Friday, March 16, 2007

Emergency Brake

On Wednesday I decided that after I did my homework I would pick up dad's picture that he got framed in Pitsford Plaza. I also thought that since I was over there, I could go into Barnes and Noble to get Josh Grobans new disc. The driving went well and I got dad's picture. I had parked near the picture place so when I was done I decided to park closer to the book store. It was then when I slowed down to brake that I noticed that I had to push farther down to stop. It was odd, but I thought nothing of it at the time. When I came back and got ready to go I was really nervous for now the brakes were not working well and the brake light came on. I began to panic because I didn't have any brakes. Luckily I had enough of them to get home and into the garage. That was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. So now we only have one car and dad has it for work, and now I am stuck at home and I can't go to the library. I suppose on the other hand, now I am forced to get most of my homework done. Yuck! Soo now for all those who are going to get their liscences soon. Make sure you know how to use the emergency brake so that at least you have some way to stop. I didn't even think about that. But dad said that they would be the best thing to do next time.


Ian Dewey said...

That does sound rather scary. I'm glad to hear everything turned all right in the end though. Besides getting stuck doing homework, of course.

Lucia said...

I heard a story like that once. That sounds sooooooo scary! I'm so glad you made it home alright!

Annie said...

One time when we were going to church we had like no brakes so we made this joke up that we said whatch out people we have no brakes.

Annie :)