Thursday, April 5, 2007


In ancient times, four crystals were created by the god Clessifer. They were used to create life; on to make earth and its plants, animals and people. The second for making fire and to be used for light. The third to create water on the land, to make seas and oceans, finally creating sea life. The fourth was made to create air for the people and animals to breath.
But then diseas came and began to destroy life. Giants came to kill, evil corrupted absolutly leaving people living in fear.
So a fifth crystal was created to destoy all evil. But th gods couldn’t come down from the heavens to weild its power. Only a human could.
But the crystal itself was too powerful to let humans use. Many died when the gods asked them to.
The gods needed to create an ultimate human who could withstand the power of the crystal. The gods created five wizards to control all the crystals hoping that they would be able to save the world.
The wizards did in turn save the land, but when all was done they still wanted the power that they once had. So they stole the crystals and changed their names to Kaw, Craven, Jabba, Mayvo, and Garados.
But the gods cought wind of their plans and stopped them by sending and angel. The angel came down and one by one defeated the wizards, in turn collecting the crystals. When defeated them all, she was rewarded by becoming the bearer of them all until she could find four others.
No one on earth knew her name or where she came from, but they respected her. On her travels she became friends with many people. Through each person she learned many things; how to love, trust, respect, and to be in peace. By knowing the people, she was able to pick out a bearer for each crystal. One from the elven land, the bearer of earth. One from the philosopher and theologian race; the Zargon the learned, the bearer of fire. One from Castile; the enchanted folk, the bearer of water. One from Jarna; the air born people of the sky, the bearer of air. But in doing so she became earth bound.
No longer could she fly in the heavens and ride the clouds. She was forever to stay on earth until another head guardian was found.
She lived in peace for a long time with the guardians, but because she was immortal she watched them die until she was the only one left.
But staying on earth until a new head guardian was bron was like a curse to her. How would she be able to find ones worthy of such honor?
Many years went by. She stll searched, but couldn’t find anyone worthy of becoming a head guardian. But traveling around in search of a guardian gave her a great joy that would never have happened if she was in the heavens.

Love, she fell in love with a halfling. He was half elf and half human. She met him in the Forest of Ganar. He had been hunting when he fell in a hole, twisting his ankle. She saw hi hobbling, leaning on the trees, wincing in pain. So she went over to him.
“You need help,” she said in a calm voice.
“I agree. If you take me to the edge of the forest, I will be able to get my horse.
“I can heal you now if you wish,”
“Please,” he said wincing again.
“Ahbe rume tebe labene,” she uttered softly. An orangish light appeared from her hands and flowed around his ankle, finally sinking into his skin. “There, that should do it,” she said.
“Thankyou,” he said. “How may I pay you?” he asked.
“No need,”
“But there must be something. I know, I will take you to the elven city. We will be celebrating the coming of spring. If you’ve never seen an elven festival this will be a treat,”
“I’d be delighted,” she said.
So he took her to the elven realm where she began to fall in love with him.
It wasn’t long until she had her first child. They moved aay from his homeland, living on a farm near woods. The child grew to be a strong girl. It seemed like everything was perfect.

They spell didn’t destroy Garados. It only prevented him from being able to be in a life form. Being sent to the graceyard left him with only a spirit to move around. So secretly he escaped hoping to be able to pass as a life form.

Even though they had everything they wanted, Lessionia and Gebri were far from having everything perfect. Lessionia loved Gebri with all her heart, but she couldn’t trust him with her secret, and Gebri didn’t like it. He knew that their was something about her from the very begining, and he didn’t like it one bit.
Lessionia saw how he drew away from her each day and she couldn’t stand to live without his touch and love. So she brought out the crystals. The minute that he saw them, Gebri began to plot on how he could obtain that power. That was when Garados came to him.
Garados knew that Gebri was power hungry so he devised a plan. Possesing Gebri was easy for he had a weak mind, but trying to convince Lessionia to give him the crystals was another matter.
Lessionia became suspicious about Genri when he constently talked about the crystals. But by the time she figures out what had happened, it was too late. Gebri was corrupted by the evil and she had to kill him.
In looking through her readings, Lessionia remembered that therre was a way to exterminate the evil inside a person when they became possesed, but to do so she would need to find a blue elixer of pilk. Pilk was pus from a ooze and slime, a cheatal hair mixed with a frog leg counter clockwise. All Lessionis had to do was give Gebri a drink of it and the evil would be gone. So leaving her child in the care of her family, she set out to find a blue elixer of pilk.
The blue elixer of pilk was a very rare and only made by the people of the Creetah Pass; a tall mountain range in the south. People of the Creetah Pass loved shiny objects. They would make mirrors out of the shiny metal that was found in the mountains. Their mirrors were well known for showing the handler their true desires. But once you began seeing your true desires you wnated more of them until you became utterly greedy.
Lessionia brought her grandmother’s mirror to trade for the elixer. She didn’t want to because it was the most precious thing she owned. But what else could she do? She had to get the evil out before it took complete control over Gebri.
Lessionia recked through the valleys, swamps and flood plains to the southern mountains. Once she entered the mountain range the Creetah Pass was just about a mile inside.
The snow blew and began to pile up causing drifs that moved making ti hard to walk. Wind blew off her hood ans she had to hold onto it to keep it from coming off. She needed to find shelter soon or the cold would kill her.
Then a light. It shown through the snow. Lessionia hurried as fast as she could through the drifts, but the light seemed to get farther away. Lessionia stumbled through. Her stride getting slower and slower. Her eyes began to droop and she forgot about how cold she was. All she could think about was going to sleep.
Lessionia woke up with her ankles and wrists manacled. She couldn’t see very well, but she could feel them chafting. The foggyness left her eyes, leaving vertigo. All the room did was spin and spin. Lessionia flopped over onto her backside groaning. She had a huge bruise on her hip.
Someone came into the room, but she was unclear because of the spinning. A sharp pain ran through her arm ans she grew tired, falling asleep once again.
The second time she awoke, she was well to understand that she was in a cell. Sitting up Lessionia took look at her surroundings.
A small bared window opened up to the sky, but when she managed to look out of it, all she could see was the ground below and the mountain range beyond. Slowly her grasp slipped and she fell scraping her arm down the brick, stone wall.
Then the wooden door rattled. Someone was opening the lock. The door opened and gave way to a tall bald jailer.

