Friday, January 18, 2008


Guess what. I got accepted at Brockport. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I don't think that I will be too bad to live either on or off campus. At first it sounded really scary and I didn't think that I was ready for it, but now not so much. I just have to make sure that I get all A's this coming semester so that I can bump my GPA back to a 3.7.

Today I went and mucked out stalls, fed and watered, and rode horses. Now I am so tired that I can barely move. My back doesn't hurt as much as it did because I took a shower with lots of hot water, but still. It will probably take about two to three days to get it back to normal.

I went and got my books for school and I have to have five books for history. The one on the truths and falsehoods on the Da Vinci Code will be really interesting. That is the one book that I am just jumping at to read. I think that I might have actually read that book or one very similar after I saw the movie. It is really cool to see what facts that were true and put into the story and the other ones that are more or less fiction. In someways when watching that movie you can't go one way or another. If you get to religious the whole learning experience is cut off, and if you go the other way then you can't understand where the religious people are coming from. So that is why after I saw it, I read as many books as I could get my hands on so that I could decided for myself what I wanted to think. Now I know that my opinions are different than dad because we did a lot of talking. I just have to remember that when I get into these discussions that I keep and open mind and think before I talk.


Lucia said...

That's so exciting! When I was little I always thought that living on a campus would be the best thing ever. Having your own space, being responsible. . . But I was so little I didn't really consider that it's probably a lot of work to keep your own space. In fact, right now my room is really messy, and it could really use a get down and dirty clean up.
I find that a lot of things like that are true, what you said about being too religious about things. Like with Harry Potter. So many people thought it was evil, they didn't bother to step back and look at the whole picture. I get what your saying about keeping your head when in a discussion. I often find myself saying things I'll regret later, and I always have to make sure I think about what I say before I say it.

Annie said...

when do you start at brockport?
