Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Horses 3 Times

I get to ride horses three times this week. I am so thrilled. I went today and had a good ride. Snake was a bit pokey, but I didn't care that much, because I will have to work hard on Friday when I have my lesson. Then I get to go tomorrow as well. The most fun part is cantering, but then afterwards when I take off his bridle, he rubs his head against my back. He does that too when I take his halter off. He also loves to eat the huge carrots that I give him. I also helped out with the Penfield Rec program that was going on after I rode. Then on Sunday it is heave ho to Allegheny State Park for camping. We will be there for a whole week and I won't have internet. I won't be able to tell everyone about my really neat trip until I come home. I suppose that is for the best because then I can get in a lot of reading and outdoor activities.I plan on swimming, hiking ad maybe biking. My biggest fun is that a possible cute guy will be there. (Corners of mouth curl into a small smile while eyes light up.)

So we sifted the last amount of stones this morning and are adding stones to the garden now. But we are going to have to thin out some of the stones because there is not enough, and we cannot get less than two cubic yards of stones. That will be too much stones to deal with, not to mention that we won't have enough space to put them. So onward we will move stone until it is done. It means that this week before we go away it will be done. Then I get to paint the north side of the house with dad. I don't think I have worked this much in any of the summers that I have lived through. At least while I am scrapping, which is my favorite part, I can listen to music on my ipod. That will keep me occupied . The other good thing is that that side of the house in the shade. I won't die of the sun pounding down on all parts of me until the sweat drips down in buckets. Trust me, it is not a pretty sight. So basically I have no summer left because school starts the twenty fifth of August. That means I still need to get my books. Crap! Just another thing I have to deal with. Maybe if I get out of horses early tomorrow I can see if the used text book place near me has the books. That way I won't have to go all the way to Brockport to get them. Yuck! I hate the fact that it is about forty minutes from the house. I would really like to just live at home instead of at school. I am a home body, can't you tell.

The really good thing about it getting closer to school, is that I will be able to see my friend Clara. We are going to the Reniassance Festival, and she is also going to the same school that I am going to. I will not be the only one the id freaking out at the first day of school. I have to make new friends. I am terrible at that. Everyone who knows me must be saying "What! You terrible at making friends. You are so bubbly and outgoing," Well that may be true, but not at making friends. I work better if someone else does the talking, and I jump in. My favorite way of doing this is in class. I bring a book where ever I go because I am a nerd and love to read. Then while everyone thinks that I am reading and being antisocial, I eavesdrop on the conversations around me. That seems to work the best for me. It will be really hard, because I haven't had to make new friends like this for ten years. I knew a whole bunch of people at MCC, so it was no biggy. I know just Clara. I saw a few other people that I know there, but all of us are going for different degrees. So if I see them, it will be a miracle. At least I have a few of their emails. I will have the computer down there and I can send them things.

Well, I am going to go eat dinner because I am starving. I haven't had anything since 12:30. Everyone knows that I eat every two to three hours. So adios, and good tidings to all.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Where the Hell is Matt?

I know I have put up a lot of vids for my past post, but this one was really cool. I was looking for something else on youtube, when I saw this pic of native guy. I saw the title of Where the Hell... and I just had to find out what it was. The best parts of this vid, are of the children laughing and smiling. It made me feel connected to all the people in the world. Check it out.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

Secret Lovers

I thought that this was really funny, so much that I was tearing. I watch Naruto way too much.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

VBS Week

This week is VBS week and so far it is going okay. On Thursday we are going to go swimming in Mimi's pool after VBS is done in the morning. The snacks are good, though not as yummy as the snacks that mom made. We get healthy snacks. I am surprised that the kids actually eat it because I know that when I was that age, I never wanted to eat that stuff. But now I don't care what the food is. When I am hungry, I eat it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Deep Fried Shrimp

