Tuesday, May 8, 2007

80 degrees

I have only three more essays left to write, and I think I am on my way to finishing one of them. I am so excited that I am almost done with school, because then I can read more books and I can think of more ideas for my story. I have been so busy doing schoolwork that I haven't had tiem to just sit and type anything in. So I still don't have anything more for you to read Lucie. I know that you have been enjoying my story and have been one of my faithful readers. I do have a great idea, which I hope to use in the next part that I am on.

I enjoyed this weather so much today. It was almost 80 degrees out today and I was so thrilled when school was over so that I could go outside to relax after studying all day long. Everything is in bloom at school and the trees are staring to get their leaves. The only bad thng about spring, is that my allergies are going banana wacky. My nose is almost always slightly plugged and for some reason it feels like I have something sitting over my throat. I can't talk really loud or shout without it sounding really weird. I hope that it will go away when the plants are fully out and a about, after all of their pollenating is over.

Catch ya later,



Ian Dewey said...

Our thermometer had the temperature up at 86 at one point today. 86! In May!


Annie said...

I love this weather too. When is your last day of school?
