Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hot, Thundry, Day

Yesterday, KT and I went swimming at the water park. But we were only in for a bit because there were so many people. I went down the cork screw water slide, and I went under the fish that spray water. Our second cousin Rachel went with us too. We all got something to eat there. We decided to come back around 3. KT and I hung up the towels on the line outside because they were still a bit wet. Inside we played pounce for about a hour because then there was a hung thunder storm. Dad even played, though it seemed that he was a party pooper about it. That would be because I won almost every time. Dinner was turkey tetrazini. Yummy, yummy. After dinner Rachel came back and we went with her dad to the Rock Garden. This rock garden is the so cool. If the weather is okay we might go back today to get pics. If we get any, I hope to put them on here. This guy has bought up property and made this garden so people can look at the stuff. There is a temple in the center and I climbed up and down that temple. Rachel showed Sarah and I the other part that was surrounded in vines. It reminded me of a faerie garden. There were all types of stones. I saw ones that glaciers had gouged out, I saw magma, and stones that came from buildings that no longer exist, some were from head stones that fell over. Then finally, we watched The Bucket List. I really liked this movie. Then I went to bed. Of course, throughout the day I am reading Kare Kano. I am on book 13. While I do the reading, KT is watching the food network. That is mostly all she wants to watch. I don't understand her or Sarah. Instead of watching something with action, then choose to watch that. Ugg. I get so tired of hearing about food. You can't eat any of it. What is the point. If I watch it, I get hungry, and then I want food. Preferably the stuff that they are making, but unless they come up with a way to get food out of the tv, I am not going to be able to eat this stuff, unless I make it myself.


Clara said...

Um, don't you usually win at pounce, no matter who you're playing? And don't diss the food network-it has food porn!

Annie said...

Thats funny how they watch food network like Lucie since she loves it.
