Saturday, March 31, 2007


Okay Lucie, I read your post, and I agree with you. I think even including myself I want people to do things that I'm not doing. It is so wierd. So after that, I decided to write some posts, and I think I have done three in the last hour. I added another part to my story under this post. You better read it because you will be going nuts at the end. I know I was and I am writing it. I guess I just get emotionally attached to my writing. It's kind of funny. There was this one love story that I wrote which unfortunately no one else will be able to read unless I change some of the content, but I cried at the end when he confessed his love to her. THe sad part was that she couldn't be with him because if she was, he would die. She loved him so much, that she stayed away to protect him. Of course once the villians were taken care of they could be with each other, but still. It was very emotionally for me after I wrote it and reread it again. I guess I am a sucker for romance even if it mine.

I don't think anything interesting has happened to me today either. I did my chorce and watching my morning cartoons and read alomost all afternoon. Of course that means that tomorrow I will have to do homework that is due for tuesday, but hey I needed a break from homework. I think part of the reason I just hung around was because I have been cursed this month when I was hoping to be free until april. I think some people might understnad that, but if not, that is okay by me. Oh Ian, how did that singing go, or was in cantoring at church go?

That night Mathyus began to file down the bars of the cage. It was going quite smoothly actually until about midnight when everything seemed to freeze up. The bars became magic hardened and the file no longer worked.
“I told you that no one can escape this place,” Horitori said from his corner. “Garados can sense your move. He knows what I am saying now. Now I know why I should have never led you here,”
“Yes go ahead and feel guilty for yourself emperor, but whatever you say I will still punish you for going against me. You were very foolish to go against a ten thousand year old wizard,” Garados’s voice rang out. “At least you are being weak unlike the guardians,” Then all was silent.
I sat next to Jess, but I grew tired in the room. Soon I was asleep on his chest.
I woke up in a chair locked into place by magic. I couldn’t move a muscle except for my head. But the room was dark and I couldn’t see a thing. Quite suddenly a bright light came, blinding me temporarily. When my eyes readjusted, I saw that I was in another room. It was square and had no windows. But my eyes fell on a terrible sight. My friends were held against the wall, heads slumped down asleep.
Gardos rose through the floor comanding the lights to turn on. He sent a sliver of magic to awaken the boys. Then he turned and evil eye back onto me.
“Give me the crystal or your friedns will get a love zap,”
“Don’t give him the crystal Kel, you mustn’t give up on your mother,” Jess said.
When I didn’t say anything, “Is that a no, okay,” A small bolt of electricity went down the wire and zapped the three of them. I cringed and prayed that Griffen was going to get help.
“Stop, please stop,”
“Not until you give me the crystal. The longer you wait the more shocks they receive,” What chose did I have but to give him the crstal?
“I’ll give you the crystal,” I said to the disappointment of my friends. Garados let me go so I could give him the crystal, but I caught him off guard.
“Balami Tomba,” I murmered hastily. Out flew a spark that paralized Garados. Then I zapped the magic holding my friends.
“Hurry, Garados is coming to,” I shouted at them. Surrounding him, we trapped him in a block of obcedian. I picked up the small block and put it in my pocket. “Now to find Horitori,”
Horitori was locked in a clear semi-circle. When we found him, he was pacing around the circle.
“How did you get out?” he asked. “Garados swore to me that he got all of you and that you would be dead by dawn,”
“He was wrong about us, but he never thought about himself,” said Kalob. I showed Horitori the obcedian block.
“Now that Garados is trapped it should be easier for you to destroy his spell,” I said to him.
“I think that I am going to need your help. Just because he is imprisoned doesn’t mean that his spell weaken.
There was a clatter and the doors to the room opened. Seven trolls came in.
“We’ll take care of them,” said Jess.
While the three of them battled the trolls, I waved my hands over the semi circle mumbling an incantation, but nothing was happening.
Horitori looked at me. “You need to use more power,”
“We will all have to use our magic,” I said.
“Their’s will not work Kel. Their magic isn’t as strong as what you have,” Swords clashed and temper flared behind me. The chandlier fell to the floor starting a fire. I stood staring at the sphere concentrating all my magic to my fingertips. closing my eyes I blocked out the noise of the fighting. I reached into my soul trying to find my inner strength.
Colors changed in front of my eyes. Everything streched, pulling and pushing until my friends became disoriented and ultimately disapeared. I fell down a dark hole, landing on my knees in a circular room with a door at one side.

