Sunday, May 27, 2007

Painting Fences

Today I went to the barn to help paint the ring fence for the competition. It started out okay, but after painting not even a quarter of the fence in two hours, you start to go slow. By the end of the time that we worked, I had this black oil based paint on my boots, pants, shirt, skin, and a bit on the wisps of my hair. And because it is oil based, the only thing that could get it off our skin was the paint thinner. So we mixed the thinner with water and washed the paint off ourselves. I came home and tried to get more off, but I think that I am going to have it on for awhile until it wears off. But after we worked, we got to ride, which is the whole point. We were going to go on a trail ride, but the rain came faster than we could go, so we round inside. Now the barn has a tin roof where we ride in the indoor. It poured so loud that we couldn't even hear each other. All we could see were our mouths moving, but because of the rain we couldn't hear anything. It was terrible, but we managed, and it did stop every once and a while. I went over five jumps in a row, some were okay, others could be worked upon, but it was my first time doing this type of diagonal jumping. (Not to mention that the ring was slippery in spots because the owner turned water on in the rink and forgot to turn it off. The air dries the dirt, so if the ring is not watered, than it gets hard to breath with dust being kicked uup by the horses. Trust me, I know very well. I had a coughing fit once that refused to stop. But all went well. One day we will be able to go on a trail ride, and until then, I will be happy just riding, because that is what I love to do.


Lucia said...

It's too bad it rained. I watched it here. It seemed like it would never stop!

Annie said...

When do you have your riding lessons, and where do you take them?
