Thursday, February 15, 2007

People Drive Stupidly

Leah and I had a conversation today about how people can not drive. As soon as winter hits, everyone forgets how to drive. Just this morning at around nine, I saw four backwards cars in the snow. Yesterday on 590 south between monroe and winton, there were about six cars all over the road. Traffic was backed up. I was just grimacing at the thought of these poor people, but you would think that they would have some common sense.


Lucia said...

It also might have been one person was stupid and caused a big accident like that one. As they say, it only takes one rotten apple to spoil a bushel.

Ian Dewey said...

My mom has said from time to time that "there is no common sense, just good sense and bad sense." Everyday I'm more and more inclined to agree.

Monkeybaby14 said...

yeah, i agree too!


Annie said...

People always forget how to drive in snow when it starts snowing every year. I don't want to ever drive in snow.