“Where am I?”
“Your inner soul,” a voice said.
“My inner soul?”
“Yes, don’t you recognize it?”
“No!” I said jumping to my feet. “I need to get out of here. My friends need my help,”
“But how will you save Horitori. You focused here so that you could find a way to help Horitiori. The normal incantations are not working. You wanted to look in your soul, you are in it,”
“But where is the spell I need?”
“Search your soul, you will find it,”

“Kel,” Jess shouted. At least that is who it sounded like. My head was spinning and I could barely see anything through my eyes. But it looked like a troll was in front of me and Jess startled it, but then I blacked out for a bit.

Through the books I looked for a spell, any spell that would help me set Horitori free.. Nothing came close to setting him free.
“Where is it?” I was agrivated.
“Its not an it,” the voice said.
“What could the spell be?”
“Look inside yourself further,” I thought and found another hole and dove into it. There, in the corner was a little heart with Horitori’s name on it. So somewhere deep inside my soul there was love for Horitori. Touching the heart, everything zoomed and I found myself in front of Horitori once again.
Sitting up, I pulled a same heart from my chest.
“Horitori, this is for you,” my hands went through the sphere and connected with his. I gave him a part of my heart and the spere dissolved.
Suddenly the room began to shake.
“We have to get out of here now,” Jess said.
“We can’t go without saving the villagers,” said Kalob.
“We must hurry,” said Mathyus. A troll spilt oil and the fire consumed it drawing a space between me and my friends. Out of the fire came Griffen with a notched arrow pointed at my heart.

Truly Stupid People 1

A man buys a brand new Grand Cherokee for $30,000+, and has $400.00+ in monthly payments. He's pretty proud of this rig and gets ahold of his friend to do some male bonding with the new ride. They go duck hunting and of course all the lakes are frozen. These two Atomic Brains go to the lake with their guns, the dog, the beer and of course the new vehicle.

They drive out onto the ice. Now, they want to make some kind of a natural landing area to attract ducks - something the decoys will float on.

Remember it's all ice, and in order to make a hole large enough to interest a flock of ducks - a hole big enough to entice ducks to land, they needed to use a little more than an ice hole drill...

Sooo, out of the back of the brand-new Jeep Grand Cherokee comes a stick of dynamite with a short 40-second fuse. Now to their credit, these two rocket scientists DID take into consideration that if they placed the stick of dynamite on the ice at a location far from where they (and the new Grand Cherokee) would be waiting and ran back quickly, they would risk slipping on the ice as they ran from the imminent explosion and could possibly go up in smoke with the resulting blast. After a little deliberation, they come up with lighting and THROWING the dynamite, which is what they end up doing.

Remember a couple of paragraphs back when I mentioned the vehicle, the beer, the guns AND THE DOG???? Yes, the dog. The driver's pet Black Lab (used for retrieving - especially things thrown by the owner). You guessed it, the dog takes off at a high rate of doggy speed on the ice, reaching the stick of dynamite with the burning 40-second fuse about the time it hits the ice - all to the woe of the two idiots which are now yelling, stomping, waving arms and wondering what the hell to do now...

The dog is happy and now heads back toward the "hunters" with the stick of dynamite. I think we all can picture the ever-increasing concern on the part of the brain trust, as the loyal Labrador Retriever approaches. The Bozos now are REALLY waving their arms - yelling even louder and generally feeling kinda panicked... Now finally one of the guys decides to think - something that neither had done before this moment, grabs a shotgun and shoots the dog. This sounds better than it really is, because the shotgun was loaded with #8 duck shot and hardly effective enough to stop a Black Lab. The dog DID stop for a moment, slightly confused, but then continued on. Another shot, and this time the dog - still standing, became REALLY confused & of course scared...

