Thursday, March 15, 2007

“When will you bring that girl to me?”
“When I can find her,”

“She slipped out of your fingers once. Some how I find it hard to trust you to find her again,”
“I will master, I will find her and bring her to you along with the guardians,”
“I give three days. If you prove to be incompetent, than I will find a way to give you your punishment,”
“Yes master,”

“Send out the Tree Slurpers, we are going to find the guardians,” said Horitori to one of the soldiers.
“Yes, your majesty,”
“I have three says to find that girl and I cannot afford to fail again,”

The walk through woods was as boring as the last woods that we walked through. But for some reason there was something not normal about these woods. It was as if someone or something was watching us as we moved. A crow cawed and flew out of a tree. Griffen stopped walking with a finger to his lips. I looked around but nothing was moving. Griffen brought his bow and arrows out and stood ready to fight. The bow that I aquired through the previous bloodshed was notched. Jess unsheathed his sword along with Kalob. Carefully we walked forward looking around every tree.
A crackle in the leave drove Griffen’s attention to a unusual cluster of trees.
“Something is not right,” Griffen whispeard.
A tree branch whipped out and grabbed Griffen by the arm, flinging his bow and arrow to the ground.
“Griffen,” shouted Jess just before a tree grabbed him. I shot an arrow at the tree. But it didn’t penetrate the bark. Mathyus was picked up around the waist. He squirmed through and fell to the ground to be prompty picked up by another tree. Kalob hacked at a tree near him, but was too ensnared in the tree branches.
“Well well, what do we have here, a bunch of rats caught in a trap,”
I knew that voice all too well. “Well your majesty,” I said not turing around to face him, “You seem to have an odd way of finding us, but for what reason, I have no idea,” I turned around glaring at him with my bow drawn.
“You don’t want to shoot me or ‘snap’, the trees can break there necks,”
“What do you want?”
“I want what my master wants, the crystals. Hopefully you’ll give them to me and instead of my master getting them I’ll keep them and you for all eternity,”
“You’ll have to fight me first,”

“I don’t have to do that,” he snapped his fingers and a tree picked me up, but I didn’t g o down without a fight. But all that became of it was a bruise as large as watermelon and being bound for a long journey back to the elven realm, where I learned the truth about myself.
I was kept apart from my friends and Jess. I think it was those long days in seclusion that I found my true feeling about him. That first kiss we had, I think was on lust, but now that I had nothing else to do, Jess was on my mind all the time. I missed being able to be with him, to be able to talk to him when ever I needed to say something that was on my mind.
Horitori came in one day, I have no idea what day it was for I never saw the sun or was allowed outside.
“It is a sad thing not being able to be with the one you love,”
“What do you mean by that?”
“You can’t figure it out by yourself?”
I looked at him with my arms crossed.
“When I was young my father said that sme thing to me when I couldn’t be with my love. Unlike you, my love would never come back. She reminds me of you. That is why I have loved you ever since I laid eyes on you,”
“Who do I remind you of?”
“Your mother,”

1 comment:

Lucia said...

Oh boy! A surprising twist! Can't wait for more!!!!!! Please give me more soon!