Saturday, June 9, 2007


Today is mulching day and we have gotten six truck loads to cover all of our trees in the back yard. Now I am sore. The only good thing about mulching, is in between drives to the place where we get it, I get to read my book, Wizard Heir, whih apparently is second book in the series. I hope that I can find it in the library because if this one is good, the other one has to be.

The sun has been glorious today. It is just the perfect temperature. Yesterday was terrible. It was just so hot. I went riding and I thought that I would die. I did get to learn how to pull a horses hair. They don't have nerves in their mane so you can pull out the hair by the roots to shorten it or thin it. I might go today to help, but I am tired from all of the mulching this morning, I might just stay home and read, or I could bike to the library. That would be fun.

I have to pick up my shoes today because their heels fell off and I had them fixed. I hope they will work well. They are one of my favorites.



1 comment:

Annie said...

where did you get the mulch?
