Thursday, April 5, 2007

Evil Snow

It is april for heavens sake. There isn't suppose to be snow. It is not suppose to be twenty degrees outside. I am not suppose to freeze my butt off! Go away snow! I want spring. First the flowers get eaten and now the snow comes and freezes. Old man winter doesn't want to give up yet. I want to be able to walk barefoot on warm grass and run around in the sun. I don't want to have to stay inside and wear slippers because my feet get cold. I would love to invent something to take this snow away, but I suppose if I do that then the ground wouldn't get water and we need water. (grumble, grumble)

Do you know what is the most aggravating, when you lose your train of thought. I hate that, which is why I am complaining about it because I had something to say and now it is gone.

Okay, now I am going to write something positive one here. I guess I can start off with my day, though nothng exciting ever happened. I did my normal, went to my classes and hung out with my friends. The only thing different was that I brought the computer to school, and Leah and I watched Howl's moving castle. And by the way, if I haven't said this yet, Howl is drop dead gorgeous. Yes I know he is an animation, but he still is cute. The best thing is that his voice is of one of my favorite cuties, Christian Bale. ( and yes I know he is thirty years old, but I don't care. His accent is way too sexy not to. If you feel uncomfortable don't read this line.) Sarah has to be a pain and is critiquing me by making fun of that previous line. She is so mean. I don't do that to her. Here I go again and start complaining. Maybe I should make a vow not to complain for more than one time on here, that way I won't drive everyone else crazy. I am practically driving myself crazy right now.

I wish it was warmer and that there wasn't a cloud cover because then I could go out and look at the stars. They are so beautiful. But of course it is a really rare day to be able to see the stars because Rochester is the second most cloudiest state in the country. Go figure. Washington state is the first. I also think that Rochester is the third or fourth rainiest city in the country. That just makes it more depressing to be here, well at least for those who are used to sun and warmth for most of the year.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I hate the cold too. On Easter I am going to wear a dress, but no tights and I am going to be freezing.
