Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bad Bald Guys & Sexy Ones

I was watching a movie recently and I noticed that the bad guy was short and bald. It seems as if most bad guys are short and bald. What's up with that? Or the bad guys are so sexy and attractive looking. Dad said it was because evil comes in two ways; either ugly or beautiful. The other thing I notice, is that with the beautiful evil attracts the girls especially when the bad guys pretned to love them. Of course they don't care for anyone except themselves. The ugly bad guys usually attract the ones who are in it for the money, glory, and or revenge on someone else. The other thing that seems to happen all the time is the people who work for their evil master always seem to get shot. They do what they are told, but when they ask for money that was due to them, or more money, they get shot. Why would anyone want to help someone like that because you give the bad one what he wants, and even if you get the money, they shoot you because they don't want to give it away. I think people are just not always thinking when they get into situations like these,or if they are, they must be insane.

When the women are evil, they are always seductive. They where as little as possible so that they can charm their way into where ever they have to be. It makes me sick. Or they are the bad ass babes and know how to kick butt. The other choice is being ugly, an witch for instance, which I don't think happens as often. Why? Because the majority of men want to look at a hot babe on the big screen than an ugly one. These sterotypes are just as bad as the ones for the males. It does make sense that the evil ones are hot, because they are doing the same thing for the female viewers as the hot girls are doing for the boys. It's kind of disturbing in some ways. It's creepy how people can twist others and tantlize them with sexy things. Gross!!!!

1 comment:

Monkeybaby14 said...

yeah, stuff happens like that, i totally think it is some what sexist! lol... like someone i know... meaning *cough* adam *cough*
