

I changed my mind about the youtube video that I said that I wasn't going to put on here. Now I am.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

FYI Mystical Music

I have music at the bottom of my blog if anyone wants to see it. I have to figure out how to fix it so the music comes on when you get into my blog. I had it this way because I figure that it would be easier and less annoying, but now I regret it. But fyi check it out and I might have a song on there that you like.


A Long Post

Let's see. I haven't updated for a bit because I just haven't had the time, but now that I do, I can hopefully say something worth wild. For starters I had a great time in both of my classes this morning and I have written a rough draft of what I might say for my essay in the scholarships that I am appling too. I have one written for school and I just need a recommendation letter from some teachers which I will get when I give them an idea on what I am writing the essay about. Well that was a bit confusing. This next part won't be.
Remember that huge snow stormish thing that we got on friday. Well it is a good thing that I normally give myself an hour to get to school because it took me forty minutes to get to school when it normally takes me fifteen. I was driving the new car and with the amount of snow on the road, it was a bit difficult. I didn't realize this until later that morning, but because I was concentrating so hard on the driving that morning, that my arm was sore because I gripped the wheel so much. I think that it was smart that I had music on so that I stayed sane. I absolutely hate driving when the roads are that bad. But you know what bugs me the most about all that snow, a bunch of schools closed, and it was advised for people not to be driving, yet they still didn't close down Mcc. Mcc is never ever closed. Even in the really worst situations. I think that that is ridiculous. Anyway, enough complaining.
I'm thinking of having a harrypotter discussion sometime at my house. All those in favor contact me with days and times that are the best for them. I know that two Jutsums are probably interested and if they need a ride I can do that.
Oh I found this really funny youtube video that I might put on the blog, but I think that it would be better if I just give the address because then it won't be posted all over. Its not that it is bad, it is just probably not something that I would normally put on this blog. There now anyone who wants to see something extremely funny then they can.
Well I am going to go because it is almost four and I am still at school. I want to leave before the rush hour trafic hits.

Hasta Luego

Monday, January 28, 2008

No Snowflakes

I started writing this blog and Sara asked if I was going to write about her and I said does it really matter, and well you know the rest. I'm writing one right now. Let's see, I just finished my history class. My Ethics class was canceled this morning so I didn't have to go to it. I saw Tiffany today and she brightened up my day as usual. Now I have no idea what I want to write about now. Oh, oh, oh, I know. I saw Dave today and he is still just as cute as he was last friday, except today his hair is slicked back today. It looks a bit strange, but it is still good. I can also see it now that Leah, if she is reading this, is rolling her eyes. Sara is probably too. Anything else, yup, I have most of my pants done. I just have to add a waist band and unbaste some parts and then hem it up. I hope that I can wear it tomorrow if I finish it.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Crazy Pants

I went to Joann's and they were having a sale on material and I found this one kind that would make awesome pants, and that is what I am doing tonight. I was hoping to have them done for tomorrow, but I guess that that won't be happening due to the fact that I am only part way done. I suppose that if I stop writing now that I would be able to finish them.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Normal Saturday

Today I did chores and Homework. That was pretty much it, besides playing with Sarah and Cathy when she came over. Of course Monk played with us and I think that she is a bad luck charm because Sarah didn't win many game when all three of us played. Well, I think that I am going to watch some Naruto on youtube now.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

All the Small Things- Shikamaru

I love the song and I thought that it would be really cool if I could find the song with one of my favorite anime. This one with Shikamaru was good and it got some cute pics of him in the process.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


This morning I woke up at seven thirty so that we could get to choir rehearsal before mass. This mass was to celebrate Martin Luther King. So what we did was start singing in the audience and come up onto the stage for the song after the Homily. It was interesting to do it that way. The homily that the man did was perfect for the spot that we were on. Hochstein used to be a church and Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass spoke and had their funerals at that spot. Before it was a church Amy and Issac Post house stood there where Sojourner Truth stayed one night. These people used to be on the route to freedom for slaves. Anyway this homily was how race hinders people acting as a community. It is one of those homilies that you need to be there to get the impact. It is also one of the few homilies that hit home with me. It was really good. Then after church, Dad and I went to Wegmans, finally picking up Katie at youth group. Then Dad, Rosa, and I went to find the Music Lover''s Shop because it moved from its previous location. It is in a house now, which is much smaller. I got my music book that had all of my favorite songs. I had misplaced my older one. So then from then to just before I started writing this that I played almost every single song in that book. I want to get better because I saw there Reliant K's music for their new cd "Five Score and Seven Years Ago" I want to be able to play my favorite song from that disc on the piano.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Guess what. I got accepted at Brockport. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I don't think that I will be too bad to live either on or off campus. At first it sounded really scary and I didn't think that I was ready for it, but now not so much. I just have to make sure that I get all A's this coming semester so that I can bump my GPA back to a 3.7.

