Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm tired of Rochester Grey!

We are back from grandma's house yesterday afternoon. I drove for half way or so before my eyeballs felt like they were going to explode out of my head. Then dad took over. Today I went back to school and I sort of dragged through it all. It usually takes me a few days to get back into the swing of things after not being there for awhile. For me it is better if I get two days off. One day I would use to do all the homework and the other would be for the break. Then it is not such a burden going back. Right now I am still a bit tired, probably from reading for too long, and also I was reading a book where a friend died and that just made me depressed which also doesn't help my tiredness. Actually I think that it makes me even more tired.

Today's weather was awesome. It was warmer than it has been in awhile. But I heard that a storm is coming tomorrow, or something like that. Well we do have about a month and a half before Rochester feels like spring. I think in general March is the hardest month for me to go through because by then I am so tired of seeing snow that I just want to strangle it if the snow was a person. I mean it snows, then melts the next day. The snow turns to brown slush and everything is just horrible. Not to mention that the temperature fluctuation makes me more susceptible to sickness. I have the same problem when fall is turning into winter. On a happier note, The Sarah Chronicles are on tonight. That will be a stimulant for my adrenaline.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Hey maybe MCC will close if it is bad.
