Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Bottle Whines

It is a beautiful day outside, though I think that it should be warmer. I am ready for it to be really warm. It better be warm by my birthday. Anyway, I turned in all my essays for both of my classes and it feels as if a huge wait has been lifted off of my chest. It feels great to be done with two of my classes. All I have left is to study for my botany test on the 21st. I am so happy that I am almost done.

My bottle whines after I drink out of it. I think it is from the water getting stuck or the air. But it always sounds weird. I have no idea why I said that, but its there.

There is a certain someone that must pass a certain test, or there will be a bone to pick. Under no circumstances must this person fail or I'm not sure what, but something will happen. I just have to think of something. On a flyier I could have all of the side effects written in small print, but that thing doesn't really work that well on a blog. I'll have to pester this certain someone for revenge because that is all I can think of for the moment. Dead Meat! On another note, another certain someone has to continue writing on her blog. Why? Because I said so!

1 comment:

Lucia said...

Hey it should be easy to pester 'that certain someone'; You're good at that! ;)