Thursday, August 16, 2007

more story

We were close to reaching the island of Zarkesh. The night before we were to land I had Garados’s block out in front of me. He was sulking on the inside, arms crossed, and back turned.
“Where is my mother?”I asked. Garados didn’t say anything. “Where is she?” I almost yelled, but Garadose stayed silent.
We got to Zarkesh the next morning. Getting off we headed towards the river. All the while, Garados’s block weighted down my heart, and I felt the eyes of the crew on my back, but what got me was the captain’s. I felt a pull on Garados’s block. The captain had been looking for a chance to ake Garados. I spun around glaring at the captain.
“If you want him come and get him,” The captain didn’t move but smiled maliciously. My friends stood ready to battle.
“You’re on Garados’s side,” The captain kept smiling. Then he pulled on the block, but it fel in the sand. Raising his arms he began to pull it again towards him, but I stopped it. A tug of wa had begun. Five of us against one of him. But soon it was to just be one on one. He over powered them and held them in balance.
“Who are you?” I yelled over the water.
“I’m a sea wizard Kel,”
“How do you know my name?”
“You’re part of my loins, my flesh. You’re my daughter Kel,”

My consentration was lost and my father had Garados.
“You will fail just like your mother did Kel. You will end up like her,”
“Why?” I said sith tears running down my face.
“I had and offer I couldn’t refuse,”
“Let me help you,” I pleaded with him, my face now wet with tears, “Give me Garados, please father,” But he just stared at me until his gaze brought me down to my knees. He had complete control over my body. I could no longer move. He began to close in.
“Tell your guardians to give me their crystals and no harm shall come to you,” a voice echoed in my head.
“Never,” I said
“So be it,” His grip tightened and I was lifted into the air. My friends could do nothing to help me.
“Lessionia, come out and save your flesh and blood,”
A light shown and down came my mother.
“I knew that you couldn’t just stand by and watch your daughter die,” my father said.
“You would kill your own ddaughter ust so you can rule over all. Do you think Garados will grant you this if you set him free. How can you be so blind. I may not be able to save you from evil, but Kel can. Release her or suffer the consequences of the almightly ones. Gebri, you know that I will do everything in my power to stop you. If our daughter is the key to do that, then I have no choice but to kill you,” my mother said.
Gebri stared at her, his grip on me still strong. Jess began to run towards me now that the spell was lifted from him, but my mother held him back. Gebri let me go, but turned onto my mother who vanished into the light.
“Remember daughter, you are safe for now, but sooner of later you will come to get Garados back. I will wait patiently, then snatch the stones, taking over the world along side my master,” his voice echoed in my head. Gebri’s ship sailed away leaving us watching on the beach. Jess put his arms around me as I watched the ship disapear. But I slid out of his arms and I walked up the beach to the river. My mother was on this island and she was the only one who could help us.
I was the first who saw my grandfather’s house ontop of the hill. His was the farthest from the village. Grandfather was slumped in his chair on the porch, sleeping. I went and kneeled at his feet and put my head into his lap. when I looked up, he was looking down at me.
“It seems the torch had been passed,” he said. The boys hung back on the front steps of the porch.
“You also brought the stray ones just like your mother,”
“Grandfather, where is she?”
“Can’t you feel her Kel? She’s in the wind and the mountains. Her pressance is strong here,” I slowly shook my head and looked down at his feet.
“He took your powers didn’t he?” I heard a gasp from one of the boys. Grandfather lifted up my face so my eyes were level to his. Then he looked at my crystal which was dull in color. A tear rolled down my face.
“Oh love,” and he embraced me. I silently cried. “You are tired. Come and rest inside. “Well you too,” he said when my friend hung back, “ I’m not going to bite,”

1 comment:

Lucia said...

Ah, the good Grandfather. I like it when the relations are not cruel and mean. What an unexpected twist! I was totally shocked to find out about her father!