Thinking that these two Nobel Prize Winners have gone TOTALLY INSANE, the pooch takes off to find cover with a now extremely short fuse still burning on the stick of dynamite. The cover the dogs finds? Underneath the brand new Grand Cherokee worth 30-some thousand dollars the $400.00+ monthly payment vehicle that is sitting nearby on the lake ice.

BOOM! Dog dies, vehicle sinks to bottom of lake, and these two "Co-Leaders of the Known Universe" are left standing there with this "I can't EVEN believe this happened to me" look on their faces. Later, the owner of the vehicle calls his insurance company and is promptly informed that sinking a vehicle in a lake by illegal use of explosives is NOT covered on his policy...He had yet to make his first car payment.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

“So this is what happened to the people,” I said tryng to keep the anger out of my voce.
“I told you,” said Horitori, “He takes their youngness and uses that on himself to make himself younger. His old years go into their bodies,”
“We have to get them out of here,” Jess said.
“We have to destroy Garados,” Kalob said, “There has to be a way that we can fight and attack as well as hold our shield,”
“Faramonifunfablu,” whispered Horitori. “Let your power drain. The spell will keep you shield intact,” We climbed another flight of stairs. At the top was a group of armed trolls.
Griffen through a ball of fire at them. The trolls fell like bowling pins. We charged through before they could attack us. Kalob used the air crystal to create more air for the fire and helped direct it at the other trolls who were coming down the stairs.
“Hmmm, the guardians have made it to the western door,” He watched as an invisible force plowed down his trolls. “Just because I can’t see you, doesn’t mean that I cannot see what the trolls do. These guardians are pathetic. It is completely useless to keep them alive. They will die once I have taken their crystals. It will be so easy,”
“Be careful what you do next I feel Garados scrying on us,” Horitori shouted to me over the noise.
“Where are we?” questioned Mathyus.
“Near the center of the fortress,” Horitori called. The trolls slowly were defeated. For awhile we saw none as we ran down the hall.
“Something is not right,” said Griffen
“There should be more soldiers or something,” siad Horitori.
A loud rolling sound came towards us and the floor broke under our feet and we tumbled through.
I landed with the rest of my friends, all except Griffen, in a cirular cage in the center of a circular room. There off to one side was a round table with a scrying mirror. I looked up and saw Griffen holding onto the floor where it felll away and watched him scamper off. Maybe he could go and get help.
“So you decided to drop in?” Garados came in from another room. “ I was waiting for you. Now give me the crystals!” he shouted.
“Give me the crystals,”
“No!” I said.
“We will never give you our crystals ever,” Jess said.
“We shall see,” He walked off leaving us in the semi darken room.
“How do we get out of here?” Mathyus asked banging on the bars.
“There is no way. I told you this would happened or worse. And worse is what you will get. He’ll pull those crystals froom your chests and kill you one by one,” said Horitori. “ I’ve seen him do it once and he will do it again, if of course, the pulling of the crystal doesn’t kill you first,”
“We mustn’t let him get our crystals,” Jess said to me. “We could use or combined powers to keep him away.
“It won’t work. Your’re inside Garados’s domain. This was meant for us to stay in. There is no way for us to use magic in here unless you want to be fried,”
“Thanks for staying optimistic this whole time,” Kalob muttered.
“Don’t be such a pestimistic Horitori,” I said glaring at him, but he stayed slouched in his corner. I’ve never seen him like this. He was always sleek ans smooth. Now Horitori didn’t seem to want to try. Why? Was he truly afriad of Garados?

Joke of the Day

A frog calls a psychic

Recently, the Psychic Hotline and Psychic Friends Network have launched hotlines for frogs. Here is the story of one frog and his discussing with his psychic.

A frog telephones the Psychic Hotline and is told, "You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you."

The frog says, "This is great! Will I meet her at a party, or what?"

"No," says the psychic. "Next semester in her biology class."

