Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Snow Storming on Tuesday night is unorthodox

Apparently I can't spell Rochester from my previous blog. I forgot the "h". But I changed it. Now no one will know.

It has not stopped snowing since this morning. The car is going to be covered in snow by the time that I get out when I leave at four o'clock. That gives me a half and hour. Let's see teaching spanish class wasn't that bad because I didn't do much talking but we have to teach the first thing for the next chapter. It is a list of a bunch of words for touring places I think so we are going to get pictures of the different things and put them next to the words and see who can get them. This will be interesting. Hopefully it works.

Now in the complaint corner: Every time there is a snow storm it is always on a day when I go to the library. This will be the third time. The only good thing about that is there should be enough snow to go snowshoeing. Yea!!! I have only gone three times this winter and that is just unacceptable. This is Rochester, we are suppose to have a bunch of snow. At least that is what I remember from when I was little. Speaking of snow, when I was a grandma's this weekend, they had a least a foot of it. We even saw a picture of me when I must have been about three years old. I was playing in the snow with grandpa and we made a snow man with rocks for eyes and buttons. His arms were made out of sticks. I was so cute.

1 comment:

Annie said...

you should take a picture of yourself in snow shoes sometime now.
