Saturday, February 10, 2007

I lived with my mother at the edge of the woods in a small house that was built into the side of the hill. We had gardens that flourished on both sides of the house. Our barn animals stayed in the barn, that sat next to the stream, where I gathered water from every morning. I loved our little house. It was my favorite place to be when I wasn't off exploring in the woods with my dogs Maji and Duke.

It was on one of those expedition that I met Jess. I was gathering berries when I saw him leaning against a tree. I watched him from the shadows as he staggered over a root. As I watched him, I noticed that he was pretty beaten up. His blond hair was all dirty and his shirt sleeves were ripped. He had blood dripping down from a wound on his shoulder. There was mud on his face and pants which were dripping wet. Once the dogs smelt the blood they went crazy. They lowered themselves closer to the ground growling.

"Maji, Duke, cut it," They silenced at my voice.

"Whose there?" answered the boy.

I stepped out of the shadows.

"Maji go and get my mother," I pointed to the house and Maji understood. She gave a bark and was off.

I went over to the boy and told Duke to guard.

"Thank you for calling you dogs off," he said panting.

I silently looked over him. In no time at all my mother was by my side.

"My, my, you always seem to find the hurt ones my darling," she said.

She and I picked the boy up and carried him back to the house with the dogs following us.

Once in the house, mother laid him on the bed.

"Tsk, tsk, you've lost a lot of blood young man."

"I don't think he can hear you mother, he's fallen asleep."

"Kel, get some water boiling and grab some rags please."

I did as she asked. When I came back with the rags, she had taken off the boy's shirt. I went over to the fire to get the kettle. I poured the hot water into the bowl and then carried it over to my mother. She cleaned and bandaged his wounds. When she was done, mother slipped him under the bed covers. I went back outside while mother started to prepare the dinner.

I walked over to the barn and brought the animals back into their stalls. Then I climbed up into the loft where I settled myself into my special corner. Berry, my kitten, was sitting in the hay with her brothers and sisters. I knew that their mother would be out hunting for food. Berry saw me and crawled over to me and sat in my lap. I stroaked her for awhile.

"Has he woken up yet?" I asked my mother when I came back into the house.

"No Kel. I'm thinking it won't be for awhile. He is so weak. I think his wounds came from a fight of some sort because he has bruises all over him. Come, let's eat dinner."

After I helped mother with the dishes, I cleaned the table. I washed it all down. Then I got out my knife and I began to whittle beside the fire. I had made a whole managerie of animals that I had placed on the mantle. There was an animal for each of our own, and for any of the animals that I saw in the woods. I whittled the animals that I killed as a tribute to them for giving their flesh so I may live. When I finished whittling, I climbed up the loft ladder and went to bed.

In the morning I put on my hunting clothes. I grabbed my bow and some arrows. I crept down the ladder. Duke and Maji were all ready by the door. I tip-toed across the floor so I wouldn't step on the creaky spots. I opened the door just enough to let myself and the dogs out, then I gently shut the door behind me.

The dogs went into the woods and I followed them. They had their noses pressed to the ground trying to sniff out an animal. Suddenly Duke went rigid. I knew he smelt something. Under a tree, not far away, was a rabbit. I pulled an arrow from my quiver and notched it, letting it fly.

"Thud," It hit the rabbit square on and then fell over dead. Maji went over and picked it up. She gave it to me and I drew the arrow out. We found two rabbits that morning.

When I returned to the house, I found my mother feeding the boy. I left the door open so that the sunlight would flood in. I hung my bow and quiver on the peg behind the door. He watched as I moved from the door to the kitchen table where I skinned and gutted the rabbits which I put into the pot over the fire. I found another piece of wood and began to whittle before I went out to help mother in the gardens. The boy watched in facination. It was as if he had never seen someone whittle before.

"What are you doing?" he asked a bit unapproving.

"Whittling, do you have a problem with that?" I said with a threat in my tone.

He shook his head.

"What's you name?" I asked.

"Jess," he answered.

"Where are you from?"

"The other side of the woods," he said as his blond hair fell in his face.

"How old are you?" he asked

"Nine," I said.

I finished the animals that I was whittling. I wne over to the mantle and placed them next to the horse.

"Did you make all of them?" Jess asked in awe.

"Sure did," I was glowing from head to toe. I loved it when someone admired my work.

"Can I see them?"


I brought all the animals over. He flipped them over looking at every angle.

"Your name is Kel, right?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Your name is on the underside of all of these animals."

"Oh, I forgot about that. Are you feeling better?"

"Much better," he moved his shoulder and winced, "except for the shoulder."

"I don't mean to pry, but how did you get your shoulder busted like that?"

"I was shot with an arrow. I dug it out, but I couldn't bandage it up good enough I guess."

"Oh," Maji came over the bed.

"I like you dogs. I had some back at my house," Maji jumped onto the bed and began to lick Jess's face.

"I have to help mother. I'll be back soon. You can play with my animals if you want."

I went out into the barn to get a hoe, then I went into the vegetable garden. My mother was in the field hoeing around the new crop of corn.

Time flew and soon it was dinner. Jess was awake this time and ate with us. Soon Jess healed completely and he could eat at the table with us insteadd of at the bed.

Years went by and we became the best of friends. We would go hunting together and bring home deer. Jess and I had finished bringing the deer back in pieces and we were curing it. It was on this day that my life changed forever.


Lucia said...


Monkeybaby14 said...

yeah, alex writes good stories!


Annie said...

Wow you write really long stories. I have never seen that long of a storie.

Annie !

KT aka Kiwi<3 said...

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