Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tomorrow I get to stay home and sleep in. I don't have any school. But I do have to study for a test for thursday. I only have four more classes left in my spanish class and then I am free for the summer. I can't wait until then.

Today we went swimming at the high school, and I think that a combination of that and the sun has made me tired. My eyes feel so heavy and I want to go to sleep right now, but I can't because I am watching dinner at the same time that I am writing this. To those who know what the hosue looks like, they might think that this is crazy because I have to run from one place to another. I suppose that I do it enough that I don't mind. We are have philly cheese steak sandwiches tonight, which hopefully they will taste good.

Nothing that exciting has happened today, sarah had some friends over and I drove everyone to the pool and then the libraries, which was my choice. All I can say is that with me and libraries, I am like a kid in a candy store. I have to have everything and I can't let anything wait because then maybe it won't be there. See how crazy I am. But this time I managed to control myself and I only got movies out and not any books because I have three that I have yet to crack.

I hope that it cools down because I really feel tired and out of it when it gets this hot. I just want to keel over. Maybe tomorrow won't be so hot.

Monday, June 25, 2007


I don't know about you, but I really want to swim in a pool right now because I am dying in this heat. I could go in the sprinkler if I wanted to, which I think I will. The snow pea plants, in the garden, have snow peas on them. I think on thursday we will use them in our dinner. And after I wrote all of this, KT is making fun of me. Kyo is so mean.

Here is a random thought. For those that I will see on Friday, I have a surprise for them as well as the ones that I see on Saturday, but the surprise benefits me more than everyone else, lets just say that it is more of a shocking surprise. Some, I hope all, will like it, but since it is my doing, no one can stop me. Bwa ha ha ha. Anyway I'm going to cool off.


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Deer Chasing

I got to chase a deer out of the yard all day yesterday. The baby was in our yard that morning and the mother kept coming back to find her baby. I yelled at her, ran after her, chased her with the mower, because I also mowed the lawn that morning, and threw rocks at her. Now I haven't seen her at all. I think that she found her baby or she gave up. This deer was not afraid of me unless I got with five feet of her, and she was big. She walked two feet in front of the house on the grass between the garden and the house. It was kind of scary to see a deer that close. I'm just happy that she is gone, because I think that she is the one that was eating our plants. I really hate deer. If I could hunt them any time I wanted, she would be dead and made into food. It would probably last for months because deer are so big.

Daily Doughnut 4 the Day

Goodnight Fellow Carrots

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

10:45 Jackass Hour

I'm driving home from school and I have my BLINKER on and I am slowing going into the lane after I checked the mirror and looking over my shoulder. Then this jackass out of my view comes into the lane almost right next to me, almost clipping the car in front. He had no blinker on and he buzzed in and out to the other side. I swear that if I wasn't alone that someone might have broken ears for a second. But at least I had some sense just to think it instead of saying it. I did everything that I was suppose to and this guy not caring at all comes in like a crazy idiot. I wanted to strangle that guy so bad. Arggg!!!!!!! I get so frustrated at people sometimes.
For my faithful readers, another part to this ever going story.

We looked in my mother’s books to see if and where there could be two mountains of that description. None of the maps that my mother had told us nothing. All the mountain ranges were too small. The mountains had to be tall because in the picture there was snow all over. That was when I decided to look at other lands besides our own. Maybe my grandparents were from an island to the south or from the fridged land to the north.
“I wonder,” I said out loud, “ If we knew what the ring was made out of, that maybe that would give us a clue to where the mountains are. Which would help us find where my grandfather lives,” I let that idea float around for awhile, esuming my map searching until Kalob spoke.
“ My friend Mallock is a smith. He might be able to give me an answer,” I passed the ring to him.
“Go quickly so we may find my mother,” Kalob raced out the door and took to flight. “I hope he hurries, I have a feeling that something bad is coming,” I mumbled low enough so no one could hear.
After eating, I managed to find enough room in the small house for all of us to sleep. When I felt satisfied with the arrangment, I went to find a piece of wood to create another figureen to go with the other ones that survied the tumble out. Some were broken, but the ones that weren’t to bad I could fix. Unlike the other times, when I knew exactly what I wanted to carve, nothing came to my mind. I couldn’t figure out what kind of animal the wood wanted to be. Instead I found myself carving something else. It started with a small house. Then I found another piece and another. The magic controlled my hands, putting the pieces in place. The small cottage sat in the middle of the village. Tall mountains covered with snow surounded the valley, but at the end were two mountains shaped like eagles.
My carvings continued. Trees sprung up alonf a riverbed that ran out of the valley along its floor. It continued to the sea where sea people lived deep in its depths. The shore was a clean white eith golden flecks sprinkled throughout. I continued to piece together the island until the carvings covered the table. It was as if I was in a trance because by the time Jess came down from the loft, I had recreated out the home land far across the sea.
“Kel, Kel, what are you doing? Jess said, but I couldn’t hear him, let alone stop carving. Then far away I heard Griffen.
“She is under a spell,”
“But how do we get her out of it?”
“We have to wait until she has created all that the spell requires of her,” Griffen replied to Jess.
“What happened,” I said clutching my head. Jess, Griffen, and Mathyus stood around me.
“You were under a spell,” said Griffen. “It looks as if you have created a three dimensional map,”
“The eagle moutains!” I rushed back to the table where the three dimensional map started.
“This is where the eagle mountains are,” said Mathyus.
“Here,” I said pointing to them. “This is my mother’s home. This must be the way to get there,”
“But it would be nice if we had a name of something, so we know where to go from here,” Jess said.
“ The ring is made out of Zarconian metal,” Kalob said bursting through the door out of breath.
“Zarconian metal. Zarconian’s are famous for their jewlry,” Griffen said.
“The island of Zarkesh,” I said. “ Zarkesh. My mother often would say that word, but I never knew what she was talking about. Mostly it was about some spell that needed a plant from there,”
“But how do we get there?” asked Kalob.
“Well in her spare time, Kel made us this,” said Mathyus and we stepped away from the map.
“Here we are and we need to gat across the sea to the island of Zarkesh. Then we follow the river to the valley and to the village,”
“But what are we going to do with Garados. Yes we have him in the obcedian block, but couldn’t he get out?” asked Kalob.
“No one can escape from the obcedian block,” said Griffen. “Only the one who put him in there can release him,”
“Which is something that I am not going to do,” I said. “We have to take him with us,”
“How are we going to get there? If we fly, I’m sure someone will notice. And besides, that would help us get into the city. They have that all blocked off to magic. If spotted, you get taken off,” said Griffen.
“Perhaps we can get on a ship disguised as musicans that are going to entertain the king,” suggested Jess with a twinkle in his eyes.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

