Monday, April 30, 2007

Last Day of April

Tomorrow will be the start of a new month. My birthday month. It will be also the last year where I can be a teenager, because next may I will be 20. I still think that it is hard to believe that I am almost two decades old. when I was younger I wanted to be older so fast. Now I just wish that I could get younger. Funny how that it is. Maybe that phrase the youth is wasted on the young true.

Today was glorious even if the wind did make the temperature seem colder. In Botany this morning, we were outside looking at the different plants that were around campus. Then we went back into the woods. We would have probably went farther if we all had mucking around boots on. I got to see many trees and plants identified, though I wouldn't be able to tell you what they were unless I had years of sudying. I did learn one thing that I thought was cool. The red berry like things on the maple trees that many people think that are bud, are actually the flower of the tree. So that means that all of the maples in out backyard have flowers. My professor said that they have an orange pistol in the center of them. It makes me curious enough to go outside to look. We also saw Mayberries (I think) or Mandrakes (the name I actually remember), which they are called because when you dig the roots up they look like a man. Of course then I thought of Harry Potter, but the mandrakes in the movie didn't look like the ones that we saw in the woods. What I thought was also interesting about these plants is that when they are in season, they are eatable, but latter on they are not. Apparently when a plant produces seeds, than it is eatable.

Yesterday the front and side grass got tall enough for me to mow the lawn. In some was it was pleasant because I love the scent of freshly cut grass, but my nose doesn't. I was sneezing a bit more than I normally do afterward. I'm like my dad in that retrospect. I got to curse the dandelions as I ran them over and cut them to pieces. Maybe it I left them and then got the weed popper, I could have pulled them up. But of course, I had done weeding all afternoon and I was done with it for the day. If you don't have a huge garden, then you don't understand how much work it is to keep in in tip top shape. I think my back is still sore from leaning over for so long.

The tulips are opening, but there isn't as many as we thought because the d@*$ deer have eaten the tops off. Once that happens, then there is no hope left for the plant to grow another flower. Evil deer. They should be exterminated from my gardens. I call them my gardens even though they are not really mine. I notice I do that to the car when I am driving it. Anyway next year dad and I are going to try something different to keep the deer out, and hopefully that works.

The plum tree, in our front yard, that sits in front of the swing on the porch, is coming into bloom. So the marron leaves will be hidden amonst the cherry like flowers that attract the bees. Which means that sitting on the swing may bring certain death to the kamikaze bees who like to dive bomb you if you get to close to their precious tree. But of course with the bee population keeling over due to who knows what, that might not be such a big problem for people, but for everthing else it might. Hand pollination might occur more often than normal. Ah ha! I did think of one reason why it might hurt humans, less bee barf (honey). Dad told me that it was bee barf and even since then that is what I call honey. It is kind of gross, and I might have made some people grossed out enough that they won't eat it. But that is their problem not mine. They are the ones who decided to read this post.

Enjoy the Sun,


Lucia said...

I hate bees. They're around our maples, and like you said, they attack you everytime you go near THEIR tree. Even though honey is bees barf, I shall still eat it. It's good, so what does it matter, right?

Monkeybaby14 said...

lol! yes it is the last day of apirl! and thank goodness!
no more presentaion PRESSURE!!!


Annie said...

I can't believe that tomorrow is already May, that means 16 day more days until Sarah's birthday, 30 days until your birthday and a month until Lucie's birthday !!!!


Ian Dewey said...

I can't believe it's already May, but I'm glad anyway. Within a few weeks it will be much more like summer than it has been in months, I can't wait.