Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Kalob was some what a hot head when things didn't go his way, but he did grow out of it. I liked Kalob a lot. He knew how to grow food and how to take care of animals. He showed me how to milk a cow while we were still in the village. I grew to know the children of the village and they me. But I knew that I couldn't stay her forever.

Griffen had secluded himself from the rest of us. He never did well around a huge group of people. Quick Fingers stayed with him in a cave not far from the village. It was growing dark when I saw his fire off in the distance. So I decided to go up and talk to him.

Quick Fingers was the only one around the fire when I got there.

"If you are looking for Griffen, you'll have to wait. He's gone off somewhere," the wercat said.

"You look quite comfortable sitting next to the fire, may I join you?" I asked him.

"I suppose. You are better company than Griffen," I sat down next to Quick Fingers and waited until Griffen came back. Which he did not shortly after.

"Griffen," I asked, "Do you know where I could find Garados? You've been all over the place,"

"Garados is always moving now that he doesn't have a body," I didn't say anything. "Still, we should go soon, the air is starting to smell different,"


"Ogers are on the move, which is something that they don't ususally do. Oger hate people so they usually stay away. But because of their weak minds, they are easy to take over. Which means that there will be killings,"

A howl went through the air which made me shudder.

"Go get the others, we need to go now!" I ran down into the path to the village to warn the others.

"The ogers are coming. We have to get out of here," was all I said before fire streaming arrows came raining down.

Evil Windows

I need to vent about computers right now so really most of those who read my blog can ignore this. Windows are evil every time I try to use them, they don't work. Either it is the website or they crash on me, not to mention freezing. Everything is backwards sompared to Macs. I suppose most people think that they are great because they are used to them, but even if I got used to them, I would still hate them.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

"What's your name?" Jess asked the boy.

"Mathyus," he said quietly. "Thanks for chasing those soldiers away,"

"Why were they chasing you," I asked.

"I stole food for my mother. She's sick and can't work. The food was gone and because we didn't have money I just took some. I managed to get some to her before they spotted me. I got to get home," he said.

"Not yet," Griffen spoke up. "Take us to your home,"

Mathyus took us to his home. Griffen stepped in front of him and went into the house first. He sniffed the air. "Don't let him in, he doesn't need to see this,"

"See what?" He asked and pushed his way out of my arms and through the door, but he stopped half way and fell to his knees. Griffen moved in and let us see. Blood splattered on the ground. A woman laid on her back, right arm spread out a loaf of bread not far. Mud jars were lay shattered on the ground. The house was all pulled apart.

Tears rolled down Mathyus's cheeks as he silently cried. But I wasn't expecting him to run and hold onto me. Akwardly I placed my hands around him and stroaked his head. Griffen left the room and was out door. "Come, it is not safe to stay here,"

Gently I tried to pull Mathyus away, but he wouldn't go.

"I can't leave her,"

"Kel, soldiers," Jess said quietly so not to alert them.

"Mathyus there s nothing we can do, we have to go,"

"We have to leave now," Griffen said with force and hauled the boy away and put him over his shoulder.

"Put me down," Mathyus said, the tears still streaming as he hit Griffen on the back,"

"The soldiers are comng down from the street over to your right," Quick Fingers said coming out of the shadows.

"Did you kill the two?"

"It was easy," he smirked cleaning off a claw.

Griffen led us out of the city and we disapeard into the woods beyond right under the noses of the soldiers. When Griffen felt that we were safe, he let us stop and put Mathyus down who had stopped struggling to get off. That was when I gave him the Water crystal.

"This is for you," I said.

"What is it?" asked Mathyus, his eyes wide.

"It is one of the guardian crystals and it has chosen you to be the one to bear it," I told him. I put it in his hands as it glowed brighter. Two days later the Air crystal began to glow.

Griffen led us. At this time we had reached the sea. As we got closer, I could smell the salty air and hear the seagulls. The sound of the ocean rumbled over the rocks. We came upon a small mountain range that ran along the coast. Crossing through the valleys in betwen, we came across a small village. Griffen led the way still and we walked down the road to the village. As we walked by people stopped and stared for it was obvious that we were a strange group of people. The Air crystal tingled and began to glow very bright. I pulled the crystal out from under my shirt. Sitting in a tree was a teenager eating an apple.

"This is for you," I said to the stranger. He took it, keeping his face in the shadows. As soon as he touched it the sky began to darken. All the crystals glowed brightly. They came together in front of each of the guys, but when they came back to them the smell of burning flesh and screams pierced the air. Only Griffen grimmaced as the crystal fussed into his chest. As the sky began to lighten, one by one, each of them collapsed.

Jess was the first on to wake.

"Jess," I cried and I went over to him. Where the crystal entered his chest was a diamond shaped scar. "Does it hurt?" I asked.

"Not too much," he winced. One by one the guys woke up and all seemed to be the same way that Jess was.

"What the hell did you do to me?" The stranger yelled.

"The Air crystal chose to to be a bearer," I told him as he stood in front of me seething with anger. His brown hair was a mess and his black eyes glared at me. "You are a guardian now,"

"What if I didn't want to be?"

"Tell that to the crystal. I didn't want to be a guardian either, but now I am," Griffen said getting up.

Quick Fingers came out from behind a house. "Is it safe for me to show my face, or are you going to argue with the leader?" asked the wercat to the stranger.

"Well excuse me, but I was expecting to have a normal day not to mention a normal life," Quick Fingers hissed at The Stranger.

"I don't like this Kalob," he hissed again to Griffen.

"Kalob, your the one who hunts after girls and then runs away when their father's come to chase you," said Griffen.

"You do what?" I said to Kalob.

"I used to. I'm too well known to do that any more, so now I just climb up the apple trees and eat apples,"

"A lazy butt," Quick Fingers retorted to the one who yelled at him.

"Would you all just stop arguing," Jess said. "So maybe you didn't want to become a guardian, but you're stuck now so deal with it," he walked off in a huff. Mathyus took two looks and followed Jess off into the apple orchard.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bad Bald Guys & Sexy Ones

I was watching a movie recently and I noticed that the bad guy was short and bald. It seems as if most bad guys are short and bald. What's up with that? Or the bad guys are so sexy and attractive looking. Dad said it was because evil comes in two ways; either ugly or beautiful. The other thing I notice, is that with the beautiful evil attracts the girls especially when the bad guys pretned to love them. Of course they don't care for anyone except themselves. The ugly bad guys usually attract the ones who are in it for the money, glory, and or revenge on someone else. The other thing that seems to happen all the time is the people who work for their evil master always seem to get shot. They do what they are told, but when they ask for money that was due to them, or more money, they get shot. Why would anyone want to help someone like that because you give the bad one what he wants, and even if you get the money, they shoot you because they don't want to give it away. I think people are just not always thinking when they get into situations like these,or if they are, they must be insane.

