Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Kalob was some what a hot head when things didn't go his way, but he did grow out of it. I liked Kalob a lot. He knew how to grow food and how to take care of animals. He showed me how to milk a cow while we were still in the village. I grew to know the children of the village and they me. But I knew that I couldn't stay her forever.

Griffen had secluded himself from the rest of us. He never did well around a huge group of people. Quick Fingers stayed with him in a cave not far from the village. It was growing dark when I saw his fire off in the distance. So I decided to go up and talk to him.

Quick Fingers was the only one around the fire when I got there.

"If you are looking for Griffen, you'll have to wait. He's gone off somewhere," the wercat said.

"You look quite comfortable sitting next to the fire, may I join you?" I asked him.

"I suppose. You are better company than Griffen," I sat down next to Quick Fingers and waited until Griffen came back. Which he did not shortly after.

"Griffen," I asked, "Do you know where I could find Garados? You've been all over the place,"

"Garados is always moving now that he doesn't have a body," I didn't say anything. "Still, we should go soon, the air is starting to smell different,"


"Ogers are on the move, which is something that they don't ususally do. Oger hate people so they usually stay away. But because of their weak minds, they are easy to take over. Which means that there will be killings,"

A howl went through the air which made me shudder.

"Go get the others, we need to go now!" I ran down into the path to the village to warn the others.

"The ogers are coming. We have to get out of here," was all I said before fire streaming arrows came raining down.

1 comment:

Lucia said...

Ogers? It's a good thing they have a bigger group of people now. . .