Monday, August 27, 2007

We followed the goddess though we weren’t sure of what we thought of her. But even as we followed her, I felt this gnawing presence. I didn’t know what it was, but it was close.
Gebri didn’t think much of living. The cave was atrocious, not a clean spot in sight.
“Griffen a light,” Kalob said. Griffen followed behind the goddess leading us with his light. Deep within the cave we found Gebri muttering spells over the obcedian block. A light shot out of the goddess’s hand and hit Gebri’s shoulder.
“I think that I’ll take that,” the goddess said.
“My lady,” Gebri said, almost pleasantly, as he stood up, “One such as yourself must have better manners then to throw a gentleman against the wall,”
“You are not a gentleman father. You broke my mother’s heart with your greediness. Now you want to destroy everything I know. I can’t let you do that,” the goddess held her hand up to silence me.
“Yes a lady would be kind, but as you see, I am a goddess and we are not always ladies. You have someone who should have been destroyed a long time ago. If you hand him over, you will be let go,”
Gebri spat, “ You don’t think I know that as soon as you killed my master I will die too? Oh I have thought of ways to do this so that I can have all the power, but with a binding spell it won’t work,”
“Does it really matter?” the goddess said flicking a fire ball at him. But Gebri ducked behind a rock.
“Once, my master returns you will think twice before you do that,”

“Look,” said Mathyus. The Obcedian block was growing. A head began to appear with a bulbous nose.
“My master returns,” Gebri cackled. The goddess created an energy force field to keep Garados from becoming human.
“You must rebind him to the block before the force field is gone,” the goddess said to us. “Hurry! I can only hold it so long,”
WE stood in a pentagon around the block. Concentrating we lit up our crystals and created a light trail, connecting our crystals with love and light. But as hard as we tried, nothing wold keep Garados in the block. An arm and then the left foot grew out of block.
“We’ve got to try hard,” Jess said. But Garados’s life force overtook us. There was a crack and I was repelled backwards, hitting my head against a rock. I blacked out.


“Where am I?” I mumbled. “ What the hell happened? Where is Garados?” I said nearly shouting.
“I’m right here,” the voice sent shivers up my spine. My hairs stood on end. “You should never try a binding spell when only part of you magic is intact,” Garados said smoothly. I shook my head groggily. As I opened my eyes, I saw the inside of the cave. Garados stooped in front of me. I tried to tear him from limb to limb, but my body wouldn’t move.
“I do love having power. Tell me Kel how does it feel to lose,” I spat at him. “ Fine, act like an animal. It will only keep you here longer,” Garados left. Once gone, the magical restraints were lifted. I slid to the floor of the cave.
My head hurt. I had gouges cut out of my arms and legs. My back was scrapped from the rocks when I slid down, and I think that I broke a finger or two. But even though I was wounded, I managed to survey my surroundings.
Garados left me where I fell. The boys and the goddess had disappeared. But Gebri was still around, watching me from another cavern entrance. Apparently that wasn’t good enough because he had to come over and harass me with his taunts.
“I told you that failure was in your future. You are just like you mother Kel. simply irresistible, but not strong enough,” he said grabbing my chin until I yanked away. “ She tried to so the same thing to my master long ago, but he escaped. My master is more powerful than the other wizards that she eradicated,”
“How you dare talk about my mother like that,” I went to shove hi over, but he just flicked his finger and I was paralyzed. After awhile he let me down. This time I would use my power. I reached down to grasp the crystal but it wasn’t there. Gebri cackled gleefully.

