Thursday, February 22, 2007

It was the scream from the archer that drew me back to the spot where the chetal had died. I found the archer doubled over in pain. He did come with us, but he stayed quiet.

"I'm Kel and this is Jess," I said when we met up together.

"Griffen," was all he said and he took the lead with a steady gait.

"Where are you from?" I said, breathing a bit harder than normal for he walked fast.

"Not around here if that's what you mean," that was all I was able to get out of him for the rest of the day.

By nightfall we were still in the forest and we made camp off of the main path that we were traveling.

Griffen stayed on the other side of the fire, his cloak drapped over him and his hood over his head so he had to peer out from underneath. His bow stayed at his side. He seem skittish, more so than I have ever seen in one person. Every rustle and snap made him sit up and look about.

"I'll take first watch," he said as Jess and I got ready to go to sleep.

"What could be out here that is that dangerous?" Jess asked him.

"Plenty elf," and he turned to watch the darkness.

When I woke up, Griffen was no where to be found, but the fire was going and something was cooking on it. I wished I had by bow and quiver I felt completely naked without it. I had also been dying for meat for days, but it seemed as if Griffen had all ready caught something. By the time he got back, Jess and I had wolfed down most of the food.

He didn't say anything when he noticed the missing food. He just threw down some rabbits and began to skin them. But I silent noise must have been heard by Griffen for he spun up bow ready. A crystal began to tingle. What I pulled out was the Water crystal. Then out of the bushes a woman appeared clad in hunting attire, bow in hand.

"I knew that I smelt a theif," she said to Griffen.

"Hmmf," hw said and went back to skinning the rabbits.

"Excuse the rude one, I'm Alexandra the Huntress," she said with an importance air about her. "You are Kel and this is Jess," I stared at her. "telepathic,"

"Oh," was all I managed.

Now Griffen began to speak. "What are you doing out here Huntress?"

"Looking for fresh meat just as you, though of a differnent taste. Though from the looks of it your taste has changed dramtically from a certain circumstance,"

Griffen grunted. "You know from the way you act, no one would think that you're only nineteen," Griffen didn't look up. "You act more like an old man," Jess raised and eyebrow at this. She was right, he didn't act his age.

"Some people age faster, Huntress depending on where they are from. Take the girl for instance, she still looks like a kid,"

"Hey!" I said in anger. "I am no kid,"

"She even complains like one," The Huntress looked at Griffen and then at me.

"I'm sure you don't give her enough credit,"

"If she had any, then I would,"

"Well, then if she is just a kid, why are you hanging around,"

"This damn crystal. I f I get too far my heart feels as it is being ripped out of my chest. If that didn't happen I wouldn't be here,"

"Where is this crystal?" The Huntress asked. Griffen pulled it out from under his shirt. The Huntress took it from his hands.

"This would bring a pretty penny in the city yonder," Griffen took it from her. "Okay fine. I have some negotiations that need attending to. Go have fun with the kids," and she disapeard as silently as she came.

"It's time to go," said Griffen.

"Arn't you going to eat?"

"Why do you think I took the time to skin the rabbits," was all he said.

"Who was that?" Jess asked when we were on the road.

"She is a worker for the dark lord,"

"The dark lord?"

"Where ever he sends her devestation follows," Jess had nothing to say to that.

1 comment:

Lucia said...

Hmmm, I wonder what will happen next. . .I hope I see you today when me and Annie come over!