Tuesday, March 27, 2007

“So this is what happened to the people,” I said tryng to keep the anger out of my voce.
“I told you,” said Horitori, “He takes their youngness and uses that on himself to make himself younger. His old years go into their bodies,”
“We have to get them out of here,” Jess said.
“We have to destroy Garados,” Kalob said, “There has to be a way that we can fight and attack as well as hold our shield,”
“Faramonifunfablu,” whispered Horitori. “Let your power drain. The spell will keep you shield intact,” We climbed another flight of stairs. At the top was a group of armed trolls.
Griffen through a ball of fire at them. The trolls fell like bowling pins. We charged through before they could attack us. Kalob used the air crystal to create more air for the fire and helped direct it at the other trolls who were coming down the stairs.
“Hmmm, the guardians have made it to the western door,” He watched as an invisible force plowed down his trolls. “Just because I can’t see you, doesn’t mean that I cannot see what the trolls do. These guardians are pathetic. It is completely useless to keep them alive. They will die once I have taken their crystals. It will be so easy,”
“Be careful what you do next I feel Garados scrying on us,” Horitori shouted to me over the noise.
“Where are we?” questioned Mathyus.
“Near the center of the fortress,” Horitori called. The trolls slowly were defeated. For awhile we saw none as we ran down the hall.
“Something is not right,” said Griffen
“There should be more soldiers or something,” siad Horitori.
A loud rolling sound came towards us and the floor broke under our feet and we tumbled through.
I landed with the rest of my friends, all except Griffen, in a cirular cage in the center of a circular room. There off to one side was a round table with a scrying mirror. I looked up and saw Griffen holding onto the floor where it felll away and watched him scamper off. Maybe he could go and get help.
“So you decided to drop in?” Garados came in from another room. “ I was waiting for you. Now give me the crystals!” he shouted.
“Give me the crystals,”
“No!” I said.
“We will never give you our crystals ever,” Jess said.
“We shall see,” He walked off leaving us in the semi darken room.
“How do we get out of here?” Mathyus asked banging on the bars.
“There is no way. I told you this would happened or worse. And worse is what you will get. He’ll pull those crystals froom your chests and kill you one by one,” said Horitori. “ I’ve seen him do it once and he will do it again, if of course, the pulling of the crystal doesn’t kill you first,”
“We mustn’t let him get our crystals,” Jess said to me. “We could use or combined powers to keep him away.
“It won’t work. Your’re inside Garados’s domain. This was meant for us to stay in. There is no way for us to use magic in here unless you want to be fried,”
“Thanks for staying optimistic this whole time,” Kalob muttered.
“Don’t be such a pestimistic Horitori,” I said glaring at him, but he stayed slouched in his corner. I’ve never seen him like this. He was always sleek ans smooth. Now Horitori didn’t seem to want to try. Why? Was he truly afriad of Garados?


Ian Dewey said...

Thanks for the comment you left me. I think everything will go fine too, but support from others is always nice.

Annie said...

Oh I know this has nothing to do with your post but in the movie Flicka the dad is also very cute like the boy. The boy is now on mine and Lucie's list of boys.

Annie :)

Lucia said...

Don't give up yet! There's always Griffen. I think I like him best of all the characters.