Sunday, April 22, 2007

Soldering Copper Pipes

This weekend was so beautiful! I'm so glad that the weather finally got warm enough to wear shorts and no jackets to accompany them. I think that even though this weather is wonderful and has lasted for a few days, it will apparently get cooler with rain. Now I only found out about this from the morning news. I hope that the weather will pass us by so I can have more warmer weather.

The only remotely interesting thing that happened this weekend, was that I got to learn how to solder copper pipes together. I didn't actually do it myself, dad did, but if I had to do it, I think I would be able to do it again. Our water pipes that we use to get water on the outside of the house were leaking, to start off with. It was the back faucet that wasn't keeping its seal. The gasket was either broken or too hard to hold the water. Dad and I pulled off the gypsum board off and had to trun off electricity to get to the wall where we could pull off the insolation and get to the faucet. The most annoying part was trying to pull and twist the faucet off while dad was using a blow torch to heat the solder off. Of course we had to solder new copper together and put it all back together. The next thing was the pipes in the garage that hook up to the faucet on the garage burst at the seems. dad found the first one and got it fixed, but when another on was found we just got a new pipe. So now we have to wait until tomorrow until we can put it together because we have to get another faucet, and the place where my dad got it at isn't open on sundays. All of this just to be able to use the water faucets and then the hoses to water the gardens. That is all have been doing all weekend besides running he and there grabbing tools dad needed. Man I was do beat by the end of the day on saturday that I thought that I wouldn't be able to get up in the morning for church.

If any of you astronomy lookers saw the moon this weekend, I think you would agree with me in the fact that it was beautiful. I really thought that It was absolutly gorgeous. Venus was also up in the sky according to dad. I know from past experieces that Venus is very bright.

I hope that after I turn in this paper that I will have time to type in the rest of my story. I haven't done it in awhile and I'm sure Lucie wants to know what is going to happen next. I just hope that this fix up will be okay and get a good grade. I did everything that my teacher said that I should, so I'll just pray that I have the right words.


Annie said...

This weather is great. It was so nice to go to church with out a fleece or coat.


P.S. The only thing I don't like about the weather is that in my room and Aidan's room on the third floor we get all of the bugs like grass bugs aka stink bugs and bees so we always need some big boy to kill it so I always get Ian to kill it.

Ian Dewey said...

That's me, Mistah Bug-killer. =D