Sunday, February 18, 2007

We came out in the bright sunlight high above the trees on an edge of a cliff. There was no way down and soliers were on our tails.

"The only way to escape is to fly," said Jess.

"Mire ube ronoco," I muttered under my breath. Slowly I rose from the ground steadying myself about three feet above Jess.

"What did you utter?" he asked. I told him, and he too began to levitate above the ground. I leaned forward on my stomach thinking about movinghigh above the ground. Jess and I just left the cliff when a group of soldier came out of the entrance.

Jess and I flew over the forest, but all we could see were miles of pine trees. The colors of the trees were a deep emerald, a sea of green. As far as th eye could see was a forest of green. For hours we flew over the forest looking for a spot to land. But eventually the trees became thinner and a small clearing could be seen up ahead.

"How about we land over there," I said as I pointed towards the clearing.

"Okay," said Jess.

The landing was the worst. I couldn't figure how to do it. I circled several times. Finally I decided to land. I was graceful at first, but my foot caught on a tree root and I sprawled across the ground with a mouth full of dirt. Jess, as usual, took amusement in my fall and laughed at me as he came down feet first. I looked at him with a smirl before I pushed him over myself.

We walked along on a deer path that Jess found until it came up to a old road. Looking about, I made sure that soldiers weren't walking along it. We didn't need to be caught again. When nothing appeared out of the ordinary, Jess and I climbed up onto the road and started our journey to whereever the road led.

"How are we suppose to find out where the other bearers of the crystals are?" I thought, but apparently I must have mumbled because Jess answered.

"I think that we just have to wander from town to town and see if something happens,"

Just as those words escaped from his mouth, I felt a warm, tingling feeling. The Fire crystal had come to life. It levitated up from under my shirt and began to tug on it's chain.

"I guess we don't have to wander. The crystals must know when they are within reach of the ones worthy enough for them," Jess said.

We walked all day and still we came no closer to anyone. I began to wonder if the crystal knew what it was doing. Soon it let off the road and into the forest again where the trees were prodigious. Many must have been hundreds of years old for my arm spand and Jess's together wouldn't reach around their trunks. As we walked, squirrels ran in between the trees and chattered at our appearance. Birds twitted in the trees above our heads. Suddenly we came out onto another road level to where we were. A brook ran directly next to the road. We followed the brook going north. This path wound it way following the brook. Not far up from where we entered the road, a fork appeared and the crystal died.

"Now what?" I said to no one in particular.

All the animald grew quiet. Not a sound was heard except the babbling of the brook. Suddenly a loud thumping sound resonated through the forest. The trees shuddered, Jess pushed me through the brook and we huddled in the bushed wondering what that sound could be.

Out of the forest came a hideous creature. It's fangs dripped with posionous venom. It muddied yellow fur was matted and it's claws were bloodied from it's recent kill. It stood about seven and a half feet and roar something awful. It wreaked of decaying material embedded in it's matted fur.

"A chetal,' whisperd Jess, " I didn't think that those still existed. It must be the last of its kind,"

I stood petrified in fear for I knew what those things could do to a person. I couldn't help it but pictures of stories that my mother told kept coming to mind and I shuddered.

"Please don't find us, please don't find us," I prayed. For not a living soul could defeat a chetal. They were too powerful.

The chetal sniffed the air and came over in out direction.

"Don't breathe," whisperd Jess, " They can find you by the smell of your breath,"

I clamped my hand over my mouth and shut my eyes still praying that something would catch it's attention. But that was not to be. The chetal stopped right in front of our hiding place, venom dripping down from his fangs. Whatever the venom touched, it withered and then turned black. I saw it and my eyes bugged out and I almost choked on my own spit.

Jess began mumbling something under his breath while his hand was pressed on the ground. A vine grew up and out and slithered towards the chetals legs. As he put more force into his encantation, his crystal glowed the deepest and purest color. But I could tell that his strength was failing him. His crystals color started to fade. I crawled closer to him and put my hand on his, lending him my strength. My crystal began to glow, and his turned brighter. Now we were one and Jess's plant began to grow faster.

It wasn't until the vine was up on the chetal's ankle that he noticed it. Then it began to hack at th evine with its claws. The chetal walked backwards a step then slammed over, tripping over a rock. The vines continued to wrap around the chetal until they were up to its knees, nice an thick. Jess ceased his encantation and walked over to the beast who still couldnot until itself. I warily crept out from under the bush to where Jess was.

"Jess he's thrashing too much,"

"Come on, let's get away," The two of us ran as fast as we could, but it wasn't long before the chetal broke from it's prison and began to follow us.

"Damn," muttered Jess.

"We could try to fly above him,"

"There's too many trees, we'd get stuck halfway up,"

"We have to do something," I panted, "We cannot out run this thing," I felt a warm sensation from under my shirt, the Fire crystal had started to glow again. "We have to do something now Jess, the Fire crystal has started up again,"

Jess came to a complete stop and vines came out of no where and attacked the chetal. But it still wasn't enough.

"Jess I have an idea," I flew up to the top of a tree and I began to severe it's top from it's bottom. Jess saw ehat I was doing and ran over.

"Kel get off, lets pull the whole tree up," We both put our energy into pulling the tree up by it's roots. It was halfway there when the chetal came into view. Jess steadied the tree until the last minute when the whole tree came crahsing down on the chetals head knocking it out cold. Jess created a new kind of vine at this moment. It had a posion of it's own, one that was just as powerful as the chetals. The red vines wraped around the chetal's body and bound him tight. Up to it's head was as far as Jess got when he collapsed.

1 comment:

Lucia said...

Wow. It's amazing at how much you can define a creature of your own. I guess reading all the time really does the trick! ;)