When the women are evil, they are always seductive. They where as little as possible so that they can charm their way into where ever they have to be. It makes me sick. Or they are the bad ass babes and know how to kick butt. The other choice is being ugly, an witch for instance, which I don't think happens as often. Why? Because the majority of men want to look at a hot babe on the big screen than an ugly one. These sterotypes are just as bad as the ones for the males. It does make sense that the evil ones are hot, because they are doing the same thing for the female viewers as the hot girls are doing for the boys. It's kind of disturbing in some ways. It's creepy how people can twist others and tantlize them with sexy things. Gross!!!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Water crystal didn't go to The Huntress as I thought. But that made sense after I found out that she worked for the dark lord, whoever he was.

By midday we had reached a plateau where we took a look upon a marvous city.

"That is the city Trinity," said Jess, "My best friend said that there were good things to snatch there," he said a bit ashamed.

"Thieving isn't as bad as what some people do for a living," Girffen said.

Griffen led us down a path that had been carved into the plateau. The path was of dirt at first, but then turned into stone when it became steep. Some one had dragged the stones up here and created steps.

"Many that move in the night use this passage when running from the soldiers," said Griffen. We reached the gates to where the soldiers were on patrol. "Stay close to me and don't say anything unless I tell you to," Griffen whispeard. The soldiers led us through with no problem and Griffen led us through the crowded streets to the market place. Then he led us down a dingy allyway and through a set of doors. "Stay here," he said, and he continued through a doorway.

The place that Griffen took us to used to be an tavern, but from the broken furniture and ale jars covered in cobwebs, it looked as if it hadn't been used in a long time.

Griffen came back. "I have to go, but you can stay here in the back room. Don't mind Quick Fingers, he won't harm you unless you bother him. There's food and water in the back sink," Griffen said and he slipped out the door.

Jess entered the room first and I followed, my stomach growling. Jess found the sink with the food and water which I inhaled.

"Slow down Kel or you're going to get sick,"

"You just want to make sure that you get some of the food," I said with food in my mouth.

"That too, but truly, you will get sick," I slowed down just to make him feel better. That was when I noticed that some of the bread was gone.

"Jess did you take some of the bread?" I asked him.

"No, why?"

"Because it is missing," He and I looked around but all we saw was a cat in the corner.

"Are you looking for this?" the cat said with a cheshire grin, holding up the bread in its paws. I almost dropped the rest of my food.

"It's a wercat," said Jess.

"I am indeed," the wercat said bowing with a flourish.

"They also tend to be very arrogent,"

"Hmmph," the wercat said. "I have my moments, but I try to be nice,"

"Yeah right," I muttered.

"I'm also very keen of hearing,"

"I assuming that you are Quick Fingers," Jess said.

"At your serivce," Quick Fingers said, "I suppose that you would like your bread back girly?"

"Yes please," With a huff Quick Fingers handed me the bread.

Griffen didn't apper back at the tavern until nightfall. He brought out more food from under his cloak. He went over to Quick Fingers and gave him a scratch and some fish, which was eaten up immediately by the wercat.

"Griffen we can't stay here, I have to find the one for the Water crystal," I pulled it out from under my shirt just to see if it was still glowing.

"Tomorrow we will be going anyway, sleep wherever," he took his cloak off and walked up some stairs in the front room.

The next morning the four of us, including Quicl Fingers went in pursuit of the bearer of the Water crystal. Griffen took us all over the city with Quick Fingers riding on his shoulder.

"Take a left," Quick Fingers said suddenly, " Go right at the end of this street and keep going until it dead ends,"

"Do you see the bearer?" I asked.

"Quick Fingers has been given a second sight. The bearer should have a bluish aura around itself,"

In the distance we heard soldiers and the sounds of their heavy boots. Griffen pushed us back into the shadows. A boy flew around the corner going down to the dead end. He was cornered as the soldiers came blocking his path.

"We got you now halfling,"

"His the one," Quick Fingers said to Griffen.

Griffen steped out of the shadows with Quick Fingers. "If you harm that boy, you'll wish that you didn't," The soldiers turned around.

"And just what are you going to do about it?" one of the soldiers asked. At that point Jess and I came out and stood behind Griffen. Griffen drew his bow and shot the one who spoke dead. At the time I thought that that wasn't a good move, but now that I think of it that just made the soldiers angrier.

Griffen stood with his boy ready again. Jess's hands turned an emerald green. The ground started to shake and tree roots pulled up from the ground. I created a glow of energy in front of me. One by one the soldiers fell, but two managed to escape.

"Don't let them get away," Griffen said to Quick Fingers. Quick Fingers jumped off his shoulder and bounded across the ground. I ran over to where the boy was, but he had fled as soon as we started attacking. I looked around to find out where he could have gone. I looked up over the wall and saw some fabric that had gotten stuck on the rough surface.

"He's gone into the garden of the king," Griffen said.

"If he's found, I'm sure that he won't be treated like a prince," said Jess with a sour expression on his face.

Jess and I used out magic to lift the three of us over the wall. At the top we stopped looking over. Griffen walked along the wall and crept up to the roof. When he was sure that everything was all right he montioned us on.

Griffen led us up to the top of the alcove on the roof. Scanning th egrounds below, he saw movement in the south side of the garden. The boy lept out of the spot and hurried along the wall.

"Jess go around that way and make sure he can't get out. Kel you follow me," Jess went around to where he was suppose to be and I follow Griffen. The three of us cornered the boy.

"Grab the rope," I called to the boy as I lowered it down to him. He paused thinking of running, but at that moment the king came out with the queen. The boy scurried up that rope like a raccoon. Griffen grabbed his hand and we pulled him up just as the royal couple rounded the corner.

"Come with us," Griffen said glaring at the boy. The four of us left the rooftop unnoticed.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

It was the scream from the archer that drew me back to the spot where the chetal had died. I found the archer doubled over in pain. He did come with us, but he stayed quiet.

"I'm Kel and this is Jess," I said when we met up together.

"Griffen," was all he said and he took the lead with a steady gait.

"Where are you from?" I said, breathing a bit harder than normal for he walked fast.

"Not around here if that's what you mean," that was all I was able to get out of him for the rest of the day.

By nightfall we were still in the forest and we made camp off of the main path that we were traveling.

Griffen stayed on the other side of the fire, his cloak drapped over him and his hood over his head so he had to peer out from underneath. His bow stayed at his side. He seem skittish, more so than I have ever seen in one person. Every rustle and snap made him sit up and look about.

"I'll take first watch," he said as Jess and I got ready to go to sleep.

"What could be out here that is that dangerous?" Jess asked him.