Funny Bone

Just as I was about to type this I hit my funny bone. Hence the title of my post. I still haven't thought of a legitament reason for this bone to be called this. It isn't funny when you hit it. More or rather is goes numb and you can't move it for a few seconds. Maybe it is called this due to the fact that everyone else laughs at that person when they hit it. Anyway, all I can say is that it isn't funny and someone should change the name.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Everyone really began to despise Horitori, especially Jess because I let Horitori stay with us. We came across a village, that was in the way of the evil. It was completely destroyed.
“Let’s look around for survivors,” Kalob said. In the midst of the evil confrontation, he had grown.
Timbers of charcoal fell to the ground startling not only me, but the horses as well. Mathyus stayed with me but being unusally quiet. The two of us came up to the only thing that hadn’t been touched by the rampage. A small shrine devoted to the oracle of life was still standing out of the smoke.
Mathyus gripped my hand.
“What is it,” I whispered. He pointed at the jade alter. Lying amongst ashes was something wrapped in black cloth. I left Mathyus on his own while I went to see what was on the alter. The silver bowl was still hot to the touch, so whoever did this wasn’t too far away. I tried to pick up the cloth, but I burned my hands. Looking around I found some blessed water. I picked up the container and dumped it down on the silver bowl. Steam rose into the air, but that was enough to cool the bowl. I took the black cloth and object which I placed in my bag. Mathyus watched but didn’t say anything to me.
“Did you find anyone?” I asked Jess later that day.
“No one, not even a bit of blood,”
“They were taken from here,” said Griffen.
“But to where?” Kalob asked.
“I don’t know, but Horitori does I’m sure,” A dark silence followed.
“You will never reach them in time. For right now Garados is sucking out their youth and taking it for himself. All of his oldness is put into the people he uses. Even if you do reach his palace, all will be lost,”
“I own’t give up. I promised to my mother that I would do good with these crystals, and if giving up my life is the only way to do that, they so be it,”
“Very well I’ll lead you there, but it won’t be a walk in the park,” said Horitori seriously.
Horitori led us through forest and field, swamp and bog and to the mountain range of death. As we reached one of the highest peaks, I saw Garados’s palace.
“We best get down,” said Griffen.
“Now what?” said Mathyus.
“There is nothing to do. It is virtually impossible to enter Garados’s palace without being fried, barbaqued, skewered, cut down, or grilled. It is heavily guarded and magic is out of the question. He would just sense it and send his minions after you,” Horitori said. The guys started to look doubtful.
“Oh come on. You’re going to give up now after we’ve come this far?” I asked them.
“What else can we do Kel?” asked Mathyus.
“I don’t know but we can’t let Garados win. I refuse to give up this easily,” I said.
“I’m with Kel, lets kick some butt,” Jess declared. We all went down the mountain trying to figure out a way to get in.
“Yes! Come Kel, bring your friends and try to stop me the greatest wizard of all time,” Garados said watching through his scrying ball. “You will fail and I shall rule over all, Mua ha ha,”
We mad a beeling to the edge of the mountain range’s end, disapearing from Garados’s eye.
“Where did they go. I saw them and that traitor just there. They couldn’t have done any magic I would have sensed that. I can only hope that they were bumped off,” By combining our magic with Horitori, we made an unique shield imprnetrable. To think that just six people could out fox Garados the greatest wizard of all time.
“Where in the basalting magic did those guardians get to?” Garados cursed. “I have to get them. I need those crystal,”
We got in his palace through a tunnel under the dungeon. It was dark and grimy. OUr magic lite up the tunnel. Slowly climbing up the stone steps, we made it to the sungeon filled with old people.

O Happy Day

The sun is out horray! But now I have to take down the christmas lights that are still on the trees. Boo Hoo! When I have my own house, I will have lights up all year round.

The little brown squirrel that lives next door is hopping around in the lawn looking for something to eat. He is so cute. His little brown tail wriggles when he bound along the soaking grass. He is so much smaller than the grey squirrels. But that is what makes him cute. He just stood up and I saw his white belly. You know what I think is funny, many rodents think that if they don't move, that no one can see them. I suppose that might work for keeping away owls or hawks, but that won't work for humans.