Today I went and mucked out stalls, fed and watered, and rode horses. Now I am so tired that I can barely move. My back doesn't hurt as much as it did because I took a shower with lots of hot water, but still. It will probably take about two to three days to get it back to normal.

I went and got my books for school and I have to have five books for history. The one on the truths and falsehoods on the Da Vinci Code will be really interesting. That is the one book that I am just jumping at to read. I think that I might have actually read that book or one very similar after I saw the movie. It is really cool to see what facts that were true and put into the story and the other ones that are more or less fiction. In someways when watching that movie you can't go one way or another. If you get to religious the whole learning experience is cut off, and if you go the other way then you can't understand where the religious people are coming from. So that is why after I saw it, I read as many books as I could get my hands on so that I could decided for myself what I wanted to think. Now I know that my opinions are different than dad because we did a lot of talking. I just have to remember that when I get into these discussions that I keep and open mind and think before I talk.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Derby Stallion

Today I have been making hats and scarves for Kevin bears. Mike is going to hate me. (lol) While I was making them, I was watching the movie the Derby Stallion. It was very good because it made me cry. I think that any movie that can bring out my emotions is good. I'm glad that it is somewhat warmer because today I am going to ride horses. But everything will be really wet out there because of all the rain that we got this morning.

With all of the wind that we have been having, the trees have been losing all of their branches. The back yard is littered with them. Once it dries enough back there I can pick them up. Even the pine tree in the front of the yard has dropped branches. That is unusual.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Lazy Day

Today I woke up early so that I could watch the Waltons on the Hallmark channel. I stayed in my pj's for most of the morning until about eleven when the second little house on the prairie started. Once that was done I read all afternoon except for when I updated my blog. Then just before Sarah came home from school, I went on youtube to watch Naruto, except the one person that was posting up the videos disappeared. So I had to hunt for another person who did them in english dubbed. It is more fun to be able to watch what they are doing instead of only being able to pay attention to the words because I don't know japanese. Then I made dinner which was mushroom perogies with broccoli. After that I went out to the library because I had an express video that was due today. After that I went to get Katie pain reliever for her teeth because she got braces. Of course I came home because now I am writing this up. I suppose that tomorrow will be similar to today except for the fact that I will going to the barn to muck out stalls and riding, possibly feeding and watering too.

Veggie Tales

Veggie Tales is coming out with a new movie called The Pirates who don't do Anything. I want to see. Here is a movie trailer for it.

I also found this other video of veggie tales that I really like because it is just a ridiculous as there other ones.

Veggie Tales Chinese Menu

Thursday, January 3, 2008

More Snow!

There is snow again and I can go out snowshoeing if I want because now there is enough. Today my friends and I are going to see Alivin and the Chipmonks, and then I get to go to Kathy's house for two days just to hang out and stuff. Yesterday dad and I went to choir practice for sunday mass. We are going to sing He Never Failed Me Yet again. I am so excited because it is a really fun song to sing. We also practiced for the music that we are going to sing for the concert and St. Johns. That will be fun too. The Come to the Water song is kind of caribbean which makes it fun to sing to. I am using the word fun way to much in the paragraph. I should find a new word to use.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Grossed Out

I was watching Naruto and I got grossed out completely. The thing that grossed me out was the fact that this guy had a symbiote relationship with bugs that lived inside of him. In return they fought his battles for him. It was spine crawling. Now I found another thing that grossed me out. This guy can loose all his joints and become like Mr. Fantastic. More spine crawling.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Today we watched the Rose Bowl Parade. They had a bunch of different floats. My favorite ones were the native american and the egpytian float. But of course my all time favorite was the horses. They had some pulling carriages and then there were a bunch with people on their backs. I even got to hear bagpipes. I don't know what it is about kilts, but guys in them really turn me on especially when they are cute. Okay that line was very random but oh well. On New Year's Eve we went to the Northside Inn and had dinner, then we went to see the Bee Movie. It was really cute and funny. I encourage everyone to go to see it. When we came home we played games and watched the ball drop in times square. Then we toasted in wine classes with sparkling grape juice. But by 12:30 I was tired and I went to sleep.
Apparently there is going to be a bit of snow coming down. I hope that there is enough so that I can go sledding and snowshoeing. I really like running in the snowshoes, I can get a lot of exercise from running in them. It is ten times harder to run in them then just normal running.
Right now my sisters are making a lot of noise and acting silly with Monk. We were playing Monkey says earlier and Monk was a very bad teacher. She was always failing people if they didn't do something right, and then you would go to timeout. You would have to ask Monk what those things were because they are too funny to put into words. I bet lucie and annie would be able to figure out what those things might be.

Buenos Noches and Happy New Year

Kung Fu Fighting