"Plenty elf," and he turned to watch the darkness.

When I woke up, Griffen was no where to be found, but the fire was going and something was cooking on it. I wished I had by bow and quiver I felt completely naked without it. I had also been dying for meat for days, but it seemed as if Griffen had all ready caught something. By the time he got back, Jess and I had wolfed down most of the food.

He didn't say anything when he noticed the missing food. He just threw down some rabbits and began to skin them. But I silent noise must have been heard by Griffen for he spun up bow ready. A crystal began to tingle. What I pulled out was the Water crystal. Then out of the bushes a woman appeared clad in hunting attire, bow in hand.

"I knew that I smelt a theif," she said to Griffen.

"Hmmf," hw said and went back to skinning the rabbits.

"Excuse the rude one, I'm Alexandra the Huntress," she said with an importance air about her. "You are Kel and this is Jess," I stared at her. "telepathic,"

"Oh," was all I managed.

Now Griffen began to speak. "What are you doing out here Huntress?"

"Looking for fresh meat just as you, though of a differnent taste. Though from the looks of it your taste has changed dramtically from a certain circumstance,"

Griffen grunted. "You know from the way you act, no one would think that you're only nineteen," Griffen didn't look up. "You act more like an old man," Jess raised and eyebrow at this. She was right, he didn't act his age.

"Some people age faster, Huntress depending on where they are from. Take the girl for instance, she still looks like a kid,"

"Hey!" I said in anger. "I am no kid,"

"She even complains like one," The Huntress looked at Griffen and then at me.

"I'm sure you don't give her enough credit,"

"If she had any, then I would,"

"Well, then if she is just a kid, why are you hanging around,"

"This damn crystal. I f I get too far my heart feels as it is being ripped out of my chest. If that didn't happen I wouldn't be here,"

"Where is this crystal?" The Huntress asked. Griffen pulled it out from under his shirt. The Huntress took it from his hands.

"This would bring a pretty penny in the city yonder," Griffen took it from her. "Okay fine. I have some negotiations that need attending to. Go have fun with the kids," and she disapeard as silently as she came.

"It's time to go," said Griffen.

"Arn't you going to eat?"

"Why do you think I took the time to skin the rabbits," was all he said.

"Who was that?" Jess asked when we were on the road.

"She is a worker for the dark lord,"

"The dark lord?"

"Where ever he sends her devestation follows," Jess had nothing to say to that.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"Jess," I shook his shoulder, "Jess you can't collapse on me now," I muttered. The chetal was starting to stir. I grew frantic. The chetal rolled it's head and looked at me. In it's eyes I saw hate. It clawed at the red vines. That was it, I couldn't wait for Jess to wake. Gently I hoisted him up on my shoulders, staggering I tried to run. One by one I heard the vines snapping, and just as I thought the day could get worse the Fire crystal flew off my neck. "Come back," I shouted.

"Uhhh," Jess moaned.

"Jess wake up," I set him up against a tree.

"What happened?"

"Just do something," I screamed. Jess looked and saw the chetal charging at us. We brased for impact with our crystals.

"Zing," a branch fell on the chetal's head. It growled and looked to where it had come from. Standing in the middle of the forest was a lone archer, bow drawn and and arrow with fire on its end. The arrow left the bow and planted itself firmly into the chest of the chetal. The chetal screeched and howled trying to pull the arrow out. The archer flicked his hair back and smirked. He winked at me as I stared at him and readied himself for another shot, which landed in the other side of the chetal. In seconds the archer managed to bring the beast to its knees. Jess wound more vines around the struggling chetal, I helped by giving Jess more power. Soon the chetal was dead.

The archer let his bow down and walked over towards us.

"This belongs to you," he said as he handed me the Fire crystal.

"The Fire crystal belongs to you. It chose you,"

The archer just looked at me and put the crystal in his robes, then he turned to walk away.

"Wait, you can't go, I need you to help me find the others,"

"I work alone, kid,"

"I'm not a kid," I said putting my hands on my hips. He continued walking.

"Just let him go," said Jess who turned and began to continue to walk through the forest. I followed. Then and agonizing scream pierced the air. I turned around and ran the direction that the archer took. He was on his knees leaning over in pain. But as I came closer his pain seemed to lessen until he and I stood face to face. His muddy colored hair swept over his brown eyes.

"Lead the way," was all he said.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Looking Up

I was watching Electra the other day and the strong man was chasing her and the treasure as well as her father. Electra was on a branch just above the strong man's head, but he looked everywhere except for above. For some reason when people are looking for something, they never look up. Another example was in the second lord of the rings, or maybe it was the third. Anyway Frodo was running from the giant spider and the spider was right above him, but he didn't look up at all. I wonder if it is just part of the human nature not to look up for some reason. What are your thoughts?
We came out in the bright sunlight high above the trees on an edge of a cliff. There was no way down and soliers were on our tails.

"The only way to escape is to fly," said Jess.

"Mire ube ronoco," I muttered under my breath. Slowly I rose from the ground steadying myself about three feet above Jess.

"What did you utter?" he asked. I told him, and he too began to levitate above the ground. I leaned forward on my stomach thinking about movinghigh above the ground. Jess and I just left the cliff when a group of soldier came out of the entrance.

Jess and I flew over the forest, but all we could see were miles of pine trees. The colors of the trees were a deep emerald, a sea of green. As far as th eye could see was a forest of green. For hours we flew over the forest looking for a spot to land. But eventually the trees became thinner and a small clearing could be seen up ahead.

"How about we land over there," I said as I pointed towards the clearing.

"Okay," said Jess.

The landing was the worst. I couldn't figure how to do it. I circled several times. Finally I decided to land. I was graceful at first, but my foot caught on a tree root and I sprawled across the ground with a mouth full of dirt. Jess, as usual, took amusement in my fall and laughed at me as he came down feet first. I looked at him with a smirl before I pushed him over myself.

We walked along on a deer path that Jess found until it came up to a old road. Looking about, I made sure that soldiers weren't walking along it. We didn't need to be caught again. When nothing appeared out of the ordinary, Jess and I climbed up onto the road and started our journey to whereever the road led.

"How are we suppose to find out where the other bearers of the crystals are?" I thought, but apparently I must have mumbled because Jess answered.

"I think that we just have to wander from town to town and see if something happens,"

Just as those words escaped from his mouth, I felt a warm, tingling feeling. The Fire crystal had come to life. It levitated up from under my shirt and began to tug on it's chain.

"I guess we don't have to wander. The crystals must know when they are within reach of the ones worthy enough for them," Jess said.

