Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Garden Stones

Okay, so for the past two days, we have been digging up the stones in the vegie garden, and sifting the dirt out of them. Then once it is all done, we will do that to the other herb garden. All the herb garden's stones will go in the vegie garden and the stone pile in the driveway will go in the herb garden. All I know, is that it is a pain to do it. It is hot, muddy, sore work, and I think that it will take ten years for it all to be done. On the good side, we only have one more row to go in the vegie garden. We get up in the morning to do all this work, although, so far we haven't been able to get up early enough to not get to exhausted by the heat. Maybe tomorrow we will be up even earlier than before. Well, I am going to go watch some more Naruto Shippuuden now.

1 comment:

Clara said...

Just out of curiosity, what do you mean about putting the stones from one garden into the other and vice versa? I would think that you wouldn't want stones in either garden!