Monday, January 28, 2008

No Snowflakes

I started writing this blog and Sara asked if I was going to write about her and I said does it really matter, and well you know the rest. I'm writing one right now. Let's see, I just finished my history class. My Ethics class was canceled this morning so I didn't have to go to it. I saw Tiffany today and she brightened up my day as usual. Now I have no idea what I want to write about now. Oh, oh, oh, I know. I saw Dave today and he is still just as cute as he was last friday, except today his hair is slicked back today. It looks a bit strange, but it is still good. I can also see it now that Leah, if she is reading this, is rolling her eyes. Sara is probably too. Anything else, yup, I have most of my pants done. I just have to add a waist band and unbaste some parts and then hem it up. I hope that I can wear it tomorrow if I finish it.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Crazy Pants

I went to Joann's and they were having a sale on material and I found this one kind that would make awesome pants, and that is what I am doing tonight. I was hoping to have them done for tomorrow, but I guess that that won't be happening due to the fact that I am only part way done. I suppose that if I stop writing now that I would be able to finish them.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

A Normal Saturday

Today I did chores and Homework. That was pretty much it, besides playing with Sarah and Cathy when she came over. Of course Monk played with us and I think that she is a bad luck charm because Sarah didn't win many game when all three of us played. Well, I think that I am going to watch some Naruto on youtube now.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

All the Small Things- Shikamaru

I love the song and I thought that it would be really cool if I could find the song with one of my favorite anime. This one with Shikamaru was good and it got some cute pics of him in the process.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


This morning I woke up at seven thirty so that we could get to choir rehearsal before mass. This mass was to celebrate Martin Luther King. So what we did was start singing in the audience and come up onto the stage for the song after the Homily. It was interesting to do it that way. The homily that the man did was perfect for the spot that we were on. Hochstein used to be a church and Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass spoke and had their funerals at that spot. Before it was a church Amy and Issac Post house stood there where Sojourner Truth stayed one night. These people used to be on the route to freedom for slaves. Anyway this homily was how race hinders people acting as a community. It is one of those homilies that you need to be there to get the impact. It is also one of the few homilies that hit home with me. It was really good. Then after church, Dad and I went to Wegmans, finally picking up Katie at youth group. Then Dad, Rosa, and I went to find the Music Lover''s Shop because it moved from its previous location. It is in a house now, which is much smaller. I got my music book that had all of my favorite songs. I had misplaced my older one. So then from then to just before I started writing this that I played almost every single song in that book. I want to get better because I saw there Reliant K's music for their new cd "Five Score and Seven Years Ago" I want to be able to play my favorite song from that disc on the piano.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Guess what. I got accepted at Brockport. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I don't think that I will be too bad to live either on or off campus. At first it sounded really scary and I didn't think that I was ready for it, but now not so much. I just have to make sure that I get all A's this coming semester so that I can bump my GPA back to a 3.7.

Today I went and mucked out stalls, fed and watered, and rode horses. Now I am so tired that I can barely move. My back doesn't hurt as much as it did because I took a shower with lots of hot water, but still. It will probably take about two to three days to get it back to normal.

I went and got my books for school and I have to have five books for history. The one on the truths and falsehoods on the Da Vinci Code will be really interesting. That is the one book that I am just jumping at to read. I think that I might have actually read that book or one very similar after I saw the movie. It is really cool to see what facts that were true and put into the story and the other ones that are more or less fiction. In someways when watching that movie you can't go one way or another. If you get to religious the whole learning experience is cut off, and if you go the other way then you can't understand where the religious people are coming from. So that is why after I saw it, I read as many books as I could get my hands on so that I could decided for myself what I wanted to think. Now I know that my opinions are different than dad because we did a lot of talking. I just have to remember that when I get into these discussions that I keep and open mind and think before I talk.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Derby Stallion

Today I have been making hats and scarves for Kevin bears. Mike is going to hate me. (lol) While I was making them, I was watching the movie the Derby Stallion. It was very good because it made me cry. I think that any movie that can bring out my emotions is good. I'm glad that it is somewhat warmer because today I am going to ride horses. But everything will be really wet out there because of all the rain that we got this morning.

With all of the wind that we have been having, the trees have been losing all of their branches. The back yard is littered with them. Once it dries enough back there I can pick them up. Even the pine tree in the front of the yard has dropped branches. That is unusual.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Lazy Day

Today I woke up early so that I could watch the Waltons on the Hallmark channel. I stayed in my pj's for most of the morning until about eleven when the second little house on the prairie started. Once that was done I read all afternoon except for when I updated my blog. Then just before Sarah came home from school, I went on youtube to watch Naruto, except the one person that was posting up the videos disappeared. So I had to hunt for another person who did them in english dubbed. It is more fun to be able to watch what they are doing instead of only being able to pay attention to the words because I don't know japanese. Then I made dinner which was mushroom perogies with broccoli. After that I went out to the library because I had an express video that was due today. After that I went to get Katie pain reliever for her teeth because she got braces. Of course I came home because now I am writing this up. I suppose that tomorrow will be similar to today except for the fact that I will going to the barn to muck out stalls and riding, possibly feeding and watering too.

Veggie Tales

Veggie Tales is coming out with a new movie called The Pirates who don't do Anything. I want to see. Here is a movie trailer for it.

I also found this other video of veggie tales that I really like because it is just a ridiculous as there other ones.

Veggie Tales Chinese Menu

Thursday, January 3, 2008

More Snow!

There is snow again and I can go out snowshoeing if I want because now there is enough. Today my friends and I are going to see Alivin and the Chipmonks, and then I get to go to Kathy's house for two days just to hang out and stuff. Yesterday dad and I went to choir practice for sunday mass. We are going to sing He Never Failed Me Yet again. I am so excited because it is a really fun song to sing. We also practiced for the music that we are going to sing for the concert and St. Johns. That will be fun too. The Come to the Water song is kind of caribbean which makes it fun to sing to. I am using the word fun way to much in the paragraph. I should find a new word to use.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Grossed Out

I was watching Naruto and I got grossed out completely. The thing that grossed me out was the fact that this guy had a symbiote relationship with bugs that lived inside of him. In return they fought his battles for him. It was spine crawling. Now I found another thing that grossed me out. This guy can loose all his joints and become like Mr. Fantastic. More spine crawling.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Today we watched the Rose Bowl Parade. They had a bunch of different floats. My favorite ones were the native american and the egpytian float. But of course my all time favorite was the horses. They had some pulling carriages and then there were a bunch with people on their backs. I even got to hear bagpipes. I don't know what it is about kilts, but guys in them really turn me on especially when they are cute. Okay that line was very random but oh well. On New Year's Eve we went to the Northside Inn and had dinner, then we went to see the Bee Movie. It was really cute and funny. I encourage everyone to go to see it. When we came home we played games and watched the ball drop in times square. Then we toasted in wine classes with sparkling grape juice. But by 12:30 I was tired and I went to sleep.
Apparently there is going to be a bit of snow coming down. I hope that there is enough so that I can go sledding and snowshoeing. I really like running in the snowshoes, I can get a lot of exercise from running in them. It is ten times harder to run in them then just normal running.
Right now my sisters are making a lot of noise and acting silly with Monk. We were playing Monkey says earlier and Monk was a very bad teacher. She was always failing people if they didn't do something right, and then you would go to timeout. You would have to ask Monk what those things were because they are too funny to put into words. I bet lucie and annie would be able to figure out what those things might be.

Buenos Noches and Happy New Year

Kung Fu Fighting