We walked all day and still we came no closer to anyone. I began to wonder if the crystal knew what it was doing. Soon it let off the road and into the forest again where the trees were prodigious. Many must have been hundreds of years old for my arm spand and Jess's together wouldn't reach around their trunks. As we walked, squirrels ran in between the trees and chattered at our appearance. Birds twitted in the trees above our heads. Suddenly we came out onto another road level to where we were. A brook ran directly next to the road. We followed the brook going north. This path wound it way following the brook. Not far up from where we entered the road, a fork appeared and the crystal died.

"Now what?" I said to no one in particular.

All the animald grew quiet. Not a sound was heard except the babbling of the brook. Suddenly a loud thumping sound resonated through the forest. The trees shuddered, Jess pushed me through the brook and we huddled in the bushed wondering what that sound could be.

Out of the forest came a hideous creature. It's fangs dripped with posionous venom. It muddied yellow fur was matted and it's claws were bloodied from it's recent kill. It stood about seven and a half feet and roar something awful. It wreaked of decaying material embedded in it's matted fur.

"A chetal,' whisperd Jess, " I didn't think that those still existed. It must be the last of its kind,"

I stood petrified in fear for I knew what those things could do to a person. I couldn't help it but pictures of stories that my mother told kept coming to mind and I shuddered.

"Please don't find us, please don't find us," I prayed. For not a living soul could defeat a chetal. They were too powerful.

The chetal sniffed the air and came over in out direction.

"Don't breathe," whisperd Jess, " They can find you by the smell of your breath,"

I clamped my hand over my mouth and shut my eyes still praying that something would catch it's attention. But that was not to be. The chetal stopped right in front of our hiding place, venom dripping down from his fangs. Whatever the venom touched, it withered and then turned black. I saw it and my eyes bugged out and I almost choked on my own spit.

Jess began mumbling something under his breath while his hand was pressed on the ground. A vine grew up and out and slithered towards the chetals legs. As he put more force into his encantation, his crystal glowed the deepest and purest color. But I could tell that his strength was failing him. His crystals color started to fade. I crawled closer to him and put my hand on his, lending him my strength. My crystal began to glow, and his turned brighter. Now we were one and Jess's plant began to grow faster.

It wasn't until the vine was up on the chetal's ankle that he noticed it. Then it began to hack at th evine with its claws. The chetal walked backwards a step then slammed over, tripping over a rock. The vines continued to wrap around the chetal until they were up to its knees, nice an thick. Jess ceased his encantation and walked over to the beast who still couldnot until itself. I warily crept out from under the bush to where Jess was.

"Jess he's thrashing too much,"

"Come on, let's get away," The two of us ran as fast as we could, but it wasn't long before the chetal broke from it's prison and began to follow us.

"Damn," muttered Jess.

"We could try to fly above him,"

"There's too many trees, we'd get stuck halfway up,"

"We have to do something," I panted, "We cannot out run this thing," I felt a warm sensation from under my shirt, the Fire crystal had started to glow again. "We have to do something now Jess, the Fire crystal has started up again,"

Jess came to a complete stop and vines came out of no where and attacked the chetal. But it still wasn't enough.

"Jess I have an idea," I flew up to the top of a tree and I began to severe it's top from it's bottom. Jess saw ehat I was doing and ran over.

"Kel get off, lets pull the whole tree up," We both put our energy into pulling the tree up by it's roots. It was halfway there when the chetal came into view. Jess steadied the tree until the last minute when the whole tree came crahsing down on the chetals head knocking it out cold. Jess created a new kind of vine at this moment. It had a posion of it's own, one that was just as powerful as the chetals. The red vines wraped around the chetal's body and bound him tight. Up to it's head was as far as Jess got when he collapsed.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I have another installment for all my readers.

"You do realize that there is no way for you to leave," shouted Horitori from below. He finally made it to where he soldiers spotted us. Jess had my hand in his and held onto me as I dangled over all the people below. I reached around for his other hand and walked up the wall as Jess pulled. Jess and I looked down at the soldiers below, but a volley of arrows shot up at us and we backed away.

"Now what?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure. We could run along the rooftops, but they will still follow us,"

"I wonder if we could use the crystals to help us? My mother told me that the guardians could make portals and go from place to place,"

"Do you know how to do it?"

"I think that I will need you help though. If I remember correctly, the leader needed the help of the other guardians,"

Both of us thought of leaving the realm, but nothing worked.

"We have to think of the same place, I think," I said.

"I don't think this is going to work, Kel. I have a better idea. Follow me,"

We continued to run across the rooftops going towards the south side of the city.

"Duck," Jess shouted. Soldiers along the walkway were shooting at us. Jess jumped down into a flight of stairs with me in tow. He opened a door in the floor and we disapeard into the earth.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Triste Entonces Feliz, Vida

Triste Entonces Feliz, Vida

The love is gone.
Floating away carried on a high heavy wind, a dandelion seed.
Dropped down in a empty place,
a desert.
Life means nothing anymore.

Heavy sandbags, trapped beneath,
being tossed here and there.
A lonely balloon drifted high overhead,
out of reach.
The water flows and flows,
nothing can console
The mood is forever changing.
Blissful to torents of rain.

A space is missing,
where did it go?
It went with the world.

The dark clouds are settling.
They take over the sky for a long time,
but deep, far away,
there is a patch breaking.

Things are not as heavy,
The balloon is floating away,
but it is okay,
it will come back.
The desert is blooming into a garden of
beautiful flowers.
There is a waterfall that flows peacefully.
The breeze is graceful not burdensome.
The space isn’t empty, for the thing that was missing,
has been there all along.
It never left, but seemed to.
The sun shines through.

What is a Heart?

What is a heart?
It is something that beats inside of you.
It raced when exhilarated, pounds when scared.
It pumps blood to keep you alive.
A heart loves and hates.
It holds onto feelings of good and bad.
It is where your inner streath is.
A heart is where your soul dwells.

Only God Knows

Only God Knows

It sits on its side near a bush, just another thing man made.
The wheel spins in the wind, a carefree being.
Rubber black as night touches the green.
Its color is pale in commparison to the sun.
Laying in the shade being left alone.

Who put it there?
Was it a boy?
Will it rust?
Only God knows.

The spokes still shiny glint in the sun, unaware at what will happen.
It is as if it wanted to die.
The spongy seat lays in the dirt.
It looks like a lonely thing.

Will it be wet in the morrow?
Who will miss it?
A girl?
Only God knows.
What happens to the things left behind?
Only God knows.

Who Am I?

Who am I?

Who am I?
Am I a star that twinkles in a far off galaxy?
Am I a rolling river that carries?
Am I a lonely child on an empty street?

Who am I?
Perhaps I am a frog that catches flies?
Or maybe I am a curious kitten?
Perhaps I am the rain in the storm or a calm breeze at sea?

