Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Icy Yard and Wonder Woman

Today Annie and Lucy came over, well actually last night and they stayed for a sleep over. We played pounce, james bond, and some other games. They also did garage band with Sarah and Katie. I even did the voice of Snape in one. Now I have just finished putting songs on my blog, except they didn't get in the order that I wanted, so I think that it needs some time to fix it into the right way. I will look tomorrow and if not I will go and see why.

I looked out in the yard and it is all icy where the standing water was. It is very slippery on those spots because I slipped on some in a neighbors yard so I assumed that it would be just as slippery in ours. It is clear black yuck.

Well I read more of my manga and I am almost done reading the last wonder woman comic that I got from fairpot library. I find it interesting that compared to the other comic heroes, she isn't liked as much. The women are always jealous of her, either because they feel that there lives were harder and that surviving makes them eligible, or it is because they want to have a gorgeous body like hers. But she also seems to pick up a lot of people with grudges on her. Then of course they try to take her out and she gets them instead. People are always trying to toy with the people she loves more often then other superhereos. She also has a tie to the island where she is from and the real world. If she does something for the one, the other gets bent out of shape and throws a fit.

1 comment:

Annie said...

that was fun playing pounce.
