Sunday, May 27, 2007

Kakashi Sensei is too sexy

Kakashi - Can't touch this

Painting Fences

Today I went to the barn to help paint the ring fence for the competition. It started out okay, but after painting not even a quarter of the fence in two hours, you start to go slow. By the end of the time that we worked, I had this black oil based paint on my boots, pants, shirt, skin, and a bit on the wisps of my hair. And because it is oil based, the only thing that could get it off our skin was the paint thinner. So we mixed the thinner with water and washed the paint off ourselves. I came home and tried to get more off, but I think that I am going to have it on for awhile until it wears off. But after we worked, we got to ride, which is the whole point. We were going to go on a trail ride, but the rain came faster than we could go, so we round inside. Now the barn has a tin roof where we ride in the indoor. It poured so loud that we couldn't even hear each other. All we could see were our mouths moving, but because of the rain we couldn't hear anything. It was terrible, but we managed, and it did stop every once and a while. I went over five jumps in a row, some were okay, others could be worked upon, but it was my first time doing this type of diagonal jumping. (Not to mention that the ring was slippery in spots because the owner turned water on in the rink and forgot to turn it off. The air dries the dirt, so if the ring is not watered, than it gets hard to breath with dust being kicked uup by the horses. Trust me, I know very well. I had a coughing fit once that refused to stop. But all went well. One day we will be able to go on a trail ride, and until then, I will be happy just riding, because that is what I love to do.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Washing the Front of the House

Today I got to try out my new bathing suite on and wash the front of the house. But boy was it hot out. It is that muggie heat that doesn't go away. I wish I had a pool to go in right now. I was thinking about going in the sprinkler, but I still have to find it. I didn't find it in the shed, so there is a chance that when we clean out the garage for Sarah's party that we might find it. But for right now, I am satisfied in the house.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Bottle Whines

It is a beautiful day outside, though I think that it should be warmer. I am ready for it to be really warm. It better be warm by my birthday. Anyway, I turned in all my essays for both of my classes and it feels as if a huge wait has been lifted off of my chest. It feels great to be done with two of my classes. All I have left is to study for my botany test on the 21st. I am so happy that I am almost done.

My bottle whines after I drink out of it. I think it is from the water getting stuck or the air. But it always sounds weird. I have no idea why I said that, but its there.

There is a certain someone that must pass a certain test, or there will be a bone to pick. Under no circumstances must this person fail or I'm not sure what, but something will happen. I just have to think of something. On a flyier I could have all of the side effects written in small print, but that thing doesn't really work that well on a blog. I'll have to pester this certain someone for revenge because that is all I can think of for the moment. Dead Meat! On another note, another certain someone has to continue writing on her blog. Why? Because I said so!


I start my summer session on the 29th of may, and I still somewhat regret taking a summer class, because it will be nice and I will have to be inside instead of outdoors. Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Two Days Left Of School!

Sarah and I are hoping that all of us can go tot the festival tonight, but that all depends on if she gets her homework done. Luckily I have gotten all mine done including the three essays which I am going to turn in on thursday. I hope that the english ones are at least B rated material. If I can get that, then I know that I can get at least a B in the class. I know in my history class that I have an A. He gave us back the points that we have. I have 705 over 700. An A in that class you have to have 648 points. I am well over it and I wouldn't have to do the last essay, but I said what the heack. If I get good points on that, my homework, and the quiz that we are going to have on thursday, than I will certainly get to at least 750. It would be so much easier if he didn't have the point system. I still don't know how to calculate it. I just hope that he didn't make a mistake in his addition. Even though I really like that class, and probably will miss it, I am ready for this semester to be over. I just have to hold in for two more days, and the final on the 21st. But then I have a summer class. Yuck. I can't believe that I would want to do that.

Today it is so beautiful. But I haven't been outside at all today. I got home at 1 and have been doing schoolwork ever since. So I am going to say goodbye so I can enjoy this weather.



Monday, May 14, 2007

Orchid Debt

Today was gorgeous. It wasn't too hot or too cold. It was jsut right. (I sound like goldie locks) After I came home from school, I stayed outside and read a book. But then I had to move to different spots because the sun kept moving in the sky and I became blinded by the white paper of the book. So eventually I gave up and just went back inside to read some more before I had to make dinner. But that wasn't the most exciting part of the day. This morning my botany class, for its last lab, went to see a guy who breeds orchids. It was very interesting. I got to see how they were pollenated and how to repot them. I also got to see differnent ones from around the world. My favorite ones were the lady slippers. They looked like a ballerina slipper. But they weren't really bright in color. I liked them for their shape only. The ones that were bright colors, were more appealing and I probably would want one of them in my house rather than the lady slippers which tend to be dark brownish colors with yellow mixed in. Did you know that some of the orchids in the world go for five thousand dollars! And there are people who will pay to have that plant. Apparently, the man who owns this place, said that people who breed orchids on the west coast will attract Japanese people who have that kind of money to spend on a plant, and are readily going to do that. Who would want to have, or even think about buying a plant for five thousand dollars? I certainly would be interested in buying something like that that could put me in debt. They are beautiful, but I don't think anything that beautiful is worth five thousand dollars. Well maybe my husband would be to me, if I got married.