Tonight we are going out to eat at some fish place. I heard the word shrimp and that hooked me. Shrimp is my all time favorite food to eat. I just love it. I wonder how they will cook it? Maybe it will be deep fried. I think that if I lived near an ocean, that I would be eating shrimp a lot more than I do now. It is just too expensive to eat it all the time. I think that it is up to about $10 a pound. That's all because of the shipping that has to be done to sent it across the state. I bet though that all food is going up because of the cost of gas. I think that the only too good times that I had shrimp was in Boston and at the Daisy Flour Mill. In Boston we had them fresh right off the sea that day. We even ate them on the beach. The Daisy Flour Mill shrimp was drenched in butter, garlic, cheese, and whatever else. It was the best thing in the whole world. I wish that it wasn't just for big groups of people. Anyway why am I still talking about shrimp, oh duh, I am going to hopefully eat some tonight.

On a different note, there are pictures of the rock garden that I just put on. I suppose that I could put more one, but I think that three is enough for now. Maybe later I will add more. That place is so cool. He has celebrities that come there. He is going to have Johnny Depp, and Jenifer Love Hewit there. It is so cool. I can't say it enough. It is like a giant rock climbing park. It would be a great place to play hide and seek or a scavenger hunt. I could even see it in an eye spy book or game.

Well tootles and Hobey Ho,

from the traveling wizard


Rock Garden

Remember when I said that I would put pictures of the rock garden. Well here is a few that I took. Have fun climbing.

Hobey Ho

Thursday, July 10, 2008

M Cubed, Currents, Linzer Tarts, Flowers, and Gnats

The weather is finally cool. Today I pick currents with KT and Aunt Helen. Hopefully we will be going to the library where we can get a movie to watch tonight and for tomorrow. Then I think we will be going to the card shop. I found out that their library has a system on the net just like the one at home. It looks like it would be east to use, unlike the one in monroe county. That is for the birds. Sometimes it works, and other times it doesn't. I just lost my train of thought. I really hate that because then I start on a tangent until I can remember what I was going to say. Duh, now I remember. I finished my manga Kare Kano, and I started up again with The Golden Cord. But it started to get interesting, and the main character finds out that his cousin, or some relative of his was murdered. That made me think of the murder mysteries. M cubed; murder, mystery, and mayhem. That always makes a good story to read. But those stories are also hard to write, in my opinion. One would almost have to write out a rode map to find out how everything would connect in the end.

Yesterday dad and I were singing on the front porch until the gnats started to go nuts on us. They kept getting in my ears and eyes. I have never figured out why they do that. What is the point? Their brains are to small to say 'I am going to fly in that person's eye just to annoy them'. I am surprised they have enough brian to know when to mate. The only thing that I can think of is that they do that because they are looking for a moist place to be.

Let's see, I took Sarah to the flower shop after lunch. She had made and arrangement today of roses and hydrangeas. The roses were a bunch of different colors. They looked like the sunset, and the hydrangeas were blue. That is because they were in acid for awhile. With those types of plants, the more acidic the soil is, the blues and purples come out. If there isn't acid in the soil, they stay pink. She also has done some arrangements with silk flowers. I am assuming that she will put them on her myspace, facebook, and blog when we got home.

Dad is making a linzer tart, and it is going to have apricots and a hint of lemon in it. I think that it tastes pretty good, but some could say otherwise. I think that it will be ready for us to eat tonight for dessert.

I also think that I am a bit darker than I was when I left. Or maybe it is just my imagination. I do know that my henna is slowly disappearing from my arm. I wish that I brought some with me so that I could add more here. It would keep my occupied for a bit, but then I would have to find a cool place to leave it or it will get gross.

Now dad is putting the crust in the spring pan for the tart. It tastes the best when it is still soft and not baked. Well I am going to bore everyone to death with saying things as 'dad has done such and such with the tart' so I am going to leave everyone until I write again.

