Thursday, February 15, 2007

Disgusting people

The most disgusting thing that people can do is smoke. I walk by one of the girls from my english class ans she reaks of smoke. It is truly the most un appealing thing about people, that and guys who where girl pants. There is this one guy at school who wheres pants that looks like he has been poured into them. Seriously, I don't want to see every line of his butt. It is gross, and not to mention that he smokes too. Yuck! His hair is all over and he has chains that are attached somewhere. The only other gross thing that I have seen several times this week is butt cracks. The people sit down and there is two inches. Wouldn't they know that their pants are not up all the way? Don't they get cold? Obviously not other wise I wouldn't have to see it. The only other gross thing that I had to deal with is gum on the underside of desks. That is disgusting. Hello that is what garbage cans are for. You try to move the desks around and there on the under side is gum galore. People are just disgusting in general, at least most of them are.


Ian Dewey said...

I agree that smoking isn't cool, but it's still their choice, just like how they choose to wear pants to that are too small. The only thing you can do is put up with it and try to not let it bother you I guess. It can be annoying though, definitely.

Monkeybaby14 said...

yeah, i hate smokers... don't they know it will kill their lungs some day? i mean come on really people... LEARN FROM THE COMMERCIALS ON T.V! COME ON PEOPLESSSSSSSSSSS!

ARG..... the peoples these days make me mad... well, most of them any ways!


Ian Dewey said...

You guys are definitely allowed t have your own opinion on smoking, I ven agree with you, it's bad. But saying you hate the people who do it is something you might want to stay away from saying too much. By all means, hate smoking. I'm thoroughly opposed to it myself, it's something I would always advise people to stay away from. At the same time though, saying you hate smokers and that they are disgusting might hurt the feelings of people you wouldn't expect, people who feel ALMOST the exact same way about smoking as you.