Friday, September 21, 2007

espanol para mi amigos

Como estas? Estoy muy bien. Hoy tuve la clase de espanol y esta muy divirirse. Cantamos Quiero Pan. Pienso esa canto muy buena. Voy a montar a caballo este tarde. Vivir es bueno.

Hasta Luego



Monkeybaby14 said...

i can only understand the beginning.

"Hello! How are you". lol, what the funny part is that i can sing "el barro", and i don't know much spanish! lol


Lucia said...

Translated at Babelfish

Babel Fish Translation

In English:
Hello, Like these? I am very well. Today I had the class of espanol and this very to divirir itself. We sang I want Bread I think that very good song. I am going to mount to east horse takes. To live is good. So long

Lucia said...

En español:
¡Puse al día mi blog!

Sk8terBoy said...

Hi Alex.I changed my name;I just wanted to tell U so I'm not some anonymous freak.

Ian Dewey said...

I like the "to live is good" part. =D