Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rainy fall, colorful umbrella

It is raining all week and I am going to be wet at school. Or more to the fact that my my backpack will be wet. I need to get a bigger umbrella so that it will cover my computer. Maybe I will find one that is really funky with lots of colors. I saw one at waly world that was rainbow colors. I think that when I go back to school I will get it.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Dilly Dallians Strike Again (dilly dallying meet starswars)

Today is a glorious day in the land of dilly dally, where all the dilly dallians(just me) are facebooking and blogging pointless things when I should be doing school work. The weather is pleasant outside for the few hours in which I have walked out to go to my next class. Soon I will have to leave again so that I can meet my advisor for school. Maybe he will be a cool guy. I think that I will start to read some homework now before I get off my beautiful derrire.

Monday, September 15, 2008

New Friend

I have made a new friend today in my 357 history class. Her name is Christine. Now I know three people with a variation of the name. We are both laptop geeks. Right now we are sitting in the library "so called" working on them if that is what you call it.

Finally I have become toasty with my body temp. I go from freezing cold outside to boiling hot on the inside. My last class was the worst. Tomorrow will be even more worse than the last one because it is in Hartwell. That building, I swear, has the windows nailed shut. So it is pure torture to be sitting in there for and hour and a half. They could have air conditioning on in there with the temperature that it is at right now. What is it going to be like in the winter?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sometimes I wish that I had a printer that hooked up to my computer so that I would not have to wait for a computer that was open. I have to print out homework for my class on friday. I might just have to go downstairs and wait for one in the line so that I can have a turn.

Today I put all of my syllabi together so that I could see when everything was due on a month to month basis. It worked out really well because now I can plan on when I am going to start working on papers and other project type things. I gave myself enough time so that I would not have too many running into each other. I think that for three of my classes the essays won't be that bad, but it will be the other one with the evil teacher that I am worried about. I think that they will be harder. At least all I have to do with hers is to send it through email. That means that I will not have to worry about the printing problem.

I have been watching the guys working in the library. They are doing something with a snake. They put it into the walls and fanagle with it. There are coils of different colored wire. But I think that they are done now because I don't hear anything except my music. That is one thing that I notice. Everyone had ear buds on with their ipods. What I find the most annoying is that friends will be talking to each other while listening to their music. The socialization skills are bumped down. How do they manage to comprehend and act on what the other is saying. I know when I try to do that I have trouble listening to both at once. Maybe that is why everyone here seems to be standoffish.

Well I am going to go. A computer with a printer opened up and I want to get it before someone else does.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Blog Loneliness

I think that I am the only one who writes on a blog anymore. I don't get any comments like I used too. But of course I haven't done much of myself for writing comments. I think that facebook took over that.

School is the same as it was the first week, though I have met a new friend. Her name is Delisia. I am not sure about the spelling of it, but I just have to add a d sound to katie's friend's name up the street and I have it. Well I should get back to my schoolwork.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Archie Comics

Go to
Everyone in school will get a kick out of it.