Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mcc is so mean. There is all of this snow and every other school closes. Does Mcc? NOOOOOOO!!!!! I had to go to my eight o'clock class in this crapy weather. I wasn't lucky wnough to have the class canceled. It was mean. I had to freeze and a shovel snow, which wasn't that bad. Okay whatever, I'm rabbling as I always do. Anyway Happy Valentine's Day.

Jess was brought in chains, his wrists were chaft. Blood dripped down his face from his nose and lips. A big shiner shone from his eye. I ran over to him.

"Oh Jess, what have they done to you?" I whispered into his ear.

"I've been banged up worse before,"

"Did they take your crystal?"

"When they tried to take it from me, a green light erupted from it shocking the guard," I sent out a shigh of relief.

"Let me friend go," I said standing up with a definant look in my eye.

"That would be quite impossible with what he has done,"

"I need him so we can find the other bearers of the crystals,"

"When you go I will let him go as well,"

"Then I will be leaving now,"

" That I cannot allow either. You must stay and see out fair city first,"


"All exits to the realm are sealed until the next full moon which isn't for another week. So I suggest you get use to your accomindations,"

I glared at him.

"Take him away,"

"Wait where Jess goes I go to,"

"Kel, you don't have to do this," said Jess as he was taken away.

"Yes I do," I said still glaring at the emperor. His face stayed stony as he began to speak.

"Fine, have it your way. Take them away,"

The guards took us out of the emperor's throne room and led us down the hall. All along the hall were pictures of past emperors. Many were grim looking. They seemed to still be alive watching us as we were taken down the hall. The hall eventually split in tow directions one way towards a upper level, then other down. Thr guards took us down a dark and damp stair well that wound itself down around a tree trunk, deep into the core of the castle.

Jess was pushed into cell and collapsed onto the dirt floor.

"How dare you!" I shouted at the guard. He just laughed at me and I glared back at him.

"Kel you didn't have to do this,"

"Your my friend, I can't leave you," I pulled a hair pin out and my hair tumbled across my shoulders. I picked at the lock, but if you've tried to do it, you know it is really hard to do it in the dark. The chains on Jess's wrist clanked against each other and fell to the floor with a thud. "Jess, why didn't you tell me about your past?"

"Because I was afraid that you wouldn't like me for being a theif,"

"Jess, everyone has done something terrible, even me. The best way to feel better is to tell someone what you did. I would never ever not like you. You're my best friend and nothing could every change that," I said cupping my hands around his chin. "Let me take care of that,"

"With what,"

"With this," I pulled out my crystal.

"Do you even know how to use it?"

"Truthfully, no. But I think I will be able if I just concentrate on what needs to be accomplished," Closing my eyes I thought of a bowl with warm, clean water and a rag to wash away the blood and dirt from Jess. I opened my eyes, but nothing had happened. "Why didn't it work?"

"Maybe you're trying to hard," Jess said with a slight laugh.

"You wish," I muttered.

I tried again, but this time my mind wandered to a memory of my mother.

"The guardians used spells to bring forth objects from other places, or they would conjure up object. That took more practice because they were creating things instead of bringing the objects from somewhere,"

"Did they have a spell that they used?" little Kel asked.

"Some did, others just thought what they wanted. Some thought and spoke a spell at the same time. Every bearer was different,"

"What spell did the leader use?" little Kel asked.

"She uttered the words Kri Grem Ji Nobra"

Kel opened her eyes, "I know how to do it, Kri grem Ji Nobra" she uttered while thinking of what she wanted. Kel felt a warm glow. She opened her eyes and as the glow slowly crept away, there lying in her hands was a bolw full of warm water with a rag.

"Bravo, bravo," Jess said sarcastically clapping.

"Do you want to get rid of that blood, or should I give you another shiner?"

He sighed, still being sarcastic, "Fine, if I must be serious then I will,"

I washed away the blood from his head, nose, and lips. It was then that I noticed his ear. Self consciously he pulled his hair over his ears, but pushed it back out of the way. I started to reach for them when he caught my hand as looked into my eyes. He guided my hand towards his ears and let me feel them.

"They're beautiful," I breathed and I let the engery flow through me. Our bodies were tingling all over. Jess reached out and held me close, his lips brushing over my face until they found my lips.


Lucia said...

I'm ever so happy you wrote again! I've been trying to guess what would happen in your next post ever since I read the last one.
PS I knew there would be a little romance in the story sometime.

Annie said...

Happy Valentines day !!!! Oh by the way MCC did close at 3:00 this afternoon.

Annie !

Lucia said...

I keep reading your story over and over again. I like it so much! Please update soon

Monkeybaby14 said...

everyone likes ur stories alex.. i told u you should publish them into a short story book!