Who am I?
Am I just a young girl trying to fit in?
Am I a lover sadden by guilt?
Am I a lost child?

Who am I?
Perhaps I am the sun all warm and bright; shining on all?
Or maybe I am the starry twilight?
Perhaps I am a one who grieves over death?

Who am I?
Am I a baby wanting my mother’s warmth?
Am I an only child waiting to be loved?
Am I just a cow in the farmyard, or a cat on the couch?

Who am I?
I am a girl who wants to be forever loved.
I am one who wants to learn and grow.
I am a person who loves and cares.

I want to be kissed by the wind when it ruffles my hair.
I want to love another; to feel their everlasting embrace.
I wish to run like the wind upon a horse’s back.
I wish to fly like an eagle; over the canyons.

I am the sun in the spring, the snow in the winter; blustery white.
I am one who feels for others; who comforts.
I am a child of God.
I am a free spirit that never wants to be tamed.

I am the earth when trembled from a volcano.
I am a song sung from one’s lips.
I am the flower’s fragrance in the summer; the lily and the rose.
I am an angel in heaven.

I am a snowy African violet, sitting on a table.
I am a picture of one who looks like another.
I am my mother’s daughter.
I am a candle flame.

Who am I? I am what I am, and that’s all I’ll ever be.
After a morning full of homework, I have finally found time to write more of the story.

A light spread out around us. Blinding everything in its path. It broke the doors of the cell and as suddenly as it came, the light disapeard. People were out cold lying on the cell floors. Guards slumped over in their chairs. Jess and I were just as stunned as everyone would have been if they were conscious. We ran up the twisted steps right into the arms of Horitori and his personal escourt.

"How in the gods name did you escape? Never mind. Guards, deal with them. I have a meeting with the Duke of Chutney and I can't wait. Take them to the tower." But the guards couldn't get near us. The blinding light that disapeard left a shield to protect us. White sparks filled the air as the guards tried and tried again to come near us. Jess and I started towards the door which some of the guards were blocking. But as soon as we got within reach of their weapons, they ran away. We had complete control over them.

Jess grabbed my hand and we ran down the steps out of the palace. Everyone avoided us. Jess led me through the elven city. We dodged the emperors soldiers by taking the back ally ways. Once we got into the marketplace it was easy to lose the soldiers who were chasing us. The two of us tried to blend in, but when the soldiers are out, and you are not familiar looking it is a tough job.

We had entered the poor part of the city and just as soldier were about to cut us off, Jess pushed me into a door way. I tumbled head first into a pile of whatnot. He shut the door and stood plastered to it on the other side panting. I shook my head of whatever it landed in and stood up.

"Where are we?" I asked Jess.

"This used to be my home. It looks as if my friends have moved in here," He looked, distaste in his eyes. "They were never very good housekeepers. But from the looks of things I'd say that they have been gone for awhile,"

"What did you use to steal?" I asked him hoping that my question wouldn't cause him discomfort in some way.

"Whatever I could be paid for. Mostly I stole ornate objects, usually from the lords,"

Jess put a fingure to his lips. "Where did they go," a voice was heard from outside. He motioned for me to follow him. We quietly walked up the stairs to the roof. There high above the ground were bridges crossing over rooftop to rooftop.

"This is the highways of the thieves," Jess said holding he hand out and gestured. "Come," he said. We walked across the bridges hoping that no one would look up.

"Look, there they are," someone said.

"Okay, no we can run,"

Jess took the lead and I followed a heartbeat away from him. We got to an old bridge when I slipped off and alomst fell off if it hadn't been for the rope on the edge, which was begining to slip through my fingers.

"Jess!" I screamed clutching the rope now with one hand. I pulled up to grab another rope, but just as I got a good grip it would break on me. I looked over my left shoulder, the bridge was starting to snap off of its holding, and just down below were the soldiers looking up at me. Then some smart alec decided to shoot arrows at me. Jess skidded to a halt and turned at my shout. Running back, he slid to his stomach and reached out with his hand. I swong mt body enough so I could grab his hand with my left. Just as I did, the bridge broke free and I was falling, to my death.

International Very Good Looking, Damn Smart Woman's Day

Today is International Very Good Looking, Damn Smart Woman's Day. Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

To the Girls !!

Inside every older person is a younger person -- wondering what the hell happened. -Cora Harvey Armstrong-

Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually shut her up with cookies. (Unknown)

The hardest years in life are those between ten and seventy. -Helen Hayes (at 73)-

I refuse to think of them as chin hairs. I think of them as stray eyebrows. -Janette Barber-

My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first one being -- hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint. -Erma Bombeck-

Old age ain't no place for sissies. -Bette Davis-

Every time I close the door on reality, it comes in through the windows. -Jennifer Unlimited-

Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart. -Caryn Leschen-

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning. -Catherine-

I'm not going to vacuum 'til Sears makes one you can ride on. -Roseanne Barr-

Behind every successful man is a surprised woman. -Maryon Pearson-

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission. -Eleanor Roosevelt-

Thursday, February 15, 2007

People Drive Stupidly

Leah and I had a conversation today about how people can not drive. As soon as winter hits, everyone forgets how to drive. Just this morning at around nine, I saw four backwards cars in the snow. Yesterday on 590 south between monroe and winton, there were about six cars all over the road. Traffic was backed up. I was just grimacing at the thought of these poor people, but you would think that they would have some common sense.

Disgusting people

The most disgusting thing that people can do is smoke. I walk by one of the girls from my english class ans she reaks of smoke. It is truly the most un appealing thing about people, that and guys who where girl pants. There is this one guy at school who wheres pants that looks like he has been poured into them. Seriously, I don't want to see every line of his butt. It is gross, and not to mention that he smokes too. Yuck! His hair is all over and he has chains that are attached somewhere. The only other gross thing that I have seen several times this week is butt cracks. The people sit down and there is two inches. Wouldn't they know that their pants are not up all the way? Don't they get cold? Obviously not other wise I wouldn't have to see it. The only other gross thing that I had to deal with is gum on the underside of desks. That is disgusting. Hello that is what garbage cans are for. You try to move the desks around and there on the under side is gum galore. People are just disgusting in general, at least most of them are.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The name of that movie with the "Fine," thing is called Italian Job. I knew I would remember it. Wel actually dad did. But oh well.
You walk up to someone who has obviously been crying and you ask are they all right. They automatically say that they are fine. But of course you know they arn't. You let it go and continue what you were doing. Well I watched a movie, and for th elove of me I cannot remember what the name is at the moment. It will probably come in my sleep and I will write it tomorrow. Anyway, there was this girl who was in a similar predicament. The guy asks all the same questions and when she responds to "I'm Fine" He tells her that she isn't. Then he says that being "fine" really stands for Freak out, Insane , Neuotic, Emotions. So the next time someone says that to you, you know what is going on.
Mcc is so mean. There is all of this snow and every other school closes. Does Mcc? NOOOOOOO!!!!! I had to go to my eight o'clock class in this crapy weather. I wasn't lucky wnough to have the class canceled. It was mean. I had to freeze and a shovel snow, which wasn't that bad. Okay whatever, I'm rabbling as I always do. Anyway Happy Valentine's Day.