Hobey Ho


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hot, Thundry, Day

Yesterday, KT and I went swimming at the water park. But we were only in for a bit because there were so many people. I went down the cork screw water slide, and I went under the fish that spray water. Our second cousin Rachel went with us too. We all got something to eat there. We decided to come back around 3. KT and I hung up the towels on the line outside because they were still a bit wet. Inside we played pounce for about a hour because then there was a hung thunder storm. Dad even played, though it seemed that he was a party pooper about it. That would be because I won almost every time. Dinner was turkey tetrazini. Yummy, yummy. After dinner Rachel came back and we went with her dad to the Rock Garden. This rock garden is the so cool. If the weather is okay we might go back today to get pics. If we get any, I hope to put them on here. This guy has bought up property and made this garden so people can look at the stuff. There is a temple in the center and I climbed up and down that temple. Rachel showed Sarah and I the other part that was surrounded in vines. It reminded me of a faerie garden. There were all types of stones. I saw ones that glaciers had gouged out, I saw magma, and stones that came from buildings that no longer exist, some were from head stones that fell over. Then finally, we watched The Bucket List. I really liked this movie. Then I went to bed. Of course, throughout the day I am reading Kare Kano. I am on book 13. While I do the reading, KT is watching the food network. That is mostly all she wants to watch. I don't understand her or Sarah. Instead of watching something with action, then choose to watch that. Ugg. I get so tired of hearing about food. You can't eat any of it. What is the point. If I watch it, I get hungry, and then I want food. Preferably the stuff that they are making, but unless they come up with a way to get food out of the tv, I am not going to be able to eat this stuff, unless I make it myself.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Wapakoneta, Ohio


Writing from Wapakoneta, Ohio. For all who don't know, that is where I am for my vaca. So far everything is okay. The temp is just right, and the dinner I had tonight was so good. Hamburgers, corn, salad, dill pickles, peaches, pears, and oreos. By the way, the corn, fruit and pickles are all home grown and the best in the entire world. Well you are probably like 'okay, so why is she down there,' well, we are down here because Sarah wants to work in our cousin's florist shop. It is so cool. It has our name in it. So while she works for the week, KT and I get to do whatever. I will probably watch tv, read, and do stuff on my mac. If it gets hot enough, there is also a pool within walking distance to swim at. It cools you off, but sometimes it is boring with just the two of us. At least there is good food for us to eat.

Well for a rehash of what I did for that last past few days is commencing. On Thursday I was at Clara's house creating my Renaissance Festival dress. The two of us plan to go together but we just have to set up the time for that. I finished mine, but I still have to see what Clara's dress will look like. I know what the colors will be, but I will be surprised about the whole thing. I can't wait.

Friday, the beautiful fourth, was awesome. We spent the time with the Jutsums. First there was the parade at two, and then swimming, followed by food and games, which was finished with fireworks. I sat next to Ian while he took pics of them. I also gave him some cool pics by twirling my glow sticks around. They looked like a nova was bursting out of the dark.

Saturday, we left and slowly managed to get to today and where we are now. So that is what has been happening. I'll update some more when tomorrow comes, or maybe later in the week.

P.S. I have a new story that I am writing and I am thinking about putting it on the blog when it is done, but I have a way to go before I actually feel that it is ready for the world to see.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Garden Stones

Okay, so for the past two days, we have been digging up the stones in the vegie garden, and sifting the dirt out of them. Then once it is all done, we will do that to the other herb garden. All the herb garden's stones will go in the vegie garden and the stone pile in the driveway will go in the herb garden. All I know, is that it is a pain to do it. It is hot, muddy, sore work, and I think that it will take ten years for it all to be done. On the good side, we only have one more row to go in the vegie garden. We get up in the morning to do all this work, although, so far we haven't been able to get up early enough to not get to exhausted by the heat. Maybe tomorrow we will be up even earlier than before. Well, I am going to go watch some more Naruto Shippuuden now.