I hope I can get most of my homework done so I can go out and do some errands. That way I can be out where it is warm. sometimes I wish that I didn't have schoolwork to do because then I coud stay outside all I wanted.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Nazca Lines

I came across this topic when reading one of my Alex Rider adventures. I also found this website. I think that they are interesting. They have the same mysterious backround as Stone Hedge. The website has pictures, but I thought that the ones I published below are better.

Check it out!

Humming Bird

Nazca Monkey


Rain With Hope

Today was so depressing because of all the rain. It was just grey and windy with rain slurts all day. I wish summer would come faster and skip spring over. It always rains and my alergies start to flare. Not to mention that it is always coolish. I think that it should always start out warm but not always gradually, but I suppose that if it didn't do it gradually, than my allergies would be worse.

Nothing special really happened today. I did my usual routine, except at the end of the day I did get to havve a cupcake which we bought at wegmans. I haven't eaten it yet and it is almost eight, which means smallville is going to be on. I guess my day wasn't a total bust. The only other thing that I am happy about is I think I got a one hundred on the pop quiz we had this morning in my history of Japan and China. I also got an A for the essay that I wrote in that class.

I can't wait until it is light until about eight thiryish and I can stay outside until the bugs start to bite. That will be so much fun to be able to watch the sun set very slowly and I will be warm enough to watch it from outside. I also miss just being outside on the swings, or being able to go on bike rides to the library or to where ever.

I can't believe that March is almost over. That means that I have two months left before summer, except I am going to take summer classes after and I think that lasts about a month or so. But then I have one less class I have to take during the normal school year.

Sarah came in and I lost my train of thought, so I guess when I think of what I was going to write, that you will find it on another post. Adios para ahora!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Being Left Behind

