Thursday, March 22, 2007

Rain With Hope

Today was so depressing because of all the rain. It was just grey and windy with rain slurts all day. I wish summer would come faster and skip spring over. It always rains and my alergies start to flare. Not to mention that it is always coolish. I think that it should always start out warm but not always gradually, but I suppose that if it didn't do it gradually, than my allergies would be worse.

Nothing special really happened today. I did my usual routine, except at the end of the day I did get to havve a cupcake which we bought at wegmans. I haven't eaten it yet and it is almost eight, which means smallville is going to be on. I guess my day wasn't a total bust. The only other thing that I am happy about is I think I got a one hundred on the pop quiz we had this morning in my history of Japan and China. I also got an A for the essay that I wrote in that class.

I can't wait until it is light until about eight thiryish and I can stay outside until the bugs start to bite. That will be so much fun to be able to watch the sun set very slowly and I will be warm enough to watch it from outside. I also miss just being outside on the swings, or being able to go on bike rides to the library or to where ever.

I can't believe that March is almost over. That means that I have two months left before summer, except I am going to take summer classes after and I think that lasts about a month or so. But then I have one less class I have to take during the normal school year.

Sarah came in and I lost my train of thought, so I guess when I think of what I was going to write, that you will find it on another post. Adios para ahora!


Ian Dewey said...

I actually thought the rain was kind of nice. Don't get me wrong, I would still prefer sun (especially since it's already so wet), but it was really nice having it be so warm. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny I think, though a bit chillier too. C'mon Summer!

Annie said...

I feel bad for all the little kids that have to go to bed when it is still light outside at 8:30, but it is nice in the summer.

Annie :)

Annie said...

With the end of March coming up that means it will be Katie's 13 birthday, yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Annie :)

Lucia said...

I can't wait till summer. I just want it to come. I love swimming, and running, and jumping on the trampoline. I love summer! (I hate bugs, though).