Sunday, August 31, 2008

If My Nose Was Running Money

I heard this when I was out in Wapak this summer. His play on words are great. Hope you enjoy just as much as the audience did.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Third Day Of Classes

Okay, now I am feeling somewhat depressed because I haven't been able to see my best friends in the whole world for about several weeks. But hopefully that will change. Sara is suppose to come tomorrow to see me. We are going on the town for her birthday, but I think that it is going to rain on us. That won't be fun. Well then this friday I get to go home and ride horses. Plus see some friends there who haven't started school yet. I am bummed out about that. But any who, I have to get going. I want to stay ahead in my reading for my classes because I have so many pages to read. Talk to you all later.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well I think that I am going to have a few awful teachers this semester. I could tell from the first moment that I laid eyes on them. I am going to be knee deep in work all the time from the reading load. A memo to all those who take history classes, never take three in one semester. If I balance myself out I could be okay. I hope! Well at least I finally figured out how to get online in the library. It was being a pain earlier when I was here. I am going to leave everyone with a horror shock about how school is with all the work that they show you the first time and driving around. That part is not so bad. MCC students are worse then here. Got to go. Talk to everyone some other time.


Friday, August 22, 2008

School Starts

I don't want to go to school next week. I want to be able to have another week of summer like the rest of my friends. But sadly that is not to be. At least I know where all of my classes are. That is a relief. I just need to remember where to part. I have a resident parking pass, even though I am I commuter. They didn't look to see if I was staying at the dorms. I'm not for this semester, thankfully. I might have to find some other place to stay eventually, but I don't have to worry about that until later. Well I am going to go and get something else to eat.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Rollback,Broken Jumps,Skin Chunks,Snogging

I did the best jumps in the entire universe today at horses. Snake was so happy after the harder jumps. I did a rollback and a broken jump. I liked it a lot. I wasn't actually sure if I would be able to do those jumps, but I did. It was really fun. I am getting to be really good on him now that I have been riding him all the time.

Yesterday when I was helping dad scrape the paint off the house, I jabbed the scraper into my finger. So now it is a pain in the finger to type and I have to be light when I hit the 's' button. I think that It will scar because it is a v-shaped cut. Oh, well. I will live. Now my left hand will be the scar hand.

But the biggest news would be that I have been snogged yesterday. And I will leave it at that.