My ride forgot to get me today, and so by the time I got through the traffic to school I was twenty minutes late. I was completely horrified because I have never been late to a class before. I appologized to the teacher which made me feel better, and I think that he understood. Now tomorrow I have to go to the m-drive at school and find his lecture so that aI can have the notes. Sometimes I think that the only person I can trust is me when going to school, because this has happened three other times, except those times I was left at school.
I was shocked. Horitori in love with my mother. He must be at least forty years old. But than again, he is an elf. Elved live a long time and a hundred year old elf could look quite young.
“I recognized you from the moment we met. Her hair is just like yours; sandy eath color. Your eyes are like your father’s; a deep brown,”
“Who was my father?” I asked him. He knew my mother, perhaps he knew him too.
“He was one of my greatest knights. He loved your mother so much. It madde me jealous to see him with her. But then he left with your mother. I never saw her again. He was one of my only soldiers who were half elf. You have some of those looks; tall slender form and jaw, you are porportioned to use a bow with perfection,”
“Horitori, if you truly love me, you will let me and my friends go,”
“Why do I have to always give up something for my lovers!” he shouted. “I always have to be miserable! This time it is my turn!” he stormed off. I shouted to him.
“She was killed you know by the same people who are after me,” Horitori stopped and turned around. “Don’t you see? We son’t have to fight each other. We should be going after them. If you just let me go,”
“No, you will stay here. I will go and find the ones who murdered my love,”
“Will you free me and my friends now, if you don’t return?”
“You can have the run of the palace, but as far as leaving, that I cannot allow. You will stay here while I go and take control of my troops,”
“I can’t just let you go without me. I want to find the ones who hurt my mother too. If you go, will find a way to escape. It would just be easier if you take us with you. Besides, I have he crystal, I can force you to stay,” Horitori just gave me a sour smile. “It works both ways,” He looked at me with disgust. “I’m sure you can control your troops from here as well,” I smiled sweetly, then I walked back to where I was kept, laughing to myself. It was payback time and I was loving it.
Horitori was having technical difficulties controling his troops from the palace. Something always went wrong with the communications. I took delight in his frustrations.
“Pack up some things, we are going to my troops. I can find out who murdered my love. It will be easier not to deal with the idiots who are having problems interpreting the orders. I will have you friends released, but one false move from you and they will perish,”
I was packed and met Horitori and my friends by the horses that he had readied. With the animals loaded, all of us saddled up. The six of us walked out the palace’s gate and continued walking through the city. The horses made a clippity clop noise over the cobble stones. Soon we reached the city’s gate and it opened on its own. The six of us galloped into the woods.
I was very quiet in the woods. Too quiet. I didn’t hear the usual chatter of the squirrels or the twittering of the birds, in the trees. Horitori didn’t seem to notice.
“Somethings is wrong,” Griffen said, “It is too quiet. We should be hearing the noises of the animals,” Horitori stopped his horse and listened.
“Something is coming. Something big. It feels like magic,” He sniffed the air. The ground shook. A huge head appeared out of no where. Soon there were more. They were giants.
“The war has come,” Horitori whispered.
Animals scurried towards us: rabbits, deer, raccon, chipmonks, squirrels, birds, bears, boars, cats, and just everything. Then in the distance we saw the creatures from Hell.
“We have to get away from here,”Jess said. My horse needed no command. It bolted into the woods without a kick from me.
No matter how hard we ran, the evil kept coming, it stayed at our tails. I was frightened, more for my friends than myself. I knew I could protect myself. At least I thought. I didn’t think that Garados could be that strong.
Soon fire consumed the trail behind us. I licked at the horses hooves. But just as I was about to give up, a river full of freezing water was ahead. Clutching onto Mathyus, who was in front of me, all of us encouraged the horses faster, and the galloped across gratefully. The fire stopped at the edge. It stayed on the opposite bank. The evil stopped as well for evil cannot cross water of any kind. It would disolve them instantly.
I turned back to see an old man stagger out from the evil and the fire. He wore robes of a monk colored black with silver trimmings. The staff in his knarlled hand was smooth as silk. The top of the staff, had a human hand clutching a ball that glowed blood crimson. He stared at Horitori and me with death wrentching eyes.
“We finally meet daughter of Selenia,” he said smoothly. I stood defiantly on the bank.
“You are just as mule headed as your mother,” I still said nothing. He continued. “Those crystals belong to me and I plan to take them,”
“You shall not touch them. They are for good not evil,”
“You don’t understnd the power that you holdd in your hands, do you? You and I could rule together, taking over everything and start fresh,”
“Me, join you, to wreak hell. I don’t think so. I refuse to help create disaster,”
“We shall see,” he said calmly. “Unlike you mother, you trust too much,”
“How dare you talk of my mother like that. She trusted everyone,” I yelled.
“Only when she was with you,” he said sharply. “When she was a guardian, she trusted no one. Not even your father, who by the way, your majesty, turned out to be the perfect one for your loves disaster,” Horitori glared.
“You dare talke about one of my men like that?”
“I dare, He took her mother out of your protection so that when I was ready, I could destroy th thing you loved and to rid my enemy,”
“I don’t believe it. My men are brave, strong, and true,”
“Yess, but they also lie, cheat, and steal, your majesty. Many are on their way now to help me kill you. Many hate you enough. I wouldn’t go back there if I was you,”
“You’re a pig,” Jess yelled.
“What of it, bearer of earth? I don’t care. I came to claim what is suppose to be mine. Your father Horitori was my brother. We grew together and when we came of age, one of us would become the ruler of all the land. Your grandfather chose your father because of his qualities. He sent me to rule where? The earth’s core. As far as he was concerned, I was scumthat needed to be squashed into the earth. OUr father sent for a wizard to dispose of me. I escaped and planned revenge. Now I will get it, but I need the five crystals. They hold the power that I need to destroy all,”
“None of us are going to give you our crystals,”Kalob said.
“Maybe not willingly, but by force, I wonder,” I stiffened. He chuckled at me. “I see that I am not going to get what I want. I’ll leave you alone for now,” Garados left and turned back into the woods. “By the way emperor, I’d watch my back if I were you. Traitors don’t get off that easily,”

