Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A Long Post

Let's see. I haven't updated for a bit because I just haven't had the time, but now that I do, I can hopefully say something worth wild. For starters I had a great time in both of my classes this morning and I have written a rough draft of what I might say for my essay in the scholarships that I am appling too. I have one written for school and I just need a recommendation letter from some teachers which I will get when I give them an idea on what I am writing the essay about. Well that was a bit confusing. This next part won't be.
Remember that huge snow stormish thing that we got on friday. Well it is a good thing that I normally give myself an hour to get to school because it took me forty minutes to get to school when it normally takes me fifteen. I was driving the new car and with the amount of snow on the road, it was a bit difficult. I didn't realize this until later that morning, but because I was concentrating so hard on the driving that morning, that my arm was sore because I gripped the wheel so much. I think that it was smart that I had music on so that I stayed sane. I absolutely hate driving when the roads are that bad. But you know what bugs me the most about all that snow, a bunch of schools closed, and it was advised for people not to be driving, yet they still didn't close down Mcc. Mcc is never ever closed. Even in the really worst situations. I think that that is ridiculous. Anyway, enough complaining.
I'm thinking of having a harrypotter discussion sometime at my house. All those in favor contact me with days and times that are the best for them. I know that two Jutsums are probably interested and if they need a ride I can do that.
Oh I found this really funny youtube video that I might put on the blog, but I think that it would be better if I just give the address because then it won't be posted all over. Its not that it is bad, it is just probably not something that I would normally put on this blog. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqTHmzMk0Cw There now anyone who wants to see something extremely funny then they can.
Well I am going to go because it is almost four and I am still at school. I want to leave before the rush hour trafic hits.

Hasta Luego


Annie said...

I think MCC closed last year when we got hit with that big storm on valentine's day or maybe a couple years ago.


Ian Dewey said...

A Harry Potter discussion does sound pretty fun. Im available whenever usually, though weekends not so much sometimes.