“Get up,” he siad in a gruff voice. But when Lessionia didn’t respond, he came in and picked her up by the collar. “I said get up,” he said to her face. His breath smelt of sour whiskey. He let her down and Lessionia hobbled out of the cell. Her chains rattled as she walked down the long hallway. People cried out to her as she passed. The guard smacked them back telling them to ‘shut up’. Leesionia kept her head straight and her face motionless. It kept the guard’s mind on the others because she wasn’t causing any trouble./
The guard led her down an ill lite hallway that was only lit at the end, which gave the hallway eerie shadows on the walls. At the end was a door. The guard opened the door pushing her through and locking it from behind.
The room was like a hall unto itself. The only light came from the center where a chair sat, backed turned. The manacle around her wrists were taken off.
“What do you want,” a hollow voice said from the chair.
“I’m not sure to waht you mean?” Lessionia said.
“You want something that I can give,” the voice said.
Lessionia thought for a moment.
“You want to know what is going on and where your crystals are,” Lessionia immediately put her hand to her neck. All the crystals were gone. “I have them,” the voice said hanging his hand over the chair arm. The five crystal dangled there on their chains.
“How did you ge them?” There was a pause.
“You were vulnerable. I can take anything from one who is vulnerable. It is my nature to take from those who cannot protect themselves,”
“What do you want from me?
“You know where Garados is and you know how to retrieve him,” He tossed to crystals to her. “Bring me Garados and you shall live, otherwise you will be killed,”
“You cannot kill me,” Silence again.
“You will bring me Garados or your daughter will die,” Lessionia’s heart caught in her throat.
“As you wish,”Lessionia managed to utter.
“I have to blue elixer of pilk. Go back and save your husband, but then come back with Garados,” The door opened and the guard came back again. This time he led her out of the place and outside.
Lessionia came back to her house to find it a mess. Gebri was gone. A note on the table was all he left saying that he was going after their child.
Lessionia hurried to her parents house not knowing what she’d find. She prayed to the gods that nothing happened to her parents or her child.
When she got to her parents house, she found them sitting on the front porch. Her mother was peeling potatoes and her father was snapping peas.
“Lessi, we didn’t expect you to come hoe so soon,”
“Where’s Kel?”
“She’s inside,” Lessionia dashed inside to find Kel inside playing on the rug. Lessionia scooped her up and cradled her.
“Oh Gebri, your just in time,” she heard her mother say. “She is inside with Kel,”
Lessionia fled the room and out the back. Then she ran down the path which led up the mountain side. She had to find a place to hide.
She reached the escape tunnel and dived into it with Kel, closing tht door behind the tow of them. Then she began running through the tunnel. A scraping of wood ans stone brought her worst fear.
“Lessi, I know that your in here. Just give me Kel and nothing will happen. Garados needs Kel to use the crystals, and I know how to get them. All I have to do is call them,” Lessionia kept running even as he said those words. Suddenly she felt the crystals trying to break free from her grasps. Lessionia concentrated hard, keeping to stay close to her. She stopped when she was far ahead leaving Kel behind a rock hanging. A few feet ahead she stood waitging for Genri.
“So the maiden has decided to listen,” Closing his eyes, Gebri began to chant something under his breath. The crystals again began to rise up off of Lessionia’s chest.
“Convolsion,” Lessionia shouted. Gebri was caught off guard and began to twitch as he fell to the ground. Lessionia found the elixer and quickly gave some to Gebri who silenced once it entered his stream.
“Gebri, its me Lessi,” she said when his eyes opened.
“Lessi, I’ll love you forever,” he said giving her one last kiss. A whoosing sound rang out and a floating blob appeared above Gebri’s head.
“You’re too late. The elixer was too late. Once he wakes up he will still be my minion,” Then Garados spirit disapeard. Gebri began to stir.
“Give me Kel now,” Gebri shouted almost strangling Lessionia as she bent over him.
“No!” Lessionia shouted back to him. Using th crystals she slammed Gebri into a rock wall. She ran to pick up Kel and continued running down the path.
“I’ll find her Lessi. I’ll find Kel,” his voice echoed off the walls, “ and when I do, she’ll die,”
Lessionia continued to run until her legs burned. Then she collasped on the other entrance with Kel in her arms five miles from her parents house.
Lessionia hid herself from Gebri and the other man who wnated Garados. She didn’t want them to find Kel or the crystals. Gebri was dead to her now. She had been too late to save him. The evil consumed him and corrupted him to the darkness. She would never be able to be with him again. And with all that went. Lessionia forgot about capturing Garados to the strange man that captured her once before.


Monkeybaby14 said...

ha ha ha! i commented! lol


you happysssss???????

Lucia said...

Hey, now the first part makes A LOT more sense! Poor Lessionia! And now I know who Kel's father REALLY is. . .