Tuesday, June 12, 2007

For my faithful readers, another part to this ever going story.

We looked in my mother’s books to see if and where there could be two mountains of that description. None of the maps that my mother had told us nothing. All the mountain ranges were too small. The mountains had to be tall because in the picture there was snow all over. That was when I decided to look at other lands besides our own. Maybe my grandparents were from an island to the south or from the fridged land to the north.
“I wonder,” I said out loud, “ If we knew what the ring was made out of, that maybe that would give us a clue to where the mountains are. Which would help us find where my grandfather lives,” I let that idea float around for awhile, esuming my map searching until Kalob spoke.
“ My friend Mallock is a smith. He might be able to give me an answer,” I passed the ring to him.
“Go quickly so we may find my mother,” Kalob raced out the door and took to flight. “I hope he hurries, I have a feeling that something bad is coming,” I mumbled low enough so no one could hear.
After eating, I managed to find enough room in the small house for all of us to sleep. When I felt satisfied with the arrangment, I went to find a piece of wood to create another figureen to go with the other ones that survied the tumble out. Some were broken, but the ones that weren’t to bad I could fix. Unlike the other times, when I knew exactly what I wanted to carve, nothing came to my mind. I couldn’t figure out what kind of animal the wood wanted to be. Instead I found myself carving something else. It started with a small house. Then I found another piece and another. The magic controlled my hands, putting the pieces in place. The small cottage sat in the middle of the village. Tall mountains covered with snow surounded the valley, but at the end were two mountains shaped like eagles.
My carvings continued. Trees sprung up alonf a riverbed that ran out of the valley along its floor. It continued to the sea where sea people lived deep in its depths. The shore was a clean white eith golden flecks sprinkled throughout. I continued to piece together the island until the carvings covered the table. It was as if I was in a trance because by the time Jess came down from the loft, I had recreated out the home land far across the sea.
“Kel, Kel, what are you doing? Jess said, but I couldn’t hear him, let alone stop carving. Then far away I heard Griffen.
“She is under a spell,”
“But how do we get her out of it?”
“We have to wait until she has created all that the spell requires of her,” Griffen replied to Jess.
“What happened,” I said clutching my head. Jess, Griffen, and Mathyus stood around me.
“You were under a spell,” said Griffen. “It looks as if you have created a three dimensional map,”
“The eagle moutains!” I rushed back to the table where the three dimensional map started.
“This is where the eagle mountains are,” said Mathyus.
“Here,” I said pointing to them. “This is my mother’s home. This must be the way to get there,”
“But it would be nice if we had a name of something, so we know where to go from here,” Jess said.
“ The ring is made out of Zarconian metal,” Kalob said bursting through the door out of breath.
“Zarconian metal. Zarconian’s are famous for their jewlry,” Griffen said.
“The island of Zarkesh,” I said. “ Zarkesh. My mother often would say that word, but I never knew what she was talking about. Mostly it was about some spell that needed a plant from there,”
“But how do we get there?” asked Kalob.
“Well in her spare time, Kel made us this,” said Mathyus and we stepped away from the map.
“Here we are and we need to gat across the sea to the island of Zarkesh. Then we follow the river to the valley and to the village,”
“But what are we going to do with Garados. Yes we have him in the obcedian block, but couldn’t he get out?” asked Kalob.
“No one can escape from the obcedian block,” said Griffen. “Only the one who put him in there can release him,”
“Which is something that I am not going to do,” I said. “We have to take him with us,”
“How are we going to get there? If we fly, I’m sure someone will notice. And besides, that would help us get into the city. They have that all blocked off to magic. If spotted, you get taken off,” said Griffen.
“Perhaps we can get on a ship disguised as musicans that are going to entertain the king,” suggested Jess with a twinkle in his eyes.

1 comment:

Lucia said...

I hope you make this all into one book! I can't stand the waiting! ;)