Sunday, February 11, 2007

So to continue my story.......

"Kel, there is something you need to know now that you are 16."

"If it is that talk..."

"No it is not that," Mother pulled out four cystal from her drawer. She set the on the table where Jess and I could see. One was bright green, there was a blue one, a red one, and a white crystal. Then, mother pulled out of her shirt a fifth crystal on a chain. Instantly the other crystal on the chain necklaces glowled. The green one shot towards Jess's open hands. He picked up and put it in his pocket.

"So it begins once again," she said.

"What begins mother?"

"A new generation of guardians."

"The legendary guardians that you told me about are true?"

"Yes, I was one of them. I linked tham all together just as you will now. Only when this crystal, is joined with the other four, will it work magic in those people, that the crystals have chosen. The Earth crystal has chosen Jess. Now you can begin your journey of finding the other bearers of the other crystals. You must accomplish this before the evil finds you. The evil will use the crystals to create chaos and to take control over all the races." Just as mother finished talking to us, the dogs began to bark and the animals began to make noise.

"No, he couldn't have found me so soon. Hurry you both must escape now." She went over to the cellar door on the floor and pulled it up. " Go down and take the tunnel to the elves. Jess you should have no problems getting into the realm,"

"How did you know?"

"I saw your ears. Now, once you are both in the tunnel, seal it up with the crystals so that they cannot find you. Hurry they are coming. Loud banging could be heard from the door. Jess scrambled down the stairs, but I hesitated.

"Mother I will not leave you to face them,"

"You must. YOu have to protect the crystals. Hurry! I can only hold them off for so long. You must go. The whole world depends on you," she said as she pushed me down the stairs, slamming the door shut.

The hammering stopped, but then suddenly a splintering sound was heard. As we got to the tunnel I heard my mother scream and the dogs yelp. I wanted to go and help my mother, but Jess held me back. We both went into the tunnel.

"How are you suppose to seal the tunnel?" I asked Jess.

"I think you have to think about what needs to be done," said Jess.

I took Jess's hand and we concentrated on closeing the tunnel. A bright light came out from our crystal. A purple circle surrounded the door. The light went into the door, but then flashed back out at us. I shielded my eyes from the light with my arm, but the power blinded me temporarly. We listened at the sealed door for any noise, but none could be heard. I wanted to reopen the tunnel to find my mother, but Jess steered me away.

"Kel we have to get safety. Do it for your mother. She wanted you to have the crystals so you could become a guardian. You must become one for her sake,"

The tunnel was narrow. Jess and I had to crawl very slowly because the sides were rough. My breeches were covered in dirt by the time we could stand in the tunnel. I had dirt in my hair and smudges on my face. We walked on for a bit when we came to a huge cavern. I looked up but I couldn't see anything through the darkness. It was so dark that I didn't notice the slope. I slipped down get my backside full of dirt before I came to a halt at the edge of some water. Jess on the otherhand saw my fall and carefully climbed down. I stood up and dusted myself off. Looking around I saw that the cavern floor was covered in water.


Lucia said...

Wow, I can't wait for more!

Ian Dewey said...

I like it, you should keep posting.

Lucia said...

Please, give me more!!!! You're killing me!
Lucie- ;-)