Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Spring Fling

I am so excited! I have written the rough draft for my second essay that I have to do for english, and I am geting closer at the other one for english. I have to have these both done by the 17 which is the last day of school for me. My other paper in history is also due that day. I think that if I can pull out a B in both of the english papers, I should be safe, and I never, I repeat I'll never take another honors course as lng as I live. They are extremely hard. I don't like all that pressure.

Today was spring fling at school and it was a blast. My friend Tiffani drew a charactature of me as a sexy anime elf. Sarah asays that it doesn't look like me, but then again it isn't suppse to completely. She was dressed as a Geisha today for the anime club that she belongs to. It was funny because a whole bunch of people were looking at her all the time in the halls and she would just smile and wave at them, but that is Tiffiani for you. Since I have been home at 1:25ish, I have doing homework. I just got done at 4. My brain is filled, and I still have something to read for english tomorrow. That means that after I star dinner, I have to read that. I wish teachers didn't load all of this reading on a person at one time. Seriously, my eyes feel like they are ready to burst.

My allergies don't seem to be doing any better. I was sniffling all through class today and any time that I was just sitting still. It is really annoying. I hope that it is allergies and not something else. (like a spring bug) I guess in the meantime that I will just have to deal with it and hope that I will be able to breath better later on.

Stay cool in the sun!


Annie said...

Thats cool that you are ending school on the 17th. Are Sarah and Katie jeolous since they have another whole month of school?

Ian Dewey said...

I wish regular schools got out as early as colleges do. Heck, I'd settle for mid-June at this point. Getting out after the 20th (of June) just seems ridiculous.