“No crystal for you,” and he left, his laughter echoing off the walls. I was left seething in my anger.
I was at the point where I couldn’t feel the presence of my friends or my mother. But I did feel a newer one. It was a different one then I ever felt before.
“You have more power then your mother,” I heard in my head. “But it looks as if you are caught Kel, daughter of angel Lessionia,”
“Who are you?” I asked in my head.
“Just someone who has your best interests in mind,” he replied.
“A name would be nicer,”
“Informality is much better though. Now if I help you escape, you must do something for me,”
“If I have to give you Garados for it, forget it,”
“Ah, so you’ve heard it from Lessionia?”
“No, it is running through your head. ‘Does she know about Lesionia and I? The attack on the house? My plans for Garados?’”
“You are definitely stronger than your mother,”
“Now if you don’t mind, I would like you to leave my brain. I will think of a way to escape on my own,”
“I’m sure you will,” and then he was gone.
“Oh, Gebri,” I called. His head popped up from behind a rock. “Someone know where you are,” I taunted.
“How do you know?” he asked picking up the front of my shirt.
“That’s enough Gebri,” said Garados after Gebri slapped me for not answering. “If she is not ready to tell, we will just give her some time,” said Garados but much too smoothly. He walked over to the far side of the cave. He made the walls clear. a deep pit with no bottom was visible, and my friends were about to plummet down through,”
My words spilt out so fast that I could barely understand them.
“I don’t know who he was, but he knew my mother and he wants you Garados,”
“Well that buys you and your friends some time,”
“Why aren't they awake?”
“Once they were asleep it was much easier to take their crystals. Now that I have five, all of you can watch me change the world,”
“You monster!” I screamed. I pulled on the magical bonds holding me. “ I will not let you do that!” Slowly I moved forward.
“Impossible! You shouldn’t be able to move at all,” Grinding my teeth, i continued to push forward. I thought about all the people I loved; my Mother, Grandfather, Jess, Griffen, Mathyus, Kalob, and yes Horitori too. I wasn’t going to just let them die. My heart over flowed with love and light that I began to overcome Garados’s magic.
“This should be impossible! It’s inconceivable! No one could have the power to do this except....,” Garados said astonished.
In a flash my mother showed up. “Yes Garados, my daughter, Kel, is the one of the prophecy. The one of angel, elf, and man. One who has the power to eradicate all evil. Your time has come,”
I closed my eyes and in that instance, I saw myself when I was little. It was at Grandfather’s house. My mother and father were chasing me around the yard. Grandma was in the garden picking strawberries. I ran behind her skirts.
“You can’t get me now,” I giggled. My father came at me, picking me up. He twirled around once. I had my hands outstretched. I giggled some more. My father brought me down. I hugged him, my arms around his neck.
“I love you daddy,”
“ I love you daddy,” tears rolled down my face as I gave one more push. Garados was gone.
Falling to my knees, I hit the floor. “Father,” I called. Gebri laid sprawled on the floor. He clutched his chest. My mother hovered over him. He motioned for me.
“Lessionia, I never meant to hurt you. Garados’s hold was so strong, I...,”
“Shhh,” my mother said kissing him after. “It doesn’t matter now. Her tears fell to his chest.
“My baby girl,” my father said, taking hold of my hand. “ I never stopped thinking about you. Now you’re all grown up and beautiful,”
“I love you daddy,” he closed his eyes and I cried.
Part of me died that night in the cave. I never realized that my mother had left my side to help my friends. All I could do was sob for the father that I never had. Garados was gone, but nothing made since anymore.
I drifted on a plane of existence, never in one for any length of time. Nothing kept me in place. Briefly I would see my friends in and out of the plane, but soon they disappeared and only my mother was left.
I had a dream about her and that a man came to here offering her the ability to go back heaven, but she declined saying that she would stay on earth. That same man came to me. He presence was the exact same presence as in the cave.
“I realized that I was wrong for harming you and your mother. I did not believe that such a prophecy existed,”
“I forgive you,” I whispered. He came out of the shadows of my dreams. I saw his face, as a high angel; Caron. He bowed at me, right arm clenched in a fist over his heart. He took to the sky and disappeared.

“Kel,” someone whispered. My eyelids fluttered open to see Jess’s radiant face.
“Jess,” he laid down next to me. We didn’t say anything at first, but his arms around me made me feel secure. I snuggled up next to him knowing that everything was okay and a kiss made my hear realize that too.


1 comment:

Lucia said...

I can't believe it's over. I seriously sat in awe for a few minutes. I cried for Gebri, it was so sad. I can't believe it.