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Buenos Dias

Hola! Buenos Dias Amigos. I can't believe that we now have snow again. It was all melted and now there is at least six inches onthe ground. If it was packing snow I would be delighted because then I could build up another snowfort, but it is all fluffy. That stinks. But the sledding should still be pretty good. Last night I saw The Prestige. It is really good with a plot that is always changing and leaving you hanging. The twist is awesome that they have in at the end. Anyone who loves a bit some suspense will like this, but it is a bit dark. That still didn't stop me fro watching it.
I hope that the car is done today, because I have a party to go to tonight and I want to go to the library today too. There are a few things to give back so that they don't become over due. So far that is my life for today, because my day has barely been cracked.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Emergency Brake

On Wednesday I decided that after I did my homework I would pick up dad's picture that he got framed in Pitsford Plaza. I also thought that since I was over there, I could go into Barnes and Noble to get Josh Grobans new disc. The driving went well and I got dad's picture. I had parked near the picture place so when I was done I decided to park closer to the book store. It was then when I slowed down to brake that I noticed that I had to push farther down to stop. It was odd, but I thought nothing of it at the time. When I came back and got ready to go I was really nervous for now the brakes were not working well and the brake light came on. I began to panic because I didn't have any brakes. Luckily I had enough of them to get home and into the garage. That was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. So now we only have one car and dad has it for work, and now I am stuck at home and I can't go to the library. I suppose on the other hand, now I am forced to get most of my homework done. Yuck! Soo now for all those who are going to get their liscences soon. Make sure you know how to use the emergency brake so that at least you have some way to stop. I didn't even think about that. But dad said that they would be the best thing to do next time.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Homework Complaint

I have way too much homework to do, and most of it is reading, but if I want to have fun on the weekends, I have to do it all week long. I have som much on my list that I want to do friday, that it seems like that will be impossible. Just looking at the list makes my head hurt. Well at least I got one thing done this night.
Sometimes I wonder why teachers always assign so much homework. It is like they think that you only take their course so they load you up. Some teachers are better than others, but still. I know I probably won't get any sympathy from anyone, but a girl's got to vent sometimes and online seems to be a good enough place to do it. Especially since the ones reading this could not read it if they don't want to. Ramble, ramble, that's me, a rambling, pathetic person loaded up with homework.
“When will you bring that girl to me?”
“When I can find her,”

“She slipped out of your fingers once. Some how I find it hard to trust you to find her again,”
“I will master, I will find her and bring her to you along with the guardians,”
“I give three days. If you prove to be incompetent, than I will find a way to give you your punishment,”
“Yes master,”

“Send out the Tree Slurpers, we are going to find the guardians,” said Horitori to one of the soldiers.
“Yes, your majesty,”
“I have three says to find that girl and I cannot afford to fail again,”

The walk through woods was as boring as the last woods that we walked through. But for some reason there was something not normal about these woods. It was as if someone or something was watching us as we moved. A crow cawed and flew out of a tree. Griffen stopped walking with a finger to his lips. I looked around but nothing was moving. Griffen brought his bow and arrows out and stood ready to fight. The bow that I aquired through the previous bloodshed was notched. Jess unsheathed his sword along with Kalob. Carefully we walked forward looking around every tree.
A crackle in the leave drove Griffen’s attention to a unusual cluster of trees.
“Something is not right,” Griffen whispeard.
A tree branch whipped out and grabbed Griffen by the arm, flinging his bow and arrow to the ground.
“Griffen,” shouted Jess just before a tree grabbed him. I shot an arrow at the tree. But it didn’t penetrate the bark. Mathyus was picked up around the waist. He squirmed through and fell to the ground to be prompty picked up by another tree. Kalob hacked at a tree near him, but was too ensnared in the tree branches.
“Well well, what do we have here, a bunch of rats caught in a trap,”
I knew that voice all too well. “Well your majesty,” I said not turing around to face him, “You seem to have an odd way of finding us, but for what reason, I have no idea,” I turned around glaring at him with my bow drawn.
“You don’t want to shoot me or ‘snap’, the trees can break there necks,”
“What do you want?”
“I want what my master wants, the crystals. Hopefully you’ll give them to me and instead of my master getting them I’ll keep them and you for all eternity,”
“You’ll have to fight me first,”

