Friday, March 23, 2007

Everyone really began to despise Horitori, especially Jess because I let Horitori stay with us. We came across a village, that was in the way of the evil. It was completely destroyed.
“Let’s look around for survivors,” Kalob said. In the midst of the evil confrontation, he had grown.
Timbers of charcoal fell to the ground startling not only me, but the horses as well. Mathyus stayed with me but being unusally quiet. The two of us came up to the only thing that hadn’t been touched by the rampage. A small shrine devoted to the oracle of life was still standing out of the smoke.
Mathyus gripped my hand.
“What is it,” I whispered. He pointed at the jade alter. Lying amongst ashes was something wrapped in black cloth. I left Mathyus on his own while I went to see what was on the alter. The silver bowl was still hot to the touch, so whoever did this wasn’t too far away. I tried to pick up the cloth, but I burned my hands. Looking around I found some blessed water. I picked up the container and dumped it down on the silver bowl. Steam rose into the air, but that was enough to cool the bowl. I took the black cloth and object which I placed in my bag. Mathyus watched but didn’t say anything to me.
“Did you find anyone?” I asked Jess later that day.
“No one, not even a bit of blood,”
“They were taken from here,” said Griffen.
“But to where?” Kalob asked.
“I don’t know, but Horitori does I’m sure,” A dark silence followed.
“You will never reach them in time. For right now Garados is sucking out their youth and taking it for himself. All of his oldness is put into the people he uses. Even if you do reach his palace, all will be lost,”
“I own’t give up. I promised to my mother that I would do good with these crystals, and if giving up my life is the only way to do that, they so be it,”
“Very well I’ll lead you there, but it won’t be a walk in the park,” said Horitori seriously.
Horitori led us through forest and field, swamp and bog and to the mountain range of death. As we reached one of the highest peaks, I saw Garados’s palace.
“We best get down,” said Griffen.
“Now what?” said Mathyus.
“There is nothing to do. It is virtually impossible to enter Garados’s palace without being fried, barbaqued, skewered, cut down, or grilled. It is heavily guarded and magic is out of the question. He would just sense it and send his minions after you,” Horitori said. The guys started to look doubtful.
“Oh come on. You’re going to give up now after we’ve come this far?” I asked them.
“What else can we do Kel?” asked Mathyus.
“I don’t know but we can’t let Garados win. I refuse to give up this easily,” I said.
“I’m with Kel, lets kick some butt,” Jess declared. We all went down the mountain trying to figure out a way to get in.
“Yes! Come Kel, bring your friends and try to stop me the greatest wizard of all time,” Garados said watching through his scrying ball. “You will fail and I shall rule over all, Mua ha ha,”
We mad a beeling to the edge of the mountain range’s end, disapearing from Garados’s eye.
“Where did they go. I saw them and that traitor just there. They couldn’t have done any magic I would have sensed that. I can only hope that they were bumped off,” By combining our magic with Horitori, we made an unique shield imprnetrable. To think that just six people could out fox Garados the greatest wizard of all time.
“Where in the basalting magic did those guardians get to?” Garados cursed. “I have to get them. I need those crystal,”
We got in his palace through a tunnel under the dungeon. It was dark and grimy. OUr magic lite up the tunnel. Slowly climbing up the stone steps, we made it to the sungeon filled with old people.

1 comment:

Lucia said...

Those poor people! I hope they gain there youth back eventually...