Thursday, July 10, 2008

M Cubed, Currents, Linzer Tarts, Flowers, and Gnats

The weather is finally cool. Today I pick currents with KT and Aunt Helen. Hopefully we will be going to the library where we can get a movie to watch tonight and for tomorrow. Then I think we will be going to the card shop. I found out that their library has a system on the net just like the one at home. It looks like it would be east to use, unlike the one in monroe county. That is for the birds. Sometimes it works, and other times it doesn't. I just lost my train of thought. I really hate that because then I start on a tangent until I can remember what I was going to say. Duh, now I remember. I finished my manga Kare Kano, and I started up again with The Golden Cord. But it started to get interesting, and the main character finds out that his cousin, or some relative of his was murdered. That made me think of the murder mysteries. M cubed; murder, mystery, and mayhem. That always makes a good story to read. But those stories are also hard to write, in my opinion. One would almost have to write out a rode map to find out how everything would connect in the end.

Yesterday dad and I were singing on the front porch until the gnats started to go nuts on us. They kept getting in my ears and eyes. I have never figured out why they do that. What is the point? Their brains are to small to say 'I am going to fly in that person's eye just to annoy them'. I am surprised they have enough brian to know when to mate. The only thing that I can think of is that they do that because they are looking for a moist place to be.

Let's see, I took Sarah to the flower shop after lunch. She had made and arrangement today of roses and hydrangeas. The roses were a bunch of different colors. They looked like the sunset, and the hydrangeas were blue. That is because they were in acid for awhile. With those types of plants, the more acidic the soil is, the blues and purples come out. If there isn't acid in the soil, they stay pink. She also has done some arrangements with silk flowers. I am assuming that she will put them on her myspace, facebook, and blog when we got home.

Dad is making a linzer tart, and it is going to have apricots and a hint of lemon in it. I think that it tastes pretty good, but some could say otherwise. I think that it will be ready for us to eat tonight for dessert.

I also think that I am a bit darker than I was when I left. Or maybe it is just my imagination. I do know that my henna is slowly disappearing from my arm. I wish that I brought some with me so that I could add more here. It would keep my occupied for a bit, but then I would have to find a cool place to leave it or it will get gross.

Now dad is putting the crust in the spring pan for the tart. It tastes the best when it is still soft and not baked. Well I am going to bore everyone to death with saying things as 'dad has done such and such with the tart' so I am going to leave everyone until I write again.

Hobey Ho


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