Saturday, March 31, 2007

That night Mathyus began to file down the bars of the cage. It was going quite smoothly actually until about midnight when everything seemed to freeze up. The bars became magic hardened and the file no longer worked.
“I told you that no one can escape this place,” Horitori said from his corner. “Garados can sense your move. He knows what I am saying now. Now I know why I should have never led you here,”
“Yes go ahead and feel guilty for yourself emperor, but whatever you say I will still punish you for going against me. You were very foolish to go against a ten thousand year old wizard,” Garados’s voice rang out. “At least you are being weak unlike the guardians,” Then all was silent.
I sat next to Jess, but I grew tired in the room. Soon I was asleep on his chest.
I woke up in a chair locked into place by magic. I couldn’t move a muscle except for my head. But the room was dark and I couldn’t see a thing. Quite suddenly a bright light came, blinding me temporarily. When my eyes readjusted, I saw that I was in another room. It was square and had no windows. But my eyes fell on a terrible sight. My friends were held against the wall, heads slumped down asleep.
Gardos rose through the floor comanding the lights to turn on. He sent a sliver of magic to awaken the boys. Then he turned and evil eye back onto me.
“Give me the crystal or your friedns will get a love zap,”
“Don’t give him the crystal Kel, you mustn’t give up on your mother,” Jess said.
When I didn’t say anything, “Is that a no, okay,” A small bolt of electricity went down the wire and zapped the three of them. I cringed and prayed that Griffen was going to get help.
“Stop, please stop,”
“Not until you give me the crystal. The longer you wait the more shocks they receive,” What chose did I have but to give him the crstal?
“I’ll give you the crystal,” I said to the disappointment of my friends. Garados let me go so I could give him the crystal, but I caught him off guard.
“Balami Tomba,” I murmered hastily. Out flew a spark that paralized Garados. Then I zapped the magic holding my friends.
“Hurry, Garados is coming to,” I shouted at them. Surrounding him, we trapped him in a block of obcedian. I picked up the small block and put it in my pocket. “Now to find Horitori,”
Horitori was locked in a clear semi-circle. When we found him, he was pacing around the circle.
“How did you get out?” he asked. “Garados swore to me that he got all of you and that you would be dead by dawn,”
“He was wrong about us, but he never thought about himself,” said Kalob. I showed Horitori the obcedian block.
“Now that Garados is trapped it should be easier for you to destroy his spell,” I said to him.
“I think that I am going to need your help. Just because he is imprisoned doesn’t mean that his spell weaken.
There was a clatter and the doors to the room opened. Seven trolls came in.
“We’ll take care of them,” said Jess.
While the three of them battled the trolls, I waved my hands over the semi circle mumbling an incantation, but nothing was happening.
Horitori looked at me. “You need to use more power,”
“We will all have to use our magic,” I said.
“Their’s will not work Kel. Their magic isn’t as strong as what you have,” Swords clashed and temper flared behind me. The chandlier fell to the floor starting a fire. I stood staring at the sphere concentrating all my magic to my fingertips. closing my eyes I blocked out the noise of the fighting. I reached into my soul trying to find my inner strength.
Colors changed in front of my eyes. Everything streched, pulling and pushing until my friends became disoriented and ultimately disapeared. I fell down a dark hole, landing on my knees in a circular room with a door at one side.

“Where am I?”
“Your inner soul,” a voice said.
“My inner soul?”
“Yes, don’t you recognize it?”
“No!” I said jumping to my feet. “I need to get out of here. My friends need my help,”
“But how will you save Horitori. You focused here so that you could find a way to help Horitiori. The normal incantations are not working. You wanted to look in your soul, you are in it,”
“But where is the spell I need?”
“Search your soul, you will find it,”

“Kel,” Jess shouted. At least that is who it sounded like. My head was spinning and I could barely see anything through my eyes. But it looked like a troll was in front of me and Jess startled it, but then I blacked out for a bit.

Through the books I looked for a spell, any spell that would help me set Horitori free.. Nothing came close to setting him free.
“Where is it?” I was agrivated.
“Its not an it,” the voice said.
“What could the spell be?”
“Look inside yourself further,” I thought and found another hole and dove into it. There, in the corner was a little heart with Horitori’s name on it. So somewhere deep inside my soul there was love for Horitori. Touching the heart, everything zoomed and I found myself in front of Horitori once again.
Sitting up, I pulled a same heart from my chest.
“Horitori, this is for you,” my hands went through the sphere and connected with his. I gave him a part of my heart and the spere dissolved.
Suddenly the room began to shake.
“We have to get out of here now,” Jess said.
“We can’t go without saving the villagers,” said Kalob.
“We must hurry,” said Mathyus. A troll spilt oil and the fire consumed it drawing a space between me and my friends. Out of the fire came Griffen with a notched arrow pointed at my heart.

1 comment:

Lucia said...

Griffen- Bad? Kel- In love with Horritori? What the heck?