Friday, August 3, 2007

Tuck Everlasting

I just watched Tuck Everlasting and even though I have seen it about five times, I still get very emotional. But that is what usually happens to me when I watch a love story. I was screaming to the tv when the colonel mustard was coming to destory the beautiful happiness of Jesse and Winnie. Why can't people just butt out of other peoples lives. The stink pots have to ruin everything and it isn't fair. But I suppose that if the stink pots weren't there, then their wouldn't be a story. I wish that all love stories could end happily. But then that would get boring. Katherine is over and is making me laugh while writing this. She is driving me crazy like usual, which is great.


Annie said...

I love that movie too. I really want to the soundtrack.


Monkeybaby14 said...

ugh... this movie is blah! but thats me.
