Friday, May 4, 2007

Lady and the Lion

I have finished the first rough draft of my essay that is due for the final in my english class. But I want to talk to my teacher about it because I feel like I am all over for some reason. I don't feel like I have a concrete thesis. But I hope that she will be there on Monday so I can have her read it and get an idea on how to wright it better. The first part of the essay had to be a fariy tale that we didn't go over in class and then the last two pages had to be why wer wrote what we wrote. This is the stroy I decided to do. It is my first short story that I have ever writen. The stars separate when Belle and the Lion talk. I got the idea of using a lion as the beast from the book called BEAST by Donna Jo Napoli.

Lady and the Lion
I came home that night finding myself in the presence of a young girl. she was trespassing into my house. I was going to roar at her, but strangly enough, I couldn’t. This girk was, or looked like a peasant. Her clothes were tattered and torn. I watched her as she went about the room. She stopped at a chair and fell asleep upon it.
When I awoke, there was a fire in the fireplace. It cackled with glee. My stomach growled and I made my way to the pantry. But most of the stores were old or rotting. My stomach protested some more. I managed to find my way outside and into the garden. I saw a brambled of bushes enclustered with berries, which I promptly ate up. Their flesh was sweet with the taste of the sun. As I looked up to find more, I saw a huge shape.
I was just out to find something to eat for myself when the girl caught sight of me. But she didn’t run, it was as if she was entranced. But I kept to the shadows. I didn’t want her to see how I looked.
It was a lion that I saw. His golden fur gleamed in the sun patches, and his amber eyes were full of saddness. I began to walk towards him, but he backed away into the shadows.
She’s stayed for weeks now. I don’t know if it is because she has no place to stay, or if she pities me. But today, as I was in the gardens, she came up to me again. I was in the sun enjoying the roses. But by the time I noticed her, she was all ready ontop of me. I jumped up.
“I didn’t mean to startle you,” she said. She sat on the ground in front of me. “The roses are so beautiful,” she went to touch one and I growled. But she continued and picked one. “Ouch,” she said as a dribble of blood formed on her finger. At the smell I sat up and glowered at her. It was almost too late, but I caught myself.
“I’m still a man,” I said to myself. I went and licked to blood off her finger.
“Thank you Lion,” she said.
I don’t know what it is about this place, but I can’t get myself to leave.
I found the library in thi shuge castle. I opened the curtains to let the light in, but I also started the Lion again. He was lying on the floor with a book under his paw. It was opened to a bookmarked page. He looked up at me and pushed the book towards me with his enormous paws. I settled myself next to him and I began to read.
Every night she reads to me. Now she’s not afraid to snuggle next to me. As I listen to her read, I find myself drawn to her. I need to be near her.
The Lion has brought in roses into the library. It is so beautiful. I don’t wnat to leave here. The Lion needs me, but I think that I need him more. No one has ever cared about me. He always thinks about me, giving me flowers or finding meat for me to eat. I’m drawn to him so strongly.
A thunderstorm scared Annabelle, as I’ve decided to call her, to my side. She buried her head into my ruff and there she stayed all night.
After the storm, the Lion went out to hunt. But when he didn’t come back I grew scared. I ran out to the garden to watch for him. But then I saw him lying under a tree. His coast was crimson red. I ran to him crying. He looked up at me, but his eyes weren’t full of sorrow. They were glad. The rain began to fall again.
“You can’t leave me,” I screamed above the thunder. “I love you,”
My heart thumped another beat. She loved me. My Annabelle loved me. I let out a raor. It startled her enough to back away. I was soaking wet, my hair dripped water into my eyes. I tasted it on my lips. Annabelle just stared at me.
“What’s wrong?” I asked her. She just stared. “It’s me,” she continued to look at me. A tear rolled down her cheek. She came and held me tight. “I love you Belle,”

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