Jess was brought in chains, his wrists were chaft. Blood dripped down his face from his nose and lips. A big shiner shone from his eye. I ran over to him.

"Oh Jess, what have they done to you?" I whispered into his ear.

"I've been banged up worse before,"

"Did they take your crystal?"

"When they tried to take it from me, a green light erupted from it shocking the guard," I sent out a shigh of relief.

"Let me friend go," I said standing up with a definant look in my eye.

"That would be quite impossible with what he has done,"

"I need him so we can find the other bearers of the crystals,"

"When you go I will let him go as well,"

"Then I will be leaving now,"

" That I cannot allow either. You must stay and see out fair city first,"


"All exits to the realm are sealed until the next full moon which isn't for another week. So I suggest you get use to your accomindations,"

I glared at him.

"Take him away,"

"Wait where Jess goes I go to,"

"Kel, you don't have to do this," said Jess as he was taken away.

"Yes I do," I said still glaring at the emperor. His face stayed stony as he began to speak.

"Fine, have it your way. Take them away,"

The guards took us out of the emperor's throne room and led us down the hall. All along the hall were pictures of past emperors. Many were grim looking. They seemed to still be alive watching us as we were taken down the hall. The hall eventually split in tow directions one way towards a upper level, then other down. Thr guards took us down a dark and damp stair well that wound itself down around a tree trunk, deep into the core of the castle.

Jess was pushed into cell and collapsed onto the dirt floor.

"How dare you!" I shouted at the guard. He just laughed at me and I glared back at him.

"Kel you didn't have to do this,"

"Your my friend, I can't leave you," I pulled a hair pin out and my hair tumbled across my shoulders. I picked at the lock, but if you've tried to do it, you know it is really hard to do it in the dark. The chains on Jess's wrist clanked against each other and fell to the floor with a thud. "Jess, why didn't you tell me about your past?"

"Because I was afraid that you wouldn't like me for being a theif,"

"Jess, everyone has done something terrible, even me. The best way to feel better is to tell someone what you did. I would never ever not like you. You're my best friend and nothing could every change that," I said cupping my hands around his chin. "Let me take care of that,"

"With what,"

"With this," I pulled out my crystal.

"Do you even know how to use it?"

"Truthfully, no. But I think I will be able if I just concentrate on what needs to be accomplished," Closing my eyes I thought of a bowl with warm, clean water and a rag to wash away the blood and dirt from Jess. I opened my eyes, but nothing had happened. "Why didn't it work?"

"Maybe you're trying to hard," Jess said with a slight laugh.

"You wish," I muttered.

I tried again, but this time my mind wandered to a memory of my mother.

"The guardians used spells to bring forth objects from other places, or they would conjure up object. That took more practice because they were creating things instead of bringing the objects from somewhere,"

"Did they have a spell that they used?" little Kel asked.

"Some did, others just thought what they wanted. Some thought and spoke a spell at the same time. Every bearer was different,"

"What spell did the leader use?" little Kel asked.

"She uttered the words Kri Grem Ji Nobra"

Kel opened her eyes, "I know how to do it, Kri grem Ji Nobra" she uttered while thinking of what she wanted. Kel felt a warm glow. She opened her eyes and as the glow slowly crept away, there lying in her hands was a bolw full of warm water with a rag.

"Bravo, bravo," Jess said sarcastically clapping.

"Do you want to get rid of that blood, or should I give you another shiner?"

He sighed, still being sarcastic, "Fine, if I must be serious then I will,"

I washed away the blood from his head, nose, and lips. It was then that I noticed his ear. Self consciously he pulled his hair over his ears, but pushed it back out of the way. I started to reach for them when he caught my hand as looked into my eyes. He guided my hand towards his ears and let me feel them.

"They're beautiful," I breathed and I let the engery flow through me. Our bodies were tingling all over. Jess reached out and held me close, his lips brushing over my face until they found my lips.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I thought I'd be nice to my readers and add another post in one day. I suppose certain people are excited about what is going to happen next. I hope that everyone is enjoying themselves with my characters adventures. If anyone has any ideas about what would be good thing to write about, leave a comment. I always need to have input and opinions from my few faithful readers.
Have fun reading the next installment.

The guards beckoned us to come out. I could tell that they were elves from their slim figure and pointed ears. Jess looked very uneasy around them. I couldn't understand why. What had he against elves?

Many came to see what crazy things came out of the hole in the ground. I felt their eyes on me, they penetrated into my soul. It was like the were looking right into my heart.

We were lead through the crowd and up the steps to the palace's door, which opened on its own accord, creaking on their hinges. Once we step through the door, guards took Jess away.

"Jess, Jess. Let go of me. Jess!" The guards kept hold and took me away. I was taken into the throne room and pushed in front of the emperor. Slidding on the floor, I stopped three feet in from of the mighty ruler.

He had long mahogany hair, some pulled back in braids, and a bottom layer left that drapped over his shoulders. Bright piercing green eyes stared at me as I stood up in front of him. He rose from the throne and came towards me coming up fast with his long strides. He was tall and looked to be about twenty years old. His arms were musclar and sinewy from many years of sword practice. He had somewhat a barreled chest and stood like he was riding a horse. His nose was long but not pointy. Ears kind of stuck out but not enough to be noticeable. He looked like someone you didn't want to mess with.

"What do we have here?" He questioned in a tenor voice.

"She came out of the Eastern door your majesty. We also know she has a strong magic on her," said the guard.

"Thank you, you may go," he said to the guard. He came down from the quartz throne and circled me. "You're not like any girl I have ever seen. You don't flinch as I walk around you and you have muscles I never knew a woman to have,"

"Hunting and sword fighting have taught me much your grace,"

"I see, a warrior we have?"

"No your grace. I am no warrior, just one who has an interest in protecting herself,"

"I see, well let me get down to business. I am the emperor here as you can see. My name is Horitori, and you are?"

"Kel, your grace,"

"Kel, is it short for something?"

"Keldariana your grace,"

"Hmm. How did you open the door?"

"We just pushed it open, your grace,"

"The guard said that you had great power. Show me,"

I pulled out the magic crystal.

"The guardian crystals,"

"Yes, your grace. My mother gave them to me,'


"Jess carries earth for it chose him, I hold the other three until I find their bearers,"

"Who is your mother?"

