Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I thought I'd be nice to my readers and add another post in one day. I suppose certain people are excited about what is going to happen next. I hope that everyone is enjoying themselves with my characters adventures. If anyone has any ideas about what would be good thing to write about, leave a comment. I always need to have input and opinions from my few faithful readers.
Have fun reading the next installment.

The guards beckoned us to come out. I could tell that they were elves from their slim figure and pointed ears. Jess looked very uneasy around them. I couldn't understand why. What had he against elves?

Many came to see what crazy things came out of the hole in the ground. I felt their eyes on me, they penetrated into my soul. It was like the were looking right into my heart.

We were lead through the crowd and up the steps to the palace's door, which opened on its own accord, creaking on their hinges. Once we step through the door, guards took Jess away.

"Jess, Jess. Let go of me. Jess!" The guards kept hold and took me away. I was taken into the throne room and pushed in front of the emperor. Slidding on the floor, I stopped three feet in from of the mighty ruler.

He had long mahogany hair, some pulled back in braids, and a bottom layer left that drapped over his shoulders. Bright piercing green eyes stared at me as I stood up in front of him. He rose from the throne and came towards me coming up fast with his long strides. He was tall and looked to be about twenty years old. His arms were musclar and sinewy from many years of sword practice. He had somewhat a barreled chest and stood like he was riding a horse. His nose was long but not pointy. Ears kind of stuck out but not enough to be noticeable. He looked like someone you didn't want to mess with.

"What do we have here?" He questioned in a tenor voice.

"She came out of the Eastern door your majesty. We also know she has a strong magic on her," said the guard.

"Thank you, you may go," he said to the guard. He came down from the quartz throne and circled me. "You're not like any girl I have ever seen. You don't flinch as I walk around you and you have muscles I never knew a woman to have,"

"Hunting and sword fighting have taught me much your grace,"

"I see, a warrior we have?"

"No your grace. I am no warrior, just one who has an interest in protecting herself,"

"I see, well let me get down to business. I am the emperor here as you can see. My name is Horitori, and you are?"

"Kel, your grace,"

"Kel, is it short for something?"

"Keldariana your grace,"

"Hmm. How did you open the door?"

"We just pushed it open, your grace,"

"The guard said that you had great power. Show me,"

I pulled out the magic crystal.

"The guardian crystals,"

"Yes, your grace. My mother gave them to me,'


"Jess carries earth for it chose him, I hold the other three until I find their bearers,"

"Who is your mother?"

"Lesseonia, your grace,"

"She was the legendary guardian of her time. She saved the world you know, fought Kaw, Craven, Jaba, Mayvo, the greatest wizards,"

"I know of my mother's greatest adventures. She told me of them throughout my childhood. It was only recently that I found out that they were hers when she showed me the crystals,"

"Where is she now?"

"Dead for all I know. She showed these to me this morning. When she heard people all around the house, she told me and Jess to come here,"

"Through the tunnel?"


"Then it is time,"

"Time for what?"

"There was only one wizard who your mother couldn't defeat. He has come back from the Graveyard and he has come for the crystals. They are the only thing that can stop him from taking over the world, that and you,"

"He came back from the Graveyard?"

"It is an expression that we use, he came back from the evil pit of Sanar. Now he is even stronger than before,"

"Who is this 'He'?"

"Garados, he will stop at nothing to get those crystals. He will kill those who are closet to you. You do know that, don't you?"

"Yes, your grace,"

"Good. Now leet me show you to your room," he gestured at someone behind me.

"Where is Jess? He was separated from me at your doors,"

"He has somewhat a reputation with us,"

"A bad one from the way he was treated,"

"Yes, but you are in cahoots with a common criminal,"

"Jess a criminal! He wouldn't hurt a fly,"

"He was kick out years ago for his thievery. He was told that if he retured he would be imprisioned. I suppose he never told you. Typical of him. Well, you won't leave me alone if you can't see him. Bring in the prisoner,"


Ian Dewey said...

It's a very compelling story, moves along without leaving you feeling like you missed something. Nice job. =)

Monkeybaby14 said...

yah, alex is awesome like that in her stories... so u know! lol


Lucia said...

The way you bring in new characters is nice, because they seem like they're suppose to be there. I find that very difficult in writing stories. I hope to see more soon and very soon,
PS another thing I like about this story is it keep you on your tows, never guessing what will come next. Keep up the good work!