Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"Jess," I shook his shoulder, "Jess you can't collapse on me now," I muttered. The chetal was starting to stir. I grew frantic. The chetal rolled it's head and looked at me. In it's eyes I saw hate. It clawed at the red vines. That was it, I couldn't wait for Jess to wake. Gently I hoisted him up on my shoulders, staggering I tried to run. One by one I heard the vines snapping, and just as I thought the day could get worse the Fire crystal flew off my neck. "Come back," I shouted.

"Uhhh," Jess moaned.

"Jess wake up," I set him up against a tree.

"What happened?"

"Just do something," I screamed. Jess looked and saw the chetal charging at us. We brased for impact with our crystals.

"Zing," a branch fell on the chetal's head. It growled and looked to where it had come from. Standing in the middle of the forest was a lone archer, bow drawn and and arrow with fire on its end. The arrow left the bow and planted itself firmly into the chest of the chetal. The chetal screeched and howled trying to pull the arrow out. The archer flicked his hair back and smirked. He winked at me as I stared at him and readied himself for another shot, which landed in the other side of the chetal. In seconds the archer managed to bring the beast to its knees. Jess wound more vines around the struggling chetal, I helped by giving Jess more power. Soon the chetal was dead.

The archer let his bow down and walked over towards us.

"This belongs to you," he said as he handed me the Fire crystal.

"The Fire crystal belongs to you. It chose you,"

The archer just looked at me and put the crystal in his robes, then he turned to walk away.

"Wait, you can't go, I need you to help me find the others,"

"I work alone, kid,"

"I'm not a kid," I said putting my hands on my hips. He continued walking.

"Just let him go," said Jess who turned and began to continue to walk through the forest. I followed. Then and agonizing scream pierced the air. I turned around and ran the direction that the archer took. He was on his knees leaning over in pain. But as I came closer his pain seemed to lessen until he and I stood face to face. His muddy colored hair swept over his brown eyes.

"Lead the way," was all he said.

1 comment:

Lucia said...

I noticed that a lot of times in books or movies, they say I work alone, and always end up working with other people. Interesting. . .