“I don’t have to do that,” he snapped his fingers and a tree picked me up, but I didn’t g o down without a fight. But all that became of it was a bruise as large as watermelon and being bound for a long journey back to the elven realm, where I learned the truth about myself.
I was kept apart from my friends and Jess. I think it was those long days in seclusion that I found my true feeling about him. That first kiss we had, I think was on lust, but now that I had nothing else to do, Jess was on my mind all the time. I missed being able to be with him, to be able to talk to him when ever I needed to say something that was on my mind.
Horitori came in one day, I have no idea what day it was for I never saw the sun or was allowed outside.
“It is a sad thing not being able to be with the one you love,”
“What do you mean by that?”
“You can’t figure it out by yourself?”
I looked at him with my arms crossed.
“When I was young my father said that sme thing to me when I couldn’t be with my love. Unlike you, my love would never come back. She reminds me of you. That is why I have loved you ever since I laid eyes on you,”
“Who do I remind you of?”
“Your mother,”

Friday, March 9, 2007

More Snow Versus Warm Weather

I wish that there could be more snow, but the kind of snow that is packy. I want to build up my snowfort. It is becoming see through in many places. But on the other hand I want it to become warm. I want wear my new skirt without my legs getting cold.
I guess I will just have to live with the cold for now and wait until it becomes warm in another month or so. I think I will live until I get cabin fever.
The air grew smoky and caught in my throat. I coughed and stayed low to the ground so that I wouldn't breath it in. All I heard were screams and animals screaming in fear. My head felt heavy and I couldn't focus My vison was blurred and spining. I collasped my breathing haggered until I blacked out.

I don't remember anything. Someone took me to a tree and laid me there. I came to and saw the burning village. Animals were running everywhere and people were fighting the ogers. Someone was next to me, but my brain was still foggy. But then something gross was shoved under my nose. The smell took over all of my incoherent thoughts.

"What the hell happened," I said with a start. Griffen was stooped down in front of me with that vile smell in his hands.

"They were using gas bombs that affected elves,"


"Elven blood runs in you, thus the bomb will make you weak and the enemy can capture you,"

"The only person who could want me,...Garados," Griffen nodded grimly.

"We can not just stay here and do nothing. That's my village," Kalob shouted.

"If you want the whole oger army to know that we are here, go ahead, but there is nothing we can do. With there tremedous power and sneak attack, we are helpless. Our magic won't work on them either for they are under a spell. All we can do now is leave this place,"

Griffen led us and what part of the village people we had out of the village away into the night.

"Do you have any idea where we are going?" Kalob said to Griffen who was already in a bad mood because we had extra people with us.

"Just leave Griffen alone," Mathyus said.

"Why should I squirt?" Kalob said pushing Mathyus out of the way.

"That's enough," said Jess, who was at these point raving mad. A green glow came up and around him. Slowly vines wound there way arounf Kalobs ankles. "Just shut up, or these vines will suffocate you," he said fully irritated at Kalob for pushing around Mathyus.

"Fine," grumbled Kalob rolling his eyes. Jess let him go, but his anger was still flared.

When Kalob was out of ear shot, "I can't stand him. He thinks that he is the only one that matters," said Jess to me.

"He is upset that his home is gone, and that there was nothing that he could do about it.

"Still, he doesn't have to take it out on us,"

"You know, I wonder how Griffen knew that I had elven blood in me. I didn't even know, but it seems like Griffen knows everything about me,"

"He is strange," Jess said.

When we came to another village, we left Kalob's people there. Kalob wanted to stay, but we wouldn't let him, or rather the crystal wouldn't let him.

That night we camped out at the edges of some woods. I looked out over the grass land.

"How are we going to find Garados," I asked myself. But luckily that question would soon be answered.

Friday, March 2, 2007


You Are a Lemon Cake

Strong, sexy, and overpowering.

You know who you are, and you're not afraid to show the world your fabulous self.

You're confident, charming, and extremely popular.