"Lesseonia, your grace,"

"She was the legendary guardian of her time. She saved the world you know, fought Kaw, Craven, Jaba, Mayvo, the greatest wizards,"

"I know of my mother's greatest adventures. She told me of them throughout my childhood. It was only recently that I found out that they were hers when she showed me the crystals,"

"Where is she now?"

"Dead for all I know. She showed these to me this morning. When she heard people all around the house, she told me and Jess to come here,"

"Through the tunnel?"


"Then it is time,"

"Time for what?"

"There was only one wizard who your mother couldn't defeat. He has come back from the Graveyard and he has come for the crystals. They are the only thing that can stop him from taking over the world, that and you,"

"He came back from the Graveyard?"

"It is an expression that we use, he came back from the evil pit of Sanar. Now he is even stronger than before,"

"Who is this 'He'?"

"Garados, he will stop at nothing to get those crystals. He will kill those who are closet to you. You do know that, don't you?"

"Yes, your grace,"

"Good. Now leet me show you to your room," he gestured at someone behind me.

"Where is Jess? He was separated from me at your doors,"

"He has somewhat a reputation with us,"

"A bad one from the way he was treated,"

"Yes, but you are in cahoots with a common criminal,"

"Jess a criminal! He wouldn't hurt a fly,"

"He was kick out years ago for his thievery. He was told that if he retured he would be imprisioned. I suppose he never told you. Typical of him. Well, you won't leave me alone if you can't see him. Bring in the prisoner,"
Okay for all who wanted me to continue with the story here it is. Third installment.

I looked around at all the water. How were we going to cross it? There was no bridge and I didn't want to go in the water. Who knew what was lurking in the shadows. The water was dark and forebidding. I didn't want to get near it. What if some huge water snake lived in there?

"Jess, how are we going to get across? There isn't a bridge, and if you think that I am going to swim across you got something else coming."

"It's just water. You go out hunting, don't tell me you're afraid. Sure it is dark and black, and possible has something dead in it, no big deal."

No big deal! What the hell was he thinking. There was no way I was going in there.

I kept looking for some way to cross, when I spotted a ledge curving around the cavern about three feet above the water.

"Jess, we can get on that ledge and walk across."

"But it will take longer,"

"So, you can swim if you want, I'm going to stay on dry land," I said as I began to walk over to the wall. I didn't look that bad from down here. So what, the first step was three feet up. I could do it. I pushed myself up using my arms and then I swong my legs up. I guess Jess gave up on the idea of swimming because he joined me.

The stone ledge was about four feet wide. There was just enough room to walk almost normally. Stomachs facing the rough rock wall, Jess and I slowly made our way. I kept my eyes planted on the ledge looking for any weak spots in the stone. The ledge gently climbed up to about five feet above the water. It was at that point that it stopped. At least part of it. In front of us was a huge gapping hole.

"I'm going to jump," I told Jess.

"Be careful," was all he said. He backed up so I could get a running leap. My heart pounded in my chest. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on my target. I opened them and took a running leap. I made it. Jess got ready to leap over when I heard rumbling noise. It was coming from under my feet.

"Crack," the stone under my feet began to crack.

"Kel move," Jess shouted. I ran up farther onto the ledge, but the ledge still moved following me. Jess lept landing on the edge which fell from under he feet. I grabbed his arm just as he was about to fall. I pulled with all my might, but the ledge continued to break under my feet. Jess swong up enough so I could pull his leg over. The ledge stayed for only a minute more. It was jsut enough for us to run farther on before it fell away completely. But whatever we triggered didn't stop. Both of us managed to stay ahead of the falling ledge which was not about twelve feeet above the dark water. Stone splashed down in the water faster now, but Jess and I didn't have time to watch. We kept running.

"Kel there's an opening in the stone," Jess shouted above the crumbling stone. I couldn't see anything so of course I thought he was imagining it, but I trusted Jess. I let him pass me so I could follow him. We slid in the crevice just as ledge gave away from our feet. He held onto me. Sweat dripped down his face. He didn't even notice that his grip on me was growing tight.

"Wow," I said my heart pounding. "Um Jess, I would like my arm back," He let go slowly and looked at me his breath coming out hard.

"Might as well see where this path leads," was all he said.

I have no idea how long we spent down in those tunnels. It seemed to be eternity. This tunnel seemed to be different than the other one we were in. For one thing it was wider and it had hooks for lanterns. Some were still in place. People used this tunnel to travel in. But they must have been tiny because this one was at I height where you had to crawl or stoop over. There were also carvings on the walls.

"Jess, do you know what these carvings say?" Okay, I suppose it was a slim possibility that he might know, but I still wanted to ask.

"It Dwarfish. The Dwarves built these tunnels during the great war when the wizards were at large. They used them to sneak supplies through the mountains."

We continued through the tunnel. The air became lighter and the darkness wasn't so dark anymore.

"Jess a door," I said.

"It's old. These ruins are older than those on the walls."

"How do we open it?" I asked.

"I think we push it open. Come here," he said and he and I pushed. The old creaked and scraped along the dirt floor. Light slowly flooded in. It was sunny outside. What wasn't so sunny was the frowning guards on the outside.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

So to continue my story.......

"Kel, there is something you need to know now that you are 16."

"If it is that talk..."

"No it is not that," Mother pulled out four cystal from her drawer. She set the on the table where Jess and I could see. One was bright green, there was a blue one, a red one, and a white crystal. Then, mother pulled out of her shirt a fifth crystal on a chain. Instantly the other crystal on the chain necklaces glowled. The green one shot towards Jess's open hands. He picked up and put it in his pocket.

"So it begins once again," she said.

"What begins mother?"

"A new generation of guardians."

"The legendary guardians that you told me about are true?"

"Yes, I was one of them. I linked tham all together just as you will now. Only when this crystal, is joined with the other four, will it work magic in those people, that the crystals have chosen. The Earth crystal has chosen Jess. Now you can begin your journey of finding the other bearers of the other crystals. You must accomplish this before the evil finds you. The evil will use the crystals to create chaos and to take control over all the races." Just as mother finished talking to us, the dogs began to bark and the animals began to make noise.

"No, he couldn't have found me so soon. Hurry you both must escape now." She went over to the cellar door on the floor and pulled it up. " Go down and take the tunnel to the elves. Jess you should have no problems getting into the realm,"

"How did you know?"

"I saw your ears. Now, once you are both in the tunnel, seal it up with the crystals so that they cannot find you. Hurry they are coming. Loud banging could be heard from the door. Jess scrambled down the stairs, but I hesitated.

"Mother I will not leave you to face them,"

"You must. YOu have to protect the crystals. Hurry! I can only hold them off for so long. You must go. The whole world depends on you," she said as she pushed me down the stairs, slamming the door shut.

