Wednesday, February 14, 2007

You walk up to someone who has obviously been crying and you ask are they all right. They automatically say that they are fine. But of course you know they arn't. You let it go and continue what you were doing. Well I watched a movie, and for th elove of me I cannot remember what the name is at the moment. It will probably come in my sleep and I will write it tomorrow. Anyway, there was this girl who was in a similar predicament. The guy asks all the same questions and when she responds to "I'm Fine" He tells her that she isn't. Then he says that being "fine" really stands for Freak out, Insane , Neuotic, Emotions. So the next time someone says that to you, you know what is going on.


Lucia said...

It's true. I guess usually people just don't want to express their true feelings, so they say fine, when fine really can't be said to be a true emotion. Very interesting.

Ian Dewey said...

Sometimes it's also in an attempt to "protect" the other person from having to deal with your problems. Or because that person doesn't want to talk about what's really bothering them. I think a reasonable response to someone who actually seems to be "not fine", even if they say they are, is "are you sure?". That puts the ball in their court and let's them decide how much they want to tell you.