More story

I have another part of my story done, for those who have been reading it. I finally have had time to write it up. Enjoy!

Part 3

We decided that flying would be better than walking though the woods, but Griffen, Mathyus, Kalob didn’t know how to fly. So instead of leaving the village right away, Jess and I gave them lesson. So as we started the lessons, Horitori said goodbye and left for his empire.
Jess had the guys in the field. I saw Horitori saddled up onto his horse. I parted from my friends to say goodbye.
“Horitori....., wait,” I called. He looked down from his horse. I rose up slightly so that I could look at his face. “Thank you,” I said giving him a hug. He smiled as I let go. He turned his head and squeezed his horse’s flanks. He disapeard into the woods.
It didn’t take long to teach them how to fly. And in no time we were ready. At midday we took flight.
I was so excited to be going home. I knew that my mother was alive, and if there was any way to find her, it was to go back home. I felt a piece of her alive in myself. If she was gone, than that part would have withered away. But as we got closer to my home, my heart didn’t want to face what I would see. I knew the house wasn’t going to be the same as when I left.
The house was in shambles, the door pushed in. Landing in a heap, I lept up and ran towards the house but stopped at the door frame. Chairs were turned about, the table laid askew with a leg broken. Cubboards were open and the dishes were pulled out broken on the floor. Glass littered the floor. Picking my way through the mess, I made it to my mother’s room. She told me that if anything happened to her, to look under the chinese dragon. Her room was like the rest of the house; sheets and blankets pulled dresser drawers tipped over and clothes pulled out.
“Kel?” said Jess as he and the rest of the guys entered the house.
“Find a chinese dragon,” I said as I began to search frantically.
“A chinese dragon?” asked Kalob.
“My mother said that if something happened to her, that I was to look under the chinese dragon,” My hair flew as I bent up and down trying to search through the items scattered on the floor.
A golden glint caught my eye. In the corner of the room was a golden figureen. It was under a tipped drawer.
“Someone help me lift this up,” I said. “ I see something,” Griffen, Kalob and Jess pulled the drawer up.
Then reaching back, I pulled out a golden chinese dragon. It was a ring my mother wore on a chain. Turning it over I inspected its inside. An engraving said To a love so spirited. The rest was rubbed to much to read except for four letters igBr
“To a love so spirited igBr,” said Mathyus.
“What’s inBr?” asked Jess who I had handed to ring to.
“If we can figure out what letters are missing than I think I will be able to understand what it means,” I said.
“Cleanasio,” I whisperd. The room put itself back together. I continued with the rest of the house until it was all back in order.
I left the guys in the house and went into the barn. The barn was all together. All the animals were gone, but at least the building was still entact.
“Mew, mew,”
“Strawberry?” Strawberry came out of the straw. “My baby. You’re safe now. Hey what do you have in your mouth?” It was a picture of my mother with my grandfather on their mountain home. “That’s it,” Scooping Strawberry up, and putting the picture in my pocket, I ran back to the house.
“I lnow what the ring says,” I said excitedly. “ To a love so spirited is my mother being compared to her mountain home. Grandpa used to tell me about how my mother was as spirited as the mountaind. The lettering spells Big Bear. That’s what she called him when she was little. My mother is telling me to go to my grandfather in the mountains,” They all stared at me.
“You figured this out how?” Griffen asked.
“ This,” I took the picture out from my pocket showing it to him. “Stawberry had it in her mouth. Stawberry gave a mew.
“But where is this place? asked Mathyus.
“Mother said she lived in a velley between two peaks. a pair of eagles she said staring and standing guard at the velley’s mouth,”
Not much of a clue,” said Kalob.
“She never told me any more in case someone else should come to know,” I said.
“Then I guess that we should find out more about the mountains that look like a pair of eagles staring and standing guard,” Jess said.


Today is mulching day and we have gotten six truck loads to cover all of our trees in the back yard. Now I am sore. The only good thing about mulching, is in between drives to the place where we get it, I get to read my book, Wizard Heir, whih apparently is second book in the series. I hope that I can find it in the library because if this one is good, the other one has to be.

The sun has been glorious today. It is just the perfect temperature. Yesterday was terrible. It was just so hot. I went riding and I thought that I would die. I did get to learn how to pull a horses hair. They don't have nerves in their mane so you can pull out the hair by the roots to shorten it or thin it. I might go today to help, but I am tired from all of the mulching this morning, I might just stay home and read, or I could bike to the library. That would be fun.

I have to pick up my shoes today because their heels fell off and I had them fixed. I hope they will work well. They are one of my favorites.