The hammering stopped, but then suddenly a splintering sound was heard. As we got to the tunnel I heard my mother scream and the dogs yelp. I wanted to go and help my mother, but Jess held me back. We both went into the tunnel.

"How are you suppose to seal the tunnel?" I asked Jess.

"I think you have to think about what needs to be done," said Jess.

I took Jess's hand and we concentrated on closeing the tunnel. A bright light came out from our crystal. A purple circle surrounded the door. The light went into the door, but then flashed back out at us. I shielded my eyes from the light with my arm, but the power blinded me temporarly. We listened at the sealed door for any noise, but none could be heard. I wanted to reopen the tunnel to find my mother, but Jess steered me away.

"Kel we have to get safety. Do it for your mother. She wanted you to have the crystals so you could become a guardian. You must become one for her sake,"

The tunnel was narrow. Jess and I had to crawl very slowly because the sides were rough. My breeches were covered in dirt by the time we could stand in the tunnel. I had dirt in my hair and smudges on my face. We walked on for a bit when we came to a huge cavern. I looked up but I couldn't see anything through the darkness. It was so dark that I didn't notice the slope. I slipped down get my backside full of dirt before I came to a halt at the edge of some water. Jess on the otherhand saw my fall and carefully climbed down. I stood up and dusted myself off. Looking around I saw that the cavern floor was covered in water.

Isn't kermit cute

Saturday, February 10, 2007

I lived with my mother at the edge of the woods in a small house that was built into the side of the hill. We had gardens that flourished on both sides of the house. Our barn animals stayed in the barn, that sat next to the stream, where I gathered water from every morning. I loved our little house. It was my favorite place to be when I wasn't off exploring in the woods with my dogs Maji and Duke.

It was on one of those expedition that I met Jess. I was gathering berries when I saw him leaning against a tree. I watched him from the shadows as he staggered over a root. As I watched him, I noticed that he was pretty beaten up. His blond hair was all dirty and his shirt sleeves were ripped. He had blood dripping down from a wound on his shoulder. There was mud on his face and pants which were dripping wet. Once the dogs smelt the blood they went crazy. They lowered themselves closer to the ground growling.

"Maji, Duke, cut it," They silenced at my voice.

"Whose there?" answered the boy.

I stepped out of the shadows.

"Maji go and get my mother," I pointed to the house and Maji understood. She gave a bark and was off.

I went over to the boy and told Duke to guard.

"Thank you for calling you dogs off," he said panting.

I silently looked over him. In no time at all my mother was by my side.

"My, my, you always seem to find the hurt ones my darling," she said.

She and I picked the boy up and carried him back to the house with the dogs following us.

Once in the house, mother laid him on the bed.

"Tsk, tsk, you've lost a lot of blood young man."

"I don't think he can hear you mother, he's fallen asleep."

"Kel, get some water boiling and grab some rags please."

I did as she asked. When I came back with the rags, she had taken off the boy's shirt. I went over to the fire to get the kettle. I poured the hot water into the bowl and then carried it over to my mother. She cleaned and bandaged his wounds. When she was done, mother slipped him under the bed covers. I went back outside while mother started to prepare the dinner.

I walked over to the barn and brought the animals back into their stalls. Then I climbed up into the loft where I settled myself into my special corner. Berry, my kitten, was sitting in the hay with her brothers and sisters. I knew that their mother would be out hunting for food. Berry saw me and crawled over to me and sat in my lap. I stroaked her for awhile.

"Has he woken up yet?" I asked my mother when I came back into the house.

"No Kel. I'm thinking it won't be for awhile. He is so weak. I think his wounds came from a fight of some sort because he has bruises all over him. Come, let's eat dinner."

After I helped mother with the dishes, I cleaned the table. I washed it all down. Then I got out my knife and I began to whittle beside the fire. I had made a whole managerie of animals that I had placed on the mantle. There was an animal for each of our own, and for any of the animals that I saw in the woods. I whittled the animals that I killed as a tribute to them for giving their flesh so I may live. When I finished whittling, I climbed up the loft ladder and went to bed.

In the morning I put on my hunting clothes. I grabbed my bow and some arrows. I crept down the ladder. Duke and Maji were all ready by the door. I tip-toed across the floor so I wouldn't step on the creaky spots. I opened the door just enough to let myself and the dogs out, then I gently shut the door behind me.

The dogs went into the woods and I followed them. They had their noses pressed to the ground trying to sniff out an animal. Suddenly Duke went rigid. I knew he smelt something. Under a tree, not far away, was a rabbit. I pulled an arrow from my quiver and notched it, letting it fly.

"Thud," It hit the rabbit square on and then fell over dead. Maji went over and picked it up. She gave it to me and I drew the arrow out. We found two rabbits that morning.

When I returned to the house, I found my mother feeding the boy. I left the door open so that the sunlight would flood in. I hung my bow and quiver on the peg behind the door. He watched as I moved from the door to the kitchen table where I skinned and gutted the rabbits which I put into the pot over the fire. I found another piece of wood and began to whittle before I went out to help mother in the gardens. The boy watched in facination. It was as if he had never seen someone whittle before.

"What are you doing?" he asked a bit unapproving.

"Whittling, do you have a problem with that?" I said with a threat in my tone.

He shook his head.

"What's you name?" I asked.

"Jess," he answered.

"Where are you from?"

"The other side of the woods," he said as his blond hair fell in his face.

"How old are you?" he asked

"Nine," I said.

I finished the animals that I was whittling. I wne over to the mantle and placed them next to the horse.

"Did you make all of them?" Jess asked in awe.

"Sure did," I was glowing from head to toe. I loved it when someone admired my work.

"Can I see them?"


I brought all the animals over. He flipped them over looking at every angle.

"Your name is Kel, right?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Your name is on the underside of all of these animals."

"Oh, I forgot about that. Are you feeling better?"

"Much better," he moved his shoulder and winced, "except for the shoulder."

"I don't mean to pry, but how did you get your shoulder busted like that?"

"I was shot with an arrow. I dug it out, but I couldn't bandage it up good enough I guess."

"Oh," Maji came over the bed.

"I like you dogs. I had some back at my house," Maji jumped onto the bed and began to lick Jess's face.

"I have to help mother. I'll be back soon. You can play with my animals if you want."

I went out into the barn to get a hoe, then I went into the vegetable garden. My mother was in the field hoeing around the new crop of corn.

Time flew and soon it was dinner. Jess was awake this time and ate with us. Soon Jess healed completely and he could eat at the table with us insteadd of at the bed.

Years went by and we became the best of friends. We would go hunting together and bring home deer. Jess and I had finished bringing the deer back in pieces and we were curing it. It was on this day that my life changed forever.