Sunday, May 13, 2007


For the past two days I have been working hard and I am tired completly through. I don't think that I will be able to move anymore. I'll be stuck in one spot forever. Basically all day long we have been doing yard work. I mowed the lawn and weed wacked it, we transplanted lillies, constructed beds and put them in, trimmed trees and clean a rabbit butt, (which isn't outside work, but that is what we did) So if anyone sees me bent over, they'll know why.

Today I learn how to use the weed wacker. It isn't really as hard as I thought it was. But if I use it enough I should grow some strength in my arms. The thing that is the most weirdest is the vibrating. It tickles. It is like that room that Leah and I were in that time in the library.

Got to go,


Friday, May 11, 2007

Power of the Lawn Mower

"Yellow faces stretch out towards the sun,
in one mighty sweep, they're gone"

It is the curse, no ne is safe.
It comes six times in a seeding.
Cutting is all it does.
None are spared.
Watching it come closer.
Chrissy is gone. Her head split,
anthers and ray petals flung to the ground
I must tell this tale quickly,
for there is no time to lose.
Angela, Peter, Terry, Pete
All have gone, all I can do is weep.
Prepare yourself, maybe you'll be lucky.
The power can only go so far.
Here it comes, the calm before the storm.
It has passed me by.
But you in the stoney heat,
Will lose your feet.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Strange Dog

COOL MySpace Comments

Kt was looking for pictures on myspace and she showed me this one.

COOL MySpace Comments

And this one too. I thought that these pictures were funny and cute.

Summer class

Since we have had all of this nice weather, it has made me regret taking a summer class. I suppose that it won't be too bad. It is in the morning and onl three times a week. Plus I get credit for it and it is one less class I have to do. But it will be warm and I will be inside. Yuck.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Spring Fling

I am so excited! I have written the rough draft for my second essay that I have to do for english, and I am geting closer at the other one for english. I have to have these both done by the 17 which is the last day of school for me. My other paper in history is also due that day. I think that if I can pull out a B in both of the english papers, I should be safe, and I never, I repeat I'll never take another honors course as lng as I live. They are extremely hard. I don't like all that pressure.

Today was spring fling at school and it was a blast. My friend Tiffani drew a charactature of me as a sexy anime elf. Sarah asays that it doesn't look like me, but then again it isn't suppse to completely. She was dressed as a Geisha today for the anime club that she belongs to. It was funny because a whole bunch of people were looking at her all the time in the halls and she would just smile and wave at them, but that is Tiffiani for you. Since I have been home at 1:25ish, I have doing homework. I just got done at 4. My brain is filled, and I still have something to read for english tomorrow. That means that after I star dinner, I have to read that. I wish teachers didn't load all of this reading on a person at one time. Seriously, my eyes feel like they are ready to burst.

My allergies don't seem to be doing any better. I was sniffling all through class today and any time that I was just sitting still. It is really annoying. I hope that it is allergies and not something else. (like a spring bug) I guess in the meantime that I will just have to deal with it and hope that I will be able to breath better later on.

Stay cool in the sun!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

80 degrees

I have only three more essays left to write, and I think I am on my way to finishing one of them. I am so excited that I am almost done with school, because then I can read more books and I can think of more ideas for my story. I have been so busy doing schoolwork that I haven't had tiem to just sit and type anything in. So I still don't have anything more for you to read Lucie. I know that you have been enjoying my story and have been one of my faithful readers. I do have a great idea, which I hope to use in the next part that I am on.

I enjoyed this weather so much today. It was almost 80 degrees out today and I was so thrilled when school was over so that I could go outside to relax after studying all day long. Everything is in bloom at school and the trees are staring to get their leaves. The only bad thng about spring, is that my allergies are going banana wacky. My nose is almost always slightly plugged and for some reason it feels like I have something sitting over my throat. I can't talk really loud or shout without it sounding really weird. I hope that it will go away when the plants are fully out and a about, after all of their pollenating is over.

Catch ya later,


Friday, May 4, 2007

Lady and the Lion

I have finished the first rough draft of my essay that is due for the final in my english class. But I want to talk to my teacher about it because I feel like I am all over for some reason. I don't feel like I have a concrete thesis. But I hope that she will be there on Monday so I can have her read it and get an idea on how to wright it better. The first part of the essay had to be a fariy tale that we didn't go over in class and then the last two pages had to be why wer wrote what we wrote. This is the stroy I decided to do. It is my first short story that I have ever writen. The stars separate when Belle and the Lion talk. I got the idea of using a lion as the beast from the book called BEAST by Donna Jo Napoli.

Lady and the Lion
I came home that night finding myself in the presence of a young girl. she was trespassing into my house. I was going to roar at her, but strangly enough, I couldn’t. This girk was, or looked like a peasant. Her clothes were tattered and torn. I watched her as she went about the room. She stopped at a chair and fell asleep upon it.
When I awoke, there was a fire in the fireplace. It cackled with glee. My stomach growled and I made my way to the pantry. But most of the stores were old or rotting. My stomach protested some more. I managed to find my way outside and into the garden. I saw a brambled of bushes enclustered with berries, which I promptly ate up. Their flesh was sweet with the taste of the sun. As I looked up to find more, I saw a huge shape.
I was just out to find something to eat for myself when the girl caught sight of me. But she didn’t run, it was as if she was entranced. But I kept to the shadows. I didn’t want her to see how I looked.
It was a lion that I saw. His golden fur gleamed in the sun patches, and his amber eyes were full of saddness. I began to walk towards him, but he backed away into the shadows.
She’s stayed for weeks now. I don’t know if it is because she has no place to stay, or if she pities me. But today, as I was in the gardens, she came up to me again. I was in the sun enjoying the roses. But by the time I noticed her, she was all ready ontop of me. I jumped up.
“I didn’t mean to startle you,” she said. She sat on the ground in front of me. “The roses are so beautiful,” she went to touch one and I growled. But she continued and picked one. “Ouch,” she said as a dribble of blood formed on her finger. At the smell I sat up and glowered at her. It was almost too late, but I caught myself.
“I’m still a man,” I said to myself. I went and licked to blood off her finger.
“Thank you Lion,” she said.
I don’t know what it is about this place, but I can’t get myself to leave.
I found the library in thi shuge castle. I opened the curtains to let the light in, but I also started the Lion again. He was lying on the floor with a book under his paw. It was opened to a bookmarked page. He looked up at me and pushed the book towards me with his enormous paws. I settled myself next to him and I began to read.
Every night she reads to me. Now she’s not afraid to snuggle next to me. As I listen to her read, I find myself drawn to her. I need to be near her.
The Lion has brought in roses into the library. It is so beautiful. I don’t wnat to leave here. The Lion needs me, but I think that I need him more. No one has ever cared about me. He always thinks about me, giving me flowers or finding meat for me to eat. I’m drawn to him so strongly.
A thunderstorm scared Annabelle, as I’ve decided to call her, to my side. She buried her head into my ruff and there she stayed all night.
After the storm, the Lion went out to hunt. But when he didn’t come back I grew scared. I ran out to the garden to watch for him. But then I saw him lying under a tree. His coast was crimson red. I ran to him crying. He looked up at me, but his eyes weren’t full of sorrow. They were glad. The rain began to fall again.
“You can’t leave me,” I screamed above the thunder. “I love you,”
My heart thumped another beat. She loved me. My Annabelle loved me. I let out a raor. It startled her enough to back away. I was soaking wet, my hair dripped water into my eyes. I tasted it on my lips. Annabelle just stared at me.
“What’s wrong?” I asked her. She just stared. “It’s me,” she continued to look at me. A tear rolled down her cheek. She came and held me tight. “I love you Belle,”

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Spiderman Shirt

Here's an interesting thing. Everyone commented on my spiderman shirt that I got. It is for the new movie. But the latest comment I got on it was from one of my friends who said that it looks as if spierman is groping me. Very interesting! Frommy perspective, which is from up above, it doesn't seem to be that noticable. But then again I'm not looking at it in that way or angle. It still think that it is funny. By the way, the movies will come out tomorrow. Very exciting. I can't wait to see it and when I do, I will wear this shirt. I did that for the last Harry Potter movie. I wore my shirt and toe socks. Now I'm just a bit strange. And when I had the StarWars movie at my house, I wore my Jedi cloak. I also went around saying may the force be with you. I'm a nut. Horray for me! This is how I keep my life interesting by being so strange.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

BackStreet Boys

This music video is one of their weirder ones, but I like it anyway.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Vibrating Room

Nothing in preticular has occured today, just the usual routine. I did have three quizes today and I think that I will get good grades on them. Right now in my english class we are reading The Wide Sargasso Sea, which is being told by Bertha's point from Jane Eyre. So far the story has been extremely boring. I hope that in the next section that we have to read will pick up. Of course it should be interesting because now we will get to see a side of Rochester that we didn't get to see in Jane Eyre.

My brain is dead of ideas. Oh one thing that I guess that is remotly exciting to me is that I don't have to make dinner tonight, which means that I can watch a movie when I get home.

I always find this interesting. In your first class the teachers give you and hour of homework, the second and third do it too, and just when you think that you had enough, your fourth class gives you an hour too. So now whn you get home you have four hours of solid studying to do for the next day. Every teacher it seems, thinks that you are only taking their class, so they load the homework on you. It is so annoying. I get that sometimes but I'm thankful that I don't have it all the time.

This may sound weird, but the room that I